Page 28 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 28
I': I :' '.' <,:\-\. ..... R.J. Raccoon's Change With f~::~1Country Music Hour ~\_.,,,,:;~~*** Exclusive Donovan Interview ** Progress Hit As part of the GOLD BUG's never-ending attempt to pro- How's you're brush and you're lady fair, Western vide WMC with the best cultural coverage,Iwas asked to Not to mention your stained glass stair interview Donovan during his performance at Madison Flower pot on a window sill Square Garden last week. After arriving in Manhattan I On top of honeycomb hill." maneuvered my 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe Fastback 'with the "Fine," 1 replied, "except I'm not Sam. She's my lady revolving plexiglass turret into a convenient parking place, fair. I'm Sam's friend, R. J. Raccoon." Ok-o-quick, give me a definition of "environment." hung up my goggles on the rear-view mirror and climbed "Gosh, life is really too much, you'lisee," he answer- You probably said something like, "place where you out onto the sidewalk. My chronometer indicated that I 'd. live, the surroundings." So your definition includes the still had a little time, sol cleaned a few_bugs off the turret After a few minutes he recognized me as the world- grille, for Instance, as part of the Wfimsee student en- and polished the plexiglass with the Up of my scarf. The .ramcus reporter that I am and said: vironment. revolving turret was from a surplus B-25, the idea "Hi, it's been a long time Having written a terrible opening paragraph and having faithful companion and part-time chauffeur, Todo,sothat My, you're looking fine, accomplished my objective of bringing up the SUbject of when we went on cross-country trips I could sit in the Proud as any raccoon should be the grille--let's now proceed to examine this phenomena turret with the headphones on and listen to country music Proud of all mankind. of filth. Did you visit other colleges before coming here? tapes while we cruised through downtown Abeline and Changes many I have been through Did you see other student unions? Old you cry when you other not-so-mean towns of the wild west. I must admit Pretty much like you." saw Winslow Student Center? A lot of things can be done that the plexlglass turret was a great invention, however Just when I decided we had reached a point of agree- with a building built into a hill with a split level type of not exactly the place from which to observe the New Jer- ment and could begin a real down-to-earth interview (not entrance. Too bad Western Maryland didn't consider them. ;ey Turnpike. I think the bestpJacefromwhich to observe earthy mine you, but down-to-earth) he began babbling The space in that building is fairly inadequate and this fact the New Jersey Turnpike is from tnstde a suttcase full of , something like: is further exemplified by the fact thatthe arrangement of ladles' lingerie inside the baggage compartment inside a "La, la-Ia-Ia, la-ta, la-18-Ia, Ia-Ia-Ia things is so poor. Grille--place of student gathering-- train headed for Abeline or some other not-so-mean town La, la-Ia-Ia, la-ta, Ia-Ia-Ia, la the "in" place--HA, what a farce! If you can wade through the garbage, and not get bogged of the wild west. Ye-dum , de-dum, da-dum, dee down by the atmosphere (basement lunch counter of a ~ Ye-dum, de-dum, da-dum , dee." Anyway, myfalthful companion and part-time chauffeur, I figured he was either approaching some catatonic shock downtown Baltimore 5 & 10), youwillarrive at THE MAC- Todo, Is up In Burlington, Vermont trying to figure out or else was about to assume a very relaxed philosophical, HINES. These machines are the essence of the small where the fog that covers the Green Mountains every mood, sol decided to risk everything at once and blurt out, college charisma. The friendly smile, test results morning 'goes every afternoon and I had to drive to New "What is life really about, anyway?" soothed with a sub cooked to order, the ten flavors of York by myself. But it's just as well after what I said He began to sing: ice -cream, and the short tempers when the girls' cur- about the New Jersey Turnpike and all,sol finished polish- few rush hits-- and the machines have done this for us. Ing the revol'ling plexiglass turret with my scarf, dropped "Happiness runs in a circular motion We, the students, are each day grateful that we didn't a dime In the parking meter. adjusted my genuine leather Thought is but a little boat upon the sea go to Maryland-- "you're just a number, another dime flying helmet and tripped offdownthesidewalktoward my All our souls are deeper than you can see in the machine at big schools." evening appointment with Donovan. .- You can have ever vthtnz if vou'll let yourself~be. When 1 was-a freshman (seems like that was only 10 Everybody Is a part of everything anyway or 12 years ago) we had a student lounge. It was over 1 walked through the main entrance of Madison Square You can have everything if you let yourself be." top the grille. It was sparsely decorated, stilted, and Garden and told a red-unHormed and rather portly gen- I knew there wassomethlngstrangegoingonwhen other used mostly as a necking room for the non-rr ae couples. tlemean that I had an 8:00 appointment with Mr. Donovan. voices began chiming In with assorted ra-ta-fa's and ye- But it did have a TV. And next to that room there was a "Certainly, Mr. Raccoon,"he replied and escorted me to a dum, de-durn's, and soon it came to me that not only was room with pool tables and ping pong tables, and there comfortable chair. I couldn't figure out howhe recognized I not atora but there were 20,000 otherpeopJe there just were even nets on the ping pong tables, and paddles were me untll I remember he could have read the name right off like me and we all sang together: provided. Does the SGA know It Is responsible for pro- of my black leather flight jacket, After a while Donovan "Happiness runs, happiness runs, happiness viding nets and paddles or oo the students mistakenly came in and sat down cross-legged ana carpet of !lowers Happiness runs, happiness runs, think this is part of their college activities fee? People just like a big frog perched on a Illy pad. Ye -durn , de-dum, da-dum, cee." gathered In these places every night after dinner and also "Hello," he said. And we all sang together,aU20,OOOofus and we were to- on weekends when there wasn't much happenlng on cam- "Hello," 1 replied. The room was large and there was - gether and none were alone and we all understood. And pus (and that was indeed--rare). Seriously, now, I'm not a sUglJt echo, almost as if there were other people in the then Donovan sang: spoofin' ya , this is a for real true story. But, progress room with me, "The sun will always shine where you stand and innovation hit WMC and today we can thank them for Then he said: Depending In which land you may find roursetr our new, bigger and better (but, slightly cramped) book- "Come-run jump Skip along Sam Now you have my blessing go your way." store, and our combination student lounge--rec room A very happy man I am ' And we went on our way and smiled down the long ramps (sort of like combining your living room and a pool hall) To know you're well and you're doing fine and out onto the dirty streets of the city and kept smiling with the two ping pong tables sans net and paddles, no Kind of puts at rest my mind. even unto this day. TV, no curtains, and twelve pieces of furniture. Have you seen it? Hours have beensetfor Its use by students, fJiIiad fJ'oIIieJ: 9:15 - 10:00 a.m, every third Wednesday (but only if YOlL schedule it two months in advance with Dean Laidlaw, Reel Exposes Reality And Evokes 'Shock Col. Willis, the drama department, the library staIf, the Westminster police, Mrs. Frey, Ethan A. Seidel, Barney Rice, Mike WeinbJatt, Rod Galloway, and God). by Donna Dacier Of course, the grille Is becoming less Important with the decline in its use. A poll taken just last last week The little blurb put ouf by the Sociology Department many times do you go to the toilet?" and "Did you love shows that female consumers have stopped visiting the was not enough warning for me so I ate my dinner be- you mother and father?" and "Do you believe in God?" grille because of the lack of adequate lighting on campus fore going to see the movie of the week, "The Tltlcut I hesitate to say whether this man was a psychiatrist at night. However, we must not be too Impatient.
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