Page 26 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 26
PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 7, 1969 Reaction To A Letter Moratorium A Price Down On Communism Frightful Thing To the editor: by AI Shaefer Now students who attended the means (policy) is brutal, how can The Vietnam Moratorium has Christian-Marxist dialogue have you create a scclety of love rather If you cannot permit a out to be human after au-, frightened me. It has exposed to me seen a real, live Communist. He than hate? to emerge where indivi- turned society a part of America I never-believed duals make their own decisions existed In such numbers before. a pitiful flgure--an old man who I'm speaking not of the members has given his Ufe's effort to pro- within a free system of checks and of the Moratorium Itself, but oJ moting an ideology based uponprl- balances, whether this be In the those people who opposed the mitlve ·economic reasoning and market place or in an equilibrium MoratorIum even to the point of devil theory of history. It would of diffused political power, how violence. Before that day if I had have been the same had the visitor can you ever create a society of beep told that people in America been Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, or liberty? Marxists, beginning and Brezbnev-c-Iust ending with the Marxian model of human beings who would believe such obvious ploys were born as babes and who wUl society and the Leninist political as Agnew's Viet Cong letter speech die like the rest of us. They are or Ronald Reagan's statement that subject to the virus, to the com- principles, cannot learn that means Moratorium leaders were sym- mon cold, and to coronaries like and ends are Inseparable. To admit bolically marching the Viet Cong this would destroy the system, deny flag through the streets I would've the rest of us. I remember vividly the revolution, and permit the re- laughed In that person's face. Now my many days of attendance at the discovery of the principle that for development I know better. me was Strong, Active SGA Urged Nurnberg Trials in 1945 and think- the maximum the free market of the crim- monstrous ing: "But these place individual But what really scared inals are just broken, gray, old and a system of liberty are neces- the standing ovation Agnew receiv- men. They are human beings! How sary. Therefore, they appear ed at his speech to a Republican could a human being arrive at this doomed to go on creating the same group In Pennsylvania. and generalized To Counter-Balance Frats Ihad thought that name-calling state?" errors decade after decade that attacks by public officials had gone by Bryson Popham Perhaps there was something perpetuate a system without lib- about out with Joe McCarthy. Again I After two rather lengthy articles condemnations. He fll.rther said distinctive hopefully Arnold Johnson erty. Perhaps, as MUovan Djilas be lteve s, the system will eventual- is rarely true of that was wrong. concerning the virtues and vices of "the focal point now Is the Indiv- the rest of us. This poor man dis- Iy fall of its own Inefficient bur- In his speech Agnew said that the fraternity system, it would idual and what he can contribute covered the "truth" In 1936 when eaucratic weight. Meanwhile we "it is time for positive polariza- seem that the-subject Is exhausted. to the group and what the group his professor, Dr. Harry F. Ward shall have ArnoldJohnsonsaspitl- tion" of society, that people who As to thecol1ectlvecontentofthese can do for him." This is a beauti- of Union Theological Seminary, ful examples of slavery to Ideology Impugn a Jegacy of liberty going literary efforts, however, little ful statement, but nowhere In the encouraged him to give his liie to and Professor Wogamans who add back to Moses are impudent, and was actuaUy presented other than article could I discover the contrt- Communism. He was persuaded to confusion rather than light to the finally, he said that such things as pure opinion. Although I am but a butions of either the Individual or stop reasoning, to put away rat- taking over administration build- lowly freshman, as is Mr. Bayles, the group. ionality and learning, and to begin real Issues. it should be pointed out Finally, ings, shouting down politicians, and I have obviously not formed a con- What is the real issue? Since our a liie of apology and propaganda that Marx came to the study of demonstrations in the streets have nection with a fraterntly, as has colleges and cmverstues are sup- for the excesses of Communist economics after receiving his PhD. to stop; In saying this he ignored Mr-s. Elliott. Perhaps it would posed to be in the forefront of our power. So, we witnessed his piti- He studied the economics of his a few facts. prove more advantageous to cast a times, and our wayofllfe Is chang- . ful, groveling apology for the Sov- time, mainly the writings of David less jaundiced eye upon the situa- ing more rapidly than at any other iet rape of Czechoslovakia and the Ricardo, one of the great classical First, by saying that there should tion. be a polarization, and <'We can, Clearly the acrimony of Mr. time In our naUon's history, should killing once again of an emergent economists. He used much of the however, afford to separate them Bayles' attack was unwarranted. not the tnstttuttons of these coll- system of Uberty so much desired Ricardian model In butlding his (the M-Day leaders) from our soc- He failed In qualltylng his eges and universities be subject to and loved by the Czech people. If own model. Marx believed thor- iety ... "he is advocating a separa- statements, dfsmally very continual review? The question one starts with the prlmitiveecon- oughly that the study ot economics and his essay tion policy that the militants he quickly became a collectton of re- which must be asked now Is can orntc model of Marx and his sim- and history were essential to the condemns believe. Fighting fire dundancies. His attempt was fur- the fraternities justify their exis- plistic Historical Materialism, and understanding ot the growth and with fire Is agoodldea, exceptwhen tence? With those ~ho say that , then adds to this the emergence of development of any society. To the fire may be our houses. ther weakened by the harsh nature there is no need to do so, I disa- the Soviet Omon as tne phenomenon this we heartily add Amen; but let of the charges he made. gree. Are they able to show evid- of "historical truth," it follows us not stop In 1880 with the Intell- Nextheforgetsthattheseimpud- On these points Mr. Elliott is ence of one postttva activity by that emerging Czech liberalism ectual work of but one man In our ent people were expressing a right able to defend the fraternities from fraternities which benefits others? must be squashed. For, If It were search for truth. Professor woga- of liberty which doesn't go back a strong position. Unfortunately, Granted, there was t,he Preacher allowed to stand, the whole system man says that there may be crit- to Moses, but does go back to the he chose Instead toopenhisarUcle chicken bar-beque sale and the would eventually come tumbling Icisms of Marx's economics (He i7oo's; the right of peaceful as- with a personal cut, describing his Black and White mum sale at down. Arnold Johnson, as the Is not sure?), but that Marx has a semblage guaranteed by the first opponent as "either a young man Homecoming, but even the chicken spokesman for the Communist way of coming back again and again. amendment of the Constitution. with a halo or a drooling Idiot with sale was advertised by an tnccocue Party, USA, and the Soviet Union, (Let us remember that Marx's his head In the clouds." Now this fellow who, through an excellent must explain it to us this way: When Agnew made his first whole argument rests upon the val- speech there was hope that Nixon mayor may not be true, but its sound system, disparaged Bar- "Socialism must be saved. History idity of his economic model.)Could would muzzle him as he had dur- relevancy to the topic at hand Is, ney's cuisine by belching Into the will prove them right." it be that grand, simplistic theo- Ing the election, but he surprised at best, questionable. His next microphone. Bound as they are to an Ideology ries are more acceptable to some the majority of people by praising step was to charge Mr. Bayles Conspicuously absentineUher of rather than a pragmatic search for than those whIch are complex, -him. So we will have to listen to with "sidestepping any real the two articles was the idea of truth, Communists must, over and especially when such theories fit more knuckle-rapping by "Daddy issue." This is a valid accusation, brotherhood. Not being in a frat- over again, commlt the inexcus- irrational feelings of frustration, Agnew," and those gullfble enough for Mr. Bayles was chiefly con- er-ruty mysetrr Lam obvtousty not able error of operating on the as- hate,andenvy? will stand and cheer. But why not? cernedwlth condemnlngfraternit- quaUfled to com ment upon this con- sumption that the end justifies the Ralph B. Price The only difference between Peace Ie s in general. However, neither cept. I would be inclined to ask, means, But let us ask, If your Professor of Economics and Honorable Peace is another did Mr. Elltott deal with any "real rather, about those individuals who couple thousand lives, Issue." The bulk of his article a- are not bid upon by the frat of their mounted to a denial of Mr. Bayles' choice, or are not bid upon at all. THE GOLD BUG Although the ratio of fraternity me- More Letters --- is constant- mbers to independents Official student newspaper of Western Marylalld College, ly changing, It is safe to say that To the editor: Permit me to congratulate the it is always at least one to one. published Twel...e times a year ill Feb.. Mar.; Apr.. May., Sept.. Just how many of these Indepen- May I, as a parent, teU you how GOLD BUG staff and ali the men Oct .• No ...., Dec.• on Friday. Elltered as secolld cI_ matter at much I look forward to receiving and women who have taken the tl me the Post Office. Westminster, Maryland 21157, under Act of dents would have pledged Is uncer- the GOLD BUG. to write for your paper. March 3, 1879. tain, but however few they maybe, As a parent I was particularly Mrs. Virginia Barnes is It really fair to them? Similar- SECOND-ClASS POSTAGE PAID AT WESTMtNSTEh. MO. 21151- interested in Mr. Bayles' opinion ly, can a frat member teas close To the editor: to his friends outside the fraternity of the fraternities. I would like to Once upon a time many years as he might be otherwise? Some read his thoughts two years hence. ago (so long ago, as a matter of Has he in so short a ti meqolned .4, may scoff at the question, but they with somany"adults"whoseeonly fact, that most of us have only a vague feeling that it actually hap- cannot deny the fact that you are Editor-in-Chief bad In things they are not Included pened), the highest and most pre- always closest to the peoplewlth Managing EditOr~ whom you live. or interested in. Mr. BaylesfaUed stigious court in the land made The final argument in favor of to mention that two of the fraterni- a decree: segregation was to be Sue Schlltl Bu5ln_Mllrlager fraternities is their ability to or- ties (Preachers and Black and ended with "all deliberate speed." Lee Schwartz Production-Editor ganize social functions, which Whites) Immediately set out to This was consideredamajorbrea- Swan BIk .....'.m Zippardillo N_Editors woui'd not otherwIse occur. This contribute to MSD the' proceeds kthrough in the annals of this na- Mikl Shvltt Editori.1 Page Editor would see~ to be their salient from their Homecoming projects. tion's history, and it marked the Brian Cha,..,. Sports Editor In the three years my son has beginning of a new era--so some RicfI.-d AndIII'son,'Tracey Baglin. ifNtu"" Editors point. As Black and White Pre- been a student at WJ\1CI have met innocent, idealistic people believ- .om.,.,... ActvertbIngM.-!IIM' sident FranCIs SuUl van so aptly put many of the men in the various ed. But things did not progress nmSmitI\, IIlIide·N_E.dkDr it at the frat eligible meeting, <'un- fraternities. If these be introvert- as was expected. This raised the c.thy Shultz PliblilhingEditot less you are In alraternity, there's ed men-- Western ,l'IIaryland John Yin Horn f'fIotogrlPhY Editor not a goddamn thing to do In this College is flUed with the greatest ire of many, and they attempted and again to redress again their ............ CirwlltIon.nd E_ 'T~ ... ArtEdkDr town." (Continued on Page 8) group of introverts r have ever grievances, mostly to no avail. CoriNw_1Oein Obviously the fraternities ~S"'ltMq Editor met. (Continued on Page 8)
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