Page 33 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 33
The Gold Bug NOVEMBER 21, .969 Petition Subject Of Open Women's Council Meeting At the IniUaUon of the recent- em does awaywtth all securrtyoro- prImary concern of the WRC now, Iy formedWomen'sRlghtsComm- blems, for as they pointed out, Is either to get the support of a Ittee, a special meeting of the wo- "With the keys, anybody could substantial percentage of theWMC men's Council has been scheduled come In with the girl." women, or to prove in Women's so that the proposed curfew ando- Because the admlnlstrattondo- Counc1J that they already have this pen house regulations can be cis- es not wish to give Us posltlon at support. expecfally on the Issue of cussed. The meeting, on Monday, this point, it would appear that the the key system. November 24, w1l1 be open, allow- tng all women to express their op.. Intons for or against any part of the I1st of proposed changes which co- I Gold Bug Editorial mprise the WRC petition. The discussion of the WRC pe- Women Students Demand: tition was originally scheduled for Tom Blair, Julie Kline, and Charlee Williams appear in "Collision a regular Women's CouncU meet- I. Unlimited Curfew Course" from December 3-6. ing on Monday, November 17. The There should be unlimited curfew in the form of WRC had hoped for the adminis- the key system with parental permission for all wo- Daily Non-Communication tration However, Dean November men of second semester freshman standing and above. by decision Laidlaw 19. Explored In Absurdist Plays was unable to attend that meeting II. Sealed Bvelope System of a "sealed envelope" long enough for the petition to be should There be installation discussed since she atso ptannedto show ski movies that same night. system based on an honor system. When a woman This led to the rescheduUng of the signs out overnight, she places her blue overnight "It's so unreal, and yet It's aspect of yourself that you may special meeting on November 24, so real ••• " proclaImed Beth never have exper-ienced before. because Dean Laidlaw had previ- form in a scaled envelope which she turns in to the Trott. one of the players Involved Through these plays, you learn ously told Tracey Beglfn, one of the dorm office. When she returns to the dorm, she may 1n the presentation of vcoutston about yourself as an tnctvtduet,» WRC members, that the admlnlst- pick up her scaled envelope. TIle envelope may only Course." When asked of Its appeal to the ratton-s cectero» shouldbedeferr- Under the dIrection of Max campus, Bob Whitney rennec, ed unUi the petttton was discussed be opened by the dorm office in case of an emergency Dixon, the Dramatic Arts Depart- "You wIU definitely come and go, at Women's councn. The Dean has in which the woman needs to be reached. ment will present from December not'only entertaIned, but with many said that this would be advantage- 3-6 «contsron Course," a sertes thoughts. It's a new stage exper- ous to the WRC because she would Women arc 011 their honor to obey their parental of twelve. short avant garde plays i8:Dce." then be able to gIve President En- overnight permission status. designed to Intrigue and unsettle TIckets for the performance at sor the women's arguments. This !11. Curfews its audience. In the words of Ed- means that the women will have to ward parone, "The plays were 8:15 psm. in Alumni Hall, Under- walt unt11 after the Thanksgiving Curfews for first semester freshmen and women be wlll stage on for one sale written on Impulse and attempt to break for the administration's de- who do not have key permission should be 12:00 Irnplnge dIrectly upon their aud- dollar. ctston on the petition. Thts devel- midnight Sunday through Thursday and 2:00 am renee wUhoutthebarrlersoftntell- opment led Tracey Beglln to com- or preconcep- 'Free U.,' New Concept ect or manners ment, "Once aga1~ when students a- Friday ;1I1d Saturday. This should be done with the uons." In Personalized Learning ctively try to Improve their envi- provision that there will be ;1 volunteer office worker Reality through Absurdity ronment, labels, and disprove their apa- for the increased hour, if needed. not Im- the slow--If thetic With emphasis on the theme of Begins Second Semester mobite-cworking s of the adminis- !V.Open House non-communIcatlons, "Collision tration have delayed progress." A new concept in education is go Course" presents scenes of west- Ing to happen second semester. It Although the proposed changes The following changes should be made in open ern society In everyday life- por- is called EXIST, Experiments in were originally Incorporated into house rules: traying tts reality through absurd- Studies and Teaching. EXIST stri- a petiUon, the Women's councn A. Women's Residence Halls may schedule open tty. Despite the occurence of con- will discuss and vote on eacnmdi- ver-satton throughout the plays, few ves for learning through the true vfdual point. By discussing each house independently of the Dean's office. ideas are actually shared between communication between people as point separately, a betterlndlcaU- B. Hour's for open house will be set by the Dorm characters, and of these, even opposed to the present de-person- on of the amount of support for the Council in accordance with the residents' wishes. educatlonalsystem._ Which alized fewer are understood. This pro- studies will be offered are entirely proposed changes w1llbeglven. As blem exists in all facets of Amer- up to the students, since the Idea two women students, not on WRC, C. Notice of the open house must be posted two ican l1vinp;--from the articulate, is completely dependent upon the said of the petition, "Signing the days in advance. renowned personages portrayed support of the student body; U petition because you agreed with in .. stars and stripes" to the there is no interest, there will be one part of it made ltappearasth- D. Open house may be held on Friday and Satur- average ctttzen portrayed in ough you agreed with all of It." day nights. «waneerrns,' no course. of EXIST Is the E. The uniqueness The cast for «ccntston Course,' lack of pressures resulting from the T~:t~~~t c~~tr~~%S~~l;;fntt~: There is no need for a Dorm Council represent· wblch includes Tom Blair, Steve points which the WRC considers ative on each floor. Grant, Bob Harris, MargU Horn. grades and credits which exist In Important, the extension c.f F. There is no need for open doors. the standard education. university JulIe KlIne, Beth Trott, Bob Whit- Learning Isachlevedforlearnlng's neyandCharleeWllUams,belleves sake. The co-ordinators of EXIST !~:l::'r:~~:~~Om~~ls~~~~~ :I~~ Effective: December 1, ] 969 that this play wtll be a unIque are working with the conviction ond semester freshman standing or The GOLD BUG supports the above proposal drawn up experIence, not only tor Western that no reallearningcantakeplace above, The WRC feels that after by the Women's Rights Committee and urges prompt admin- Maryland. but alse> for themselves without a student's personal inter- as individuals. Each member pr est. The purpose is entirely for :':I~ldf1:ta;I:~~~:;th~I~I~!~~~~.~ istrative approval. It is the position of this paper that the the cast Is In four different plays, gaining self-achievement rather rews." One WRC member'sargu_ granting of equivalent rights to women students is long over- Therefore, each member must than for recognition of learning. ment for this point Is based on the due. change his personallty four dif- Anyone Is free to develop his own ferent Urnes. When asked about IUe styles by foilowlngthe courses ~1~1~~c~h~:~:;~:;::t:g~:u~~~r:~ Although it is necessary to provide secure living facilities the difficulty in thIs endeavor. both he is Interested in. her unltmlted curfews, while the for women students, this need should not supersede their Beth Trott and Bob Whitney ag- The atmosphere of formal led- reed that "it was emotionally ex- ures is nonexistent, having been cO~I::e,~;cs no~~s' also relled right and need for individual freedom. The key system will hausting. Because each play takes replaced by a seminar situation on the argument that after a one in no way endanger resident hall security and will provide place in a short span of time, It where students exchange ideas. year test, -the key system has had women the freedom to set their own hours. The ability of Is at a cllmax all the Ume." More diversified courses are of- Therfore, each actor must be tot- fered, courses which interest stu- ~; ~:~~:iZo::eO~~~s~oC:e~,e~~~ women students to set their own hours should not' even be ally involved as a person in each dents, and yet courses which stu- as sophomore Joan Winkler and se- questioned during the consideration of this proposal. play •. In order to estabUsh an dents are presently unable to In- nior J1ll Vinson, have expressed The GOLD BUG admonishes the administration to be adequate atmosphere in which to clude in their curriculums. A- atta1n this Involvement, the cast mong the suggested courses are: :~~e;:o~~:~~ek~~~:gmt~~ce;~f~~~ attentive to the cry of the women and make themselves avail- has a relaxation perIod before V.S. Viewed From the Outside, gIrls, and that more people comIng able· for exchange on the proposal. It is our hope that the each rehearsal. Black - White Confrontation, Ex- Though each play Is seemIngly perImental Education, Free Sculp- ~':n~t;r~dtt~O~~::~~~~g~:,k~~;~~~ Women's Rights Committee proposal will be in effect by absurd, Beth Trott explaIns, '!In so did not agree that the key syst- December 1. many of the roles, you find an (Continued on Page B)
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