Page 35 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 35
SIEGMAN'S Let's Get It Straight TEXACO SERVICE WE'LL mUST YOU DO YOU BELONG? 39 Manchester Ave. [Even If You're Over 30J QUESTION: I don't take much stock in going to church. What good are sermons when a fellow needs a friend? If a man keeps W..udaater TI I-NII the Golden Rule. isn't that all the religion he needs? ANSWER: Yes, but he must be sure he knows what it really TBIACO RA. VnLINJ! says, and how it ought to be applied. GABOLlNB OIL Student Charge Accounts are invited at For instance, suppose yout--------- Columbia Jewelers, and there are so many were taking an important test would that men should do to ways to develop a meaningful relationship and were afraid you would fail. ~~~' i~Ot~: ~::n :~dt~~:e:::~:~~ THE TOP HAT DRIVE·IN with us - like Keepsake Diamonds . Famous- If someone slipped you the cor- ets." In other words, the Gold. Brand Watches and Gifts. Wild Charms, rect answers, would he really en Rule contains all the moral from only 88¢ ... Pierced Earrings for girls be doing you a favor? Or, if teachings of the Old Testament, DINING ROOM (or men with highly individualistic traits). your positions were reversed, including the Ten Command- COFFEE SHOP Come in and get your shopping jollys at the would you feel that you were merits. Do you keep them? FOUNTAIN store that was chosen from all of America's SUBS Jewelers as "Brand Name Retailer Of The ~~~~i:~n~i:epa~~l=e~s~~et:i~ cla~~~~h~~~o~~lde~~~~~a;~~; Year" . friendly, little old Columbia Jewelers way? law of God's Kingdom. Do you in the Westminster Shopping Center. .You see, the Golden Rule belong to that Kingdom? Christ presupposes that you know made the entrance requirements RT.140 5 MILES EAST OF WESTMINSTER' what is best for yourself and very clear to a man named Nic- your .neighbor. But a sinful odemus who came to Him se- man cannot know this and It cretly one night: "Except a therefore cannot apply it. man be born again, he cannot WTIR y;.,A LIT r CLEANERS& was Christ Himself who gave see the kingdom of God." No one is a member of that King- this Rule, and if you really UI u.1 So •. ~.ler Sireet, :A~!E:!RS :~~~ o:~ ~~~~';:gi~ar~~e~.ust ~t~ :i~~~rst~:~aS!i~;. i~n~rr~ AM-1470KC der to live by the Golden Rule own Let's look at Christ's • TAILOIWCG DRYCLEAJIIING FM-Stereo LAUNDI!IIfNG· Storage &: Lblen Rental Senie.' " words (which, by the way, you must first be born again, and that means receiving Christ I Gum_t as your Saviour from sin, and were part of His Sermon on l!errice for Slud.. t.i III WMC SIa_1 ~Ier the Mount!): "Whatsoever ye 1 obeying Him, Think about it. WESTMiNSTER M.... lay Ihroach FrIdo7 For free booklet, "WHO Is A REALCHRISTIAN?"write to lUARYLAND, ':00 O'doct UalU 3:00 O'doct DoII7 Box 327, RIDGEFIELD, N. J. f116S1,1>EPT -. G: B
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