Page 32 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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VAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 7. 1969 Sclwlarships LeHers to the Editor Committee Frats Argued (Continued from Page 2) (Continued from Page 1) (Continued n-om Page 2) New scholarship programs and why sboufd they be condemned for hand, a few Indtvt- when the golf course-is procedures have been announced On the other joyous and content standing up for what they believe? completed was an example of the type have the best and most parties, finished, were duals for Maryland students seeking aid c over the fact that the order could We wonder how Mr. Hopple can of planning that had been used up which are the most common means In the academic year 1970·71.5tu- be staved oftwith no apparent di- attack those who wish to make until this time. The committee that of socializing here. dents holding some form of Mary- known their position Just because. made the plans for the centennial On the other hand, would it not land State Scholarship during the ffIculty. They were never reliev- he might not agree with them, and expansion program was a joint be possible to have anerrecttve stu- 1969-70-academic year are not ed of their postttcns, nor never in I1ght of his aforementioned committee. dent government which could serve consequences af~ected by the changes, but college warned of possible The status quo statement. The President said that the new the same purpose on a larger inaction. of their students seeking new awards (or continued as always, and the peo- We feel that the many uncomm- committee may be permanent. Its scale? Is,!t too difficult to-have desiring to increase the size of ple became very confused as to itted deserve achasUsement; those job will be to look' ahead and for- more thanfouropenpartlesa year? grants now held) are errectee. where to turn for help. 1 who are committed,oneitherside, mulate Ideas for "say the next Is It unreasonable to expect, for a Awards open to college students. deserve respect. Is not the Mor- Moral: If the Supreme Court atorium, in effect, flying their own ten years and then make recom- fifteen dollar membership fee plus of the United States can't have its mendations on the ideas formulat- admission, a concert which lasts 1. "General State Schular shtps" llag, but one of a different color longer than fifty-five minutes and are available to students now en- decisions enforced, why do the than that of the Taneytown people.? ed. Then It (the. Long Range which takes place In a more hos- Planning Committee) students of Western Maryland Col- may drop rolled in college and these will lege expect Mr. Rice to comply Jann Smith out of the picture. Its ideas may pitable environment than a cafet- range in size from $200 to $1500 with the orders of Dr. Ensor? Joyce wagner go to smaller, already existing eria? Could we not have a student per year. College students seeking Footnote #1: The Supreme Court committees, like the curriculum government which is a service to such grants will be compared to has spoken again (be patient, it's Grill. Machines committee. the student insteadofafigurehead? other applicants living in the same only fifteen years Iater ), saying "I think It is altogether posst- political subdivIsion of the State, that segregation wUl end at once. (Continued from Page 1) ble that another academic build- Such an organization cannot hope and awards will go to students de- Perhaps President Ensor will take ered an option between having a ing may be in the offing in the next to function effectively as longasthe monstrating the greatest financial the bull by the horns (I refer to routeman and receiving a percen- few years," said the President. He fraternity system rematns tn exts- need. This type of scholarship the problem, not Barney) and show tage of the gross or they (Macke noted aspectalj y the position of the tence. The concept of a college as does not restrict the student to the students some results. Or must Company) would have an attendant Psychology' department and the a community Is a valid one, and one specific major areas or to certain we wait another fifteen years? hej-e forty hours a week. We Mathematics department. Both which should be preserved. But vocational choices. (Note: Teach- Jeff Davis thought ttrat having an attendant departments are living in borrow- how maya community or tne whole er Education Scholarships are no To the editor: would be far superior. Theagree- ed quarters: the math department exist, when Intt are several smajr- longer available, and they wUl be In reference to the Taneytown ment is now that If the gross gets Is in the physics wing of Lewis er rival communities? Anq whose phased out as the present Teach- flag wavers made by Jerry Hopple big enough we wlll get some per- Hall and the psych department is efforts are spent in petty pursuits, er Education Scholarship holders in his editorial on October 24, we centage of it. But not this first in the library. rather than worthy ones? gr audate.) year." were disappointed that he, of all people, should prove to be Under the contract, the Macke 2. "Senatorial Scholarships') narrow-minded. Company sets all the prices for are available to college students, Mr. Hopple stated intheOctober the food, according to Schaeffer. and these awards are made by the 10 edition of the GOLD BUG that He also said that the Macke Com- local State Senator. Grants range the Moratorium "was not trying to pany charged standard rates in in size from $200to$1500peryear make converts," butinsteadoffer- all their machines. and place no restrictions on the Ing "the opportunity for individuals Schaeffer said, "We've kept all When you know recipient. StudentspresenUyhold- to make a commitment on the Viet- the pressure we can on them Ing less than the maximum size nam issue." Have not the Taney- (Macke) In order to see they do it's for keeps, grant could strive to increase the tow n people thought over and made right by us. Ithinkwehave a fair- aid being received. a commitment on the Vietnam ly attractive installation." All your sharing, all your ::s~;, ~~~tt~:t:r~~~~p~hf~;~~~;:~ .... -CO-S-T-U-M-E-S-A-N-O--. special memories have How To Apply For These showing such a commitment and grown into a precious and Scholarships? FORMALS enduring love. Happily, these cherished moments will be Inlra.ural ••• ull. In order to apply for the two forever syrnbofized by your types of scholarships described Wins Losses Ties FOR RENT diamond engagement ring. above the college student must: Pi Alpha Alpha 4 1 If the name, Keepsake is in 1. File aformalapplicaUonwith I!.D.·Independents 3 2 Phone For Appointment the ring and on the tag, you the State Scholarship Board, 2100 Gamma Bela Chi 3 2 75 W.Green 848·4630 are assured of fine quality Guilford Avenue, Baltimore, C Section MacLea 2 2 1 and lasting satisfaction. The Maryland,21218. Alpha Gamma-Tall 2 2 1 engagement diamond is . 2. Submit the Parents' Confid- Carroll County Dorol~y Elderdlce color, of superb ential Statement to the ColJege Sch- Accidents 0 5 flawless. modern cut. Your and precise olarship Service In Princeton, New Jersey by December 1 and ask for Keepsake Jeweler has a a copy to be sent to the State Sch- choice selection of many olarship Board. lovely styles. He's listed in 3. Submit a special application WE'LL TRUST YOU the yellow pages under to the local State Senator by March "Jewelers." 31. IEven If You're Over 3D) Applications and materials men- tioned in step 1 and step 2 can be obtained in the Financial Aid Off- ice, and the application mentioned In step 3 can be obtained from the Student Charge Accounts are invited at office of the local State Senator. Columbia Jewelers, and there are so many ways to develop a meaningful relationship OPEN 24 HRS. with us - like Keepsake Diamonds ... Famous- Brand Watches and Gifts. . Wild Charms, from only 88¢ . , . Pierced Earrings for girls SHARKEY'S (or men with highly individualistic traits). Come in and get your shopping jollys at the COFFEE SHOP store that was chosen from all of America's Jewelers as "Brand Name Retailer Of The_ AND Year" . friendly, little old Columbia Jewelers DINING ROOM in the WestminsterShopping Center. 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