Page 27 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 27
THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 7, 1969 PAGE 3 Graphics Show Haight-Asbury Refugee to Open in Gallery One to Appear in Alumni Hall Fleeing from Halght-Asbur y (which sometimes seeps up to John Blair Mitchell will open a with a mountainous collection of' WMC), Michael Hunt's show has one-man show of graphics In Gal- comic hooks and Bob Dylan tapes, yet to find a sponsor. lery One on November 16. Michael Hunt has descended upon Having provided the basic Dr. Mitchell 15a leading Balti- the fall' city of Baltimore with his facts about Michael Hunt (except more prlntmaker as well as twelve-string and a giant goardful for his draft board status which I chairman of the art department at of talent. Thus, through the contact was not given), perhaps some Towson State College and graphic that some Whim see people have things might be said about Michael art Instructor at the Baltimore with the world outside the bustling Hunt the entertainer. A real en- Museum of Art. He has studied at metropolis of Westminster Mich- tertatner is what he is, for he does the Pratt Institute and received the ae l -Hunt has been per-suaded by more than just sin~ and strum. It B, S, and M. S. degrees at Colum- S.O.S. to putin an appearance here. has been commented that the man bia University and the Ph.D. degree Michael Hunt will appear on Thur- is rather funny, even to the point at New York University -. sday night, November 1~,onMain- of being slightly mad. Thus, all His prints, which are chiefly stage. of us Whimsee students should feel colored etchings, show a great No ordinary wandering mlns- some sort ot camar-ader-ie wtth hirn technical knowledge andskillwhile trel-typa is Michael Hunt. He left because there are few of us up here sUU retaining a charm and mys- Haight-Asbury because suddenly who can claim to have full possess- tery about them. Mitchell does not that was the place all the hippies ion of our sanity. Mtcnael ts a mas- seem to prefer anyone subject but "were supposed to be," and arrt-, tel' at his art of amusing madness does have a recognizable form of vee in Baltimore in his blue jeans and his art of performing; every- theme in each of his works. His and flannel shirt. He had made the thing he does up on stage is seem- main skill lies in making these rounds of underground radio sta- ingly without effort. To experience forms and colors become vibrant tlons and coffee houseswhenhewas one of his performances is to move and alive, offered a show on the Infamous "Id-, along with Michael Hunt In his The show will be on display iot box". His show is called "Your moods. They range from folksy through December 6 in the' Fine Tonite" anc It's on WEAL-TV, sort of parodles to senstttve yet in- Art BuildIng on the campus. The Baltimore on Sunday nights. Now, tense statements on the many as- public is invited to attend the don't all of you jump up and say pects of our society. show's opening on November 16 you haven't seen it because ace- So bring your blanket and a dol- from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m, In Gallery ________ ===:!!!.... "_d_ln~g;_to_th_'_l'_t'_'_t _inf_O_
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