Page 30 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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1 P Af;E 6 THE GOLD Delaware and Macon Gallaudet and Mt. Trounce Terrors by Bernie Pfeiffer by Greg Barnes November 1 marked the start of the second half ot this year's The Western MarylandGrldders ball In himself from five yards.out, account for the disparity In scor- cross-country season for WMC. flndthemselvesridingafour-game In the fourth quarter, Whlmseecap- Ing. The Terrors did show some But.the eleven day break since the losing streak as they prepare to lta Hzed on an Interception by IIne- flashes ot reatty good play. Whenhe Loyola meet seemed to have visit MAC powerhouse Junlatathis backer Michael Hunt and moved had the time to throw the ball, QB hurt the team rather than helped Saturday. After nearly upsetting the ball 73 yards for the TD. Bruce Bozman managed to com- them. Calvin Putt flnlshedsecond the huge Delaware Valley squad, Bozman hit his tight end Roy ptete nine of nineteen passes. The for the Terrors ;beh1nd the out- the Terrors returned home to be Brown for this tally, With the rrr st touchdown pass to Randy standing Gallaudet runner Terry walloped by Randy-Macon, 61-13. score now at 14-13, Coach Ron Klinger was a thing of beauty. Lundborg. The next WMC runners The Terrors made perhaps their Jones decided to forego the talented The ball just managed to stick across tne line were Paul Restg- best effort of the season at Dela- toe of Tom Mavity and, rather to Randy's outstretchedfingertips. nato In sixth and Bernie Pfieffer In ware Valley. TheWhlmseedefense than settle for a tie, ordered NUmber two quarterback Jtm Yates eighth. facectanoffenslvellnethataverag_ the two-point conversion, The managed to gather his coolin the On November 4 those who saw ed 230 pounds per man. No one on ball was given to tailback Fred face of a vicious pass rush and the meet saw perhaps the strongest Jim Duncan and John Skinner. the whole WMC squad weighs more Laurence, who headed off around to complete half of his passes, team in the conference, Mt. St. contender the Mason-Dixon than that. Delaware Valley did all the end, stopped, and passed to Jim and end Charlie Bowers, his Mary's, place nine runner-s ahead championships lor to be held here the scoring In the first half, But Roy Brown. The pass was Incom- partner on a touchdown pass in of the first Terror, Calvin Plitt. November 22. Paul Resignato Leading the parade was Bill finished thirteenth for the Terrors. - Lyons, breaking his own course He was followed by John Skinner record of 22;16 with a 22:05 in fourteenth and Jeff Bell in clocking. The Mount showed why fifteenth. they are the class of the conference • The next meet for the Terrors with a tremendous display of depth. will be home November 8 with They should be rated a strong UMBC. JV FOOTBALLERS CAN'T END STREAK by AI Shafer The JV absorbed consecutive did a repeat performance and fin- losses to Harford Junior College is ned scoring in the half at 16-6, and Susquehanna University on HJC. October 23 and 27 respectively to In the first half the Owls were extend a losing streak to seven able to run almost at will against games over two seasons. WMC, but once again the defense At Harford, after a series of came out to play ball In the second right from the beginning of the third ptete, DVCscored once again in the the final seconds of the game, fumbles between the two teams, the half. However, it wasn't In the quarter, the Ter-ror-s started to waning moments 'of the game. leave confidence in the status of Terrors broke on top, but the snap cards for the Terrors to win this work on this fourteen point defici- Safety Arn Hines piled in to block next year's squad. Although the on the extra point attempt was one. A low punt was overrun by the ency. The offense took the kiCkoff the point, but time ran out on quick senior center Tom Morgan tumbled, and HJC went ahead cover-age and an HJC player escort- and marched 69 yards for atouch- the Terrors. The final score was injured in the game, Tom shortly afterward 8-6. Then they (Continued on Page 7) down. 9B Bruce Bozman ran the was 20-13. \ "3-M" Brown proved to be a Rick Diggs, a recent transfer to capable replacement. It is usually tailback, was the workhorse of the customary not to award any otherwise lukewarm WMC ground Player-of-the_Week honors in the attack. Rick carried 17 times and face of such defeats, but the racked up a four yard per carry coaches felt that defensivetackJe Opening Saturday, November 8- average. as offensive lineman of Tom Mavity had played a great Tackle Ken Bowmanwas game .and so gave him this week's selected the week. Keith Porter earned honors. On one play, Mavity defensive player of the week honors managed to submarine through the VILLAGE front The to face Randolph-Macon In world's smallest to be recovered The the second time this season. for up Yellow jackets line and trip to Hoffa returned Howard Stevens for a loss. Ter-ror-s John fullback, Field Seaman, appears of a Parent's Day crowd. by the entertained The fans were and ac- phenomenal halfback running of Yellow from his ankle Injury. John had some fine kickoff returns, Jacket cumulated 21 yards in his only two Howard Stevens, MUSIC but were disappointed by the carries from scrimmage. If the In spite of the 61-13 outcome. themselves Terrors can salvage thattheTerrors initial Impression they will have a psychologically, totally by were simply outclassed the Macon squad, bad br-eaks, also good shot at taking their remain- Ing three games to have a winning in- HALL Vielen Dank ••• and mental mistakes juries, Leon and Zippy iformer Movie House, Main St.) by AI McCoy recoro eveneotnetr The 'rerrors f70jt JVame fjJ~ rE~ flJalwwlwy JV"~ at 4-4 Tuesday with a strong win soccer career. This is truly an feat but we knew all the amazing over Mt, St. Mary's. This was time Ron was capable of great Ron plans to opening night-- preceded by victories over Lycom- things. across Next year Atlantic Ocean. ski ing, Dickinson, and Gallaudet. tha aon" Athey once again came Next game is against a destitute through with a strong performance Gettysburg team and if all goes The Time of Your Life as he scored three goals in a span well it should be vtnstant dastruc- for those anti-blobs of three minutes to lead in the 5-2 from tion" coming soon-- vtctor y, Gene Lindsay contributed Pennsylvania. are two games after the There a goal and three assists. A special thanks to Leon and Gettysburg contest and there is Zippy, our two most devoted fans. a good chance we could win both These fine young gentlemen have ct these games and finish the Bob Brady and the Con-Chords been at all home games cheerIng season with a 7 and 4 record, which ain't bad. the team on and riding the oppos- Saturday, November 29 ing players into the ground. campus should be in for fans on All you devout soccer a big Once again RonP.kepthisstring alive as he has not had a goal treat this Saturday so come out and watch us win another one scored against him in his entire for the Zipper.
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