Page 31 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 7, 1969 PAGE 7 SIN lOR SPOTLIGHT BY DAVI SAMPSILLI FORIIGN STUDINTS Chris Recker comes to WMC from Cologne In West Germany. Chris Is 23 years old and lives off campus. He took EngUsh In high school and his major In a German University was Engl1sh. He first came to this country three years ago and traveled in the part of the U.S. DAN JANCZEWSK!--5', 185 lbs., Salisbury, Maryland Wilmington, Delawarp Catonsville, Maryland Offensive co-captain of Wico- Endearingly known as Polock This year's co-cap- derenstve mico High School; in the heart of or Albino, gentle Dan is another tainis climaxing a career that be- here, he wants to see as much of America's Chicken Country, high school co-captain, from Con- gan, in reality, at Loyola H.S. in America as possible. After he is "Bozie" ts an extremely approp- rad High School. (He is sun Baltimore, where Reese letter- finished school he wants to teach in riate choice for this position. The closely tied to home. As he so ed and captained football and base- Germany. Chris has an excellent command only uncertainties surrounding eruditely puts it, "I like a big- ball, made ALL-MSA, and was of English, but since he lives off Bruce are his weight and-his social chested girl back there.") Playing elected President of the Student campus he has difficulty getting in- status. Concerning the former, this as a 155 lb. tack'le , Dan made All- Body. Here at WMC, Rick has im- rock-hard quaterback has been State, attracting the eye of all the pressed all who know him both on to the swing ofthings. He expre s s- rumored to occasionally come college rootoeu factories. Natur- and off the gridiron and diamond ed the desire of visiting as many within 10 Ibs , of his listed 190,but ally choosing WMC, "Whitey" has (he has iettereo roer umestnbass , American homes as possible. If he usually hovers around a svelte gained 30 pounds as a result of ball). A Phys. Ed. majorwhowants any student who has met Chris, 200, with Coach Jones' blessing. magnanimous Mr-, Rice's dining to coach someday, Rick emanates would like to invite him homefora As tor his social status, Bruce's hall fare, and developed into one weekend cr a part ot a vacatton.reet most consistent recor'd-breaktng of the superior defensi ve ends in the determination and concentration. free. performance Is unofficial: most conference (I968's Defensive Play- He has been lauded by a teammate with more pain than passes shot down by co-eds, car- er of the Year.) Janczewskt dis- for "playing player." He holds the any other eer. His ornctal'marks are equally played his talentsasafreshmanat: Terror record for interceptions in impressive: In only three and a A) halfback (made history as the one game; he is undoubtedly the most aggressive tackler on the team. Coach Jones states that Rick "certainly has more desire than any recent player" and a certain Miss Wagner is prone to agree. Respect for Rick is all-pervading: his fellow Bachelors have select- ed him President of the First Floor AA; ROTC has picked him as a leader of the Special ActionTeam. Watch for i26 on the field. He is Fr-om Brittany, In France, quality. comes Isabelle d'Hauchourt to the Western Maryland campus. Her major is English and after spending a number of years in England, her arrival in this country on August 20, of this year pr-esented no prob- (Continued from Page 6) tern in adjusting to the Ianguage , Her first impression of Ameri- ca was the heat of New York City. e d it in for a touchdown. An in- Western Maryland to her is "par- terception led to another- HJC adise". Isabelle's hobbies are score, ano suddenly it was 30-6, sleeping and climbing trees; As Harford. for what is ahead in the future she Another WMC touchdow n chang- Is still undecided. ed the score, but not the results; WMC 14, HJC 30. When the Terrorsfirsttouch- ed the ball at SU, they went in to score, but SU capitajtaed on afum- Pi Alpha Alpha n-aterruty cap- blocking and tackling. Then sev- ble and an Interception to tally two tured its first intramural football eral weeks before the openinggame touchdowns of their own, and the championship since 1955. It was with Gamma Beta Chi the offensive Betes. score stood at 14-7 at the half. a longtime coming not only In years and defensive units were molded Despite this disappointment the We were still very much In the but In the sweat andeffortputforth Into shape. The offensive line fea- Black and Whites rallied and won game. by the team and coach. They were tured strength primarily with the next four straight; three of In the third quarter the teams justly rewarded, however, not only Glenn Wiggs, Harry Horz, Kim which were shut-outs, a feat un- traded scores and we were still through the recognition as champ- Cutler, Phil Miller, and Jack Hot- equalled in the league. The E.D. in striking distance at22-13.Then ions but also by a celebration spon- loway. The blocking back posi- independents, the. Bachelors, Susquehanna broke loose. They on a 52 yard pass play, clicked sored by the infamous "Club tion was fiIled by Danny wj lsnn anrj and the CarroU County Accidents Btjou" of Downtown Newark, New George SheUem. At quarterback were victimized by scores of 7-0, and WMC returned with a 51 yard Jersey. The celebr'atlonwas !If C'- coach Wright started a young un- 9-0, and 14-0 respectively. The TO pass. There were two more ed by the Bijou's directorG. Wayne proven prospect for which he had Black and Whites finished wUh scores, both bySU, and the Terrors Hopworthy, who Incidentally doubf - high hopes; these hopes were weU a 19-6 victory over the MacLea went down to a 48 to 19 defeat. e d as the team's mascot and spir- placed for D. I. Mohler led the ttuat advtsor-, team with the poise of a master. in~:t~:~lt;'coach Wright stuck to .. --------, The Esquire .An?eio ~ After a hard 'night's buffoonery The corps of receivers conststec his basic offensive alignment; as at the Bijou early in September, of Kevin Fried, Mark Stevens, Bu- the season progressed he Introd- our mascot, having consumed a cky Paper, Brian Chaney, Dave ~~:yds. variations from his basic Barber Shop Italian disproportionate amount of Bali Newkirk, and Billy Dayton. Hal wine, ran through the quad The defense was intact from The team looks forward to next Dining~oom extolIing the team's invincibility. previous years; moreover, coach year when everyone will return Earle H. Brewer, Prop. Determined not to allow Pi Alpha Wright beefed It up with some with the exception of Senior Kevin Marvin J. Brewer, Prop. Alpha to be ridiculedforthisfool's newcomers and tactical Innova- Fried and when that champlcn or Hair Cuts By Appointment 85 W. Main St. idle boast, coach Mike Wright ttons to combine a strong rush with law and order Earl Schwartz will Phone - 848-2820 or 848-5220 Westminster assembled his team and put them a fast and agile pass defense. The be studying medicine and rot rate- 58Jh W. Main Sf. through conditioning drills and defensive line consisted of Glenn ing the "Club Bijou." Westminster, Md. 848ยท2848 drills on the fundamentals of Wiggs, Harry Harz, Dannywllson,
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