Page 34 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 34
PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 21, ]969 Student Immaturity Mars Under Grad Drive for 'Responsibi'ity' Exams To Replace GRE The issue of student responsibility is becoming of increas- As of October I, 1969, the Ed- ing importance on this campus. Recently, a number of stu- ucattoaet Test\;lg Service wUi not dents were .chosen by the SGA to serve on committees which make the Graduate Record Exam- previously had only faculty members. The new open house ination avatlable for Institutional acmmtstratron. This means that policy for men's dorms has been greatly liberalized. The new it wUi no longer be given as closed door policy is an indication that the administration is part of the Western Maryland pre- becoming more aware of student rights. An ad hoc commit- gram. It has been given early In May for many years. More- tee, the Women's Rights Committee, is presently trying to over, the Educational 'I'esttng Ser- liberalize Western Maryland's archaic, double-standard curfew vice has announced that the Grad- Examfnatlcn rules for women. The administration still has a tendency to uate Record ONLY to under will be avanaote grad- channel problems into Western Maryland's infamous pigeon uates who are applying for admiss- hole (the complex committee structure-El.C, ACCP, AAC, ion to .:\",.~.. '-l'1 scncot, and Oll the specified dates and at the soect- ad hoc committees, etc.). In this way, important issues are fted centers whtch have been es- shelved for indefinite periods of time. Then, in traditional tabl!shed In various parts of the country. Whimsee fashion, a decision is announced after weeks of A new test, called the Under- "careful study and review." Nonetheless, the administration Curious Inequality graduate Record Examinations, is becoming more receptive to changes that give students more wUi be available for such institu- tional use as we have made in the responsibility. Equalize The Curfews past of the GRE. These Undergrad- - There's only one problem: are the students on this campus uate Record EXaminations are not designed for purposes of admis- ready to accept this increased responsibility? The evidence by Bryson Popham sion to graduate school and no indicates that they may not be. Damages in dorms a~d class- At presst1methe campaign toUberaUze curfew has not yet been transcript w1U be avaname for rooms have become common. Library books mysteriously decided. Ultlmatefalluretopasstheserequestswouldrepresent a rauure scores on these tests. disappear. Signs are stolen from Rouzer Hall. Equipment in ~~;~::~ft;~:.headministrat10n,afa1IUreWh1Ch is at once unreasonable Seniors taking the new testsw1l1 be evaluated In comparison with the gym vanishes. Faculty members are becoming increasingly a wide range of abilities and apt- disgt.untled when they see the condition of Memorial Hall tu~sc~~i:u:o~e!u!i ~x~~~~:; it!i;li~~~rr~~i,Ma:n~:~~~c:~tl~; :~:I~;:~~ nudes ~,1 a department, rather than seniors who, for the after students have been studying there during the night. ~~u~~:~';;~; t~:y ;;~~~~' ~:~n~~I~~:~~~~~~~~C~:e~i~~~~,c:;:r:~II~dc~~= most part, Intend to apply for These immature and irresponsible acts of vandalism are not rewed and have an open house policy which Is little short of VIctorian. admls.<:\oilbgra<1uate school. mere pranks; they reflect an irresponsible attitude that is ResponslblUty Is the keynote here. Now isthe Ume for the administra- The next test date is December unacceptable on a college campus. It's pretty hard to recon- tion to realize that women of college age possess Sufficient maturity to 13, and applications must be re- deal with their own problems.fnoughnot ajways to solve them. Of course ceived at the office o! ETS at cile the desire for greater student autonomy and responsibility personal problems wHi arise, but who wlll have to solve these problems Princeton November 18, o avoid with activities that reflect discredit on the student body. when a women leaves W.M.C.? A valuable asset which may be gaIned a penalty fee. CopiesofappUcaUon This problem was discussed at a recent Student Life Coun- from college Is the responslb1l1ty of the individual. Let us hope that the blanks are available in MemorIal cil meeting. The point was made then that this is a problem administration will recognize the importance of this asset. Hall 301. which requires a change in attitudes. Many students seem to ----------------------------- feel that damage to college property, for example, is a minor Letters To The Editor offense, that it's something that should be accepted. This attitude is expressed in numerous other ways-de's alright to drop cigarette ashes on rugs or knock holes in walls. These Balconies and Revolution Frats and I was lucky enough to get four attitudes are certainly not pervasive, but they do exist. If To the editor: pieces. We noticed as we return- To the editor: students are willing to accept more responsibility, they should While marching down pennsyl- ed to get more chtcken that the BecauseT was quoted by Mr. chicken was disappearing faster Popham in last week's GOLD BUG be just as willing to start growing up. .by Jerry Hopple ~~~~n~:e~;~~~~i:~I:~~~u~~~~~ than we were taking it.When I went In my typically subduedlanguage,I Several hundred of us flashed the back to get what proved to be my would lIke to express my thanks to peace slgn--no response. They last helping of chicken, I saw the him for such an honor and clarify The UN- silent Masses appeared were too good for us because lady behind the counter placing the my pos1Uon. Although not quoted unaffected they correctly, It was close enough, but by the sit- on plates chicken and puttmg It uation below. They let the pollee under the counter. when words are taken out of con- The Great March on Washington proved that the government take the risks, the flying bricks I got the last piece of chicken text, much of the intent of the has anew volcetolistento.A voice more powerful and far more and bottles, the hate, whlle they which was vls!ble. and when we speech Is lost. representative than any existing lobby. The voice Is that of the sit In their balcon1esfar,far,from What I want to say is simple--the un-silent masses; the voice of Mobe. the revotutron-v-or are they?? confronted the gentleman who ap- fraternity system at Western "Power to the people" was the crythatled many conttneents Think about It, you bastards sit- peared to be in charge, he told us Maryland is a poor copy of an im- to the Washington Memorial and the people meant it. Never be- ting up there. there was no more chicken and to perfect thing. But there are some get out. He said he was going to fore has the government been faced by so vocal a plebiscite. The author of the above piece call the State PoUce so we sat down who are working within the system The government must learn to Usten to the plebtsctte, The ple- contends that balconies,, to await tnetr arrival. After a to try to improve it. Pi Alpha Alpha biscite must not fear to express itself. cause revolutions. period of roughly fifteen minutes, it Is trying to become involvE\ji in all i'The Sl1ent Majority" has lost Its place in the government of John Sloan was evident that the man had been aspects of campus and community the country by default. No group can rule, or even express itself, WMC's PMSL. Ufe, as 1 also safe! at the orienta- by silence. Silence is a mandate for nothingness and it neglects blufftng. We approached him to ask tion meeting. We rar from per- any responsibUlty that the people have as a check on their gov- All You Can Eat what he was going to do. Hegreet- fect, but we try. 1 sincerely hope ernment. ed us by call1ng us "punks," once that the SGA wtll be strengthened, In order that the people can express their will freely there To the editor: again telUng us to get the hell out. and more activities are sponsored must exist a free and open atomosphere. An atomosphere in Have you ever been real hungry The amusing part of the meal and attended. which demonstrations such as the Great March on Washington and happened to pass a restaurant was when he told me we were just Moreover, I believe that a strong can happen. Such an atomosphere is destroyed by such wi~ch- that displayed a sign in front say- taking advantage of him. He said SGA and large independent student hunting tactics as the recent government announcements that an ing, "Fried Chicken--All You Can that the only reason we came was body wlllforce the fraternity sys- investigation Is going to be made of the Mobe leaders to see 11 Eat--64~"? Well, this very thing to eat a lot of chicken. Then what tem here to accept Its respons- they were involved In any "conspiracy to riot" plots. happened to me and five of my was the purpose of his advertising IblUty to the college and the ·com- It is scary to see soldiers on the streets of our cities. It is friends. "All You Can Eat"? munity instead of solely existing scarier to suddenly reaUze that those soldiers are commanded On November 18 we went to the It Is for these reasons that we, for itself. If this self-centered by a Commaner-in-Chief that supports a Vice President who Carroll Plaza C afeteria where this the undersigned, feel thattheCar- attUuQe changes into one of respect says the communications media is irresponsible and hints at offer was made. After we entered roll Plaza Cafeteria is not worthy and cooperation, as it Is on most of your patronage. It Is evIdent that possible restrictions being put on the press. the cafeteria and receIved a breast I this gentleman is out to make his other campus, the fraternity sys- It is highly unUkely that the United States Government will of chicken each, we noticed that a money through misleading adver- tem w1l1 be a valuable asset to this become a police state, but already the pressure Is on to stop lady removed the "Chicken-All tisIng and so don't give him the campus. Unfortunately, I must future demonstrations and to make the press be gentle. If this You Can Eat" sign from the front satisfaction of luring you into his agree with the formerDeanRobln_ pressure is continued, if the aura of fear and distrust grows, ot the cafeterIa but that couldn't son when he said that he opposed encouraged by the government, the next march will not be peace- affect us for we had already pur- cafeter~a on a false pretense. fratern1Ues as they are here. They ful. MQbe wUl be forced to be more than a voice. It wUl have to chased our chicken. George "Chip'.' Snyder probably wlll not last much longer become an arm and a fist. And this is just what the un-Silent This was really lantastlc, thIs Kent Smith Robb Smith majority does not want. deUclous. chicken and just think- Gary Kalber ~lt:e~nd; n~!I~h~~ge~:I~~~~:t:~: by Mik, Shull, all you can eat. Well, we all went RogerWhlte Francis SUllivan, Pres. back for seconds, a few for thirds, Max Zimmerman PI Alpha Alpha
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