Page 83 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 83
THE GOLD BUG MARCH 14, 1969 PAGE 3 Literary S~'cieties Precede RLC To Sponsor Frats Choose Pledges; Work Shop Greeks On WMC Campus Sensitivity Workshop has been Begin Initiation Rites Fraternities ana Sororities are founding of the college. It was A Sensitivity r newcomer-s to the Hill. set up in February, 1868, when scheduled for April 25,26, and Brian Chaney, HOWever, male and female organ- W/IIC was still a high school. 27, 9Y the Religious Life Council From Tuesday night to the wee izations, similar to fraternities It was named after Washington under the leadership of Dean Zepp, hours of Wednesday morning, WI'dC \Vayne Butler, Malcolm Canedy, and sororities in some respects, Irving and had both male and It will be held on campus and is Greeks cla shed at the "bidding Phil Miller, Ned Rhodes, Don Moh- flourished at WMC for more than female members. When the COl- limited to twenty-two participants' tables," Finally, at 9:00 a.m, on ler, Don Schank, Kim Cutler,Dave sixty years. These were the lit- lege was taken over by the Me- selected on a first come-first Wednesday the final bids were Newkirk, Bernie Pfeiffer, Dave erary societies. which were begun thodist church, it was deemed served basis. mailed out By 10:30 the proces- Solow, Ronnie Freeman, Bucky around the tl~e of the college's improper to have hoth sexes in sion to the GrjIle began, A large Paper, Steve Lar ousso, Lynn Boni- Hor a, founding and which lasted until the sarne cor-ganlzati on. The girls The Religious Life Council has crowd gathered as groups of new face, Mark Vidor, Chuck Harry Splcknall, Snyder, Norm the U)30's. There were four of set up their own society, the in the past sponsored such actf- pledgesparactedthrough. Keith Thurlow, and Ken Kester_ these: Irving and Webster for Browning Literary SOCiety, nam- vtttes as the Clark Exchange and Pi Alpha Alpha, now WMC's 'twantv-tour men accepted bids the boys, and BrOWning and Phil- ed after Elizabeth Barrett Brown- speakers on topics of current stu- top fraternity scholastically, ac- omathean for the girls. Each of Ing. In lBll the Webster Lit- dent interest. However, uus sem- cepted twenty-two new pledges, from Alpha Gamma Tau: Jim Yates, these groups had its own hall in erary Society was formed, nam- ester. a change of format is plan- The new Black and Whites are: Jesse Houston, Jon Frank, Ken which they kept their libraries ed after the great orator Daniel ned with emphasis on small group Bowman, Brooks Zeleny, Gary (numbering several hundred vol- Webster. It grew out of a group activities. Many of the activities Young Republicans Veep King, Gary Wachter, Bob Smith, umes each), art work, and their which debated over who would are still in the planning stage, but Steve Easterday, Jim Shartner, Lat r-ell Jones, Jack Rich Leggett, collections .of minerals and cur- go outside for a pitcher of water the councu is searching for new Elected To State Office Stephan, Greg O'Connor, Ken Wag- iosities such as Indian blowguns. on cold nights. It soon became ways of meeting student needs and Wade Kach, a junior math major ner, Chuck Miller, John Gerst- Each year at Commencement, Irving's rival. Philomathean hopes that the small group studies and vice-president of WMC's meyer. Fred Laurence, Dave Duna- members of the societies took (meaning "lover of knowledge'") and weekend conre re nce s with pop- Young Republican Club, was elect- Waters, Ed Cline, Jim part in oratorical contests, Ir- was formed in 1882 to, provide ular guest speakers will interest ed vice chairman of the Maryland way, .Jcdy ving competing against Webster, Browning with a rival. a greater number of individuals. Federation of College Republicans Nopolus, Craig Weller, and Craig Browning against Philo. They The four literary societies at their annual convention held at Schulze. competed [or .two trophies, the flourished until the early thirties The Council's Art Committee is the Holiday Inn in Frederick on The 17 new additions to Delta Newell trophy for the men, the when student indifference and the pJanning to bring to the campus -g atur-day, March j st, Pi Alpha are: Bill Campbell, Fred Wayne Som- Ron Cr tstv, Merrill trophy for the girls. beginning of social clubs led to modern exhibits of religious and Ten Maryland colleges sent Kiemle, Ue Lindsay, Jim Johnstone, mers, smty-cne delegates The Social Concerns Irving actually anteda~es the their demise. secular art. has been gathering in- 'lion, which featured tothis conven- by chr rs Bothe, Bob Fox, Dale Sho- speeches Committee Circle K Plans, Students Voice formation issues on significant campus to Gary L. Fairchild, Shalrman, Col- well, Steve Ecclesine, Larry Garro, Es - Paul brandt, Rich xtos, social lege Republi can National Commit- and is attempting the response Ron Pettinato, Greg and by Public Service Opinions Thru coordinate Also the Religious to these ,Baltimore County. John Roy Skiles, and Tom Brown. Chi ac- the Honorable tee, Life iSSUeS. Barnes, Bishop, State Senator representing Beta Gamma between as a liason Finally, Council acts In Westminster Suggestion Box the campus and the YMCA, vote, Wade won in a heart-stopping cepted: Ron Athey, John Bennett, Charlie Bowers, Jim Cregg, Dave the first 47-44, to become box has been plac- A suggestion The Council's Downes, Bill Eberhart, Dane Eck- A new service organization, ed in the cafeteria and will remain Donovan, President; officers are: Joe Western Maryland officer in the ~;;: ~~I~r~li:~::,d~:i~:j~::!~ s: Sandy Fargo, crrcte K, has teen organized on there in the future. The boxwasthe Secretary; Jerry Brown, Treasur- Federation. Those attending the this campus to augment the ranks idea of head-walter Fred Schroeder er; RuthThomasandStewartStack, convention from WMC were club of -SOS and Hinge. This does and Is designed to give the students Program Chairmen. Meetings are President Les Caplan, Vice-Pre- Ledford, Steve McSweeney, Bob not mean, as Its president, Harry an opportunity to voice changes dur-. sident Kach, Secretary John Ben- Mar-r-ay, Kevin Montgomery, Doug Coilings points out, that it WOuld they'd like to see in the menus, held on alternate wednesdays in the nett, Treasurer Bob Gagnon, and Patterson, Bill Prettyman, Tom the assembly ing period be competing with these other the procedure of serving meals, Seminar Room of Baker Chapel members John Bartlett, Chuck Resau, Richard Tom, Paul Wells, groups. He feels that there is or anything else pertaining to the and are open to any Interested Horn, Lynn Gass, Kathy Fowler, Bill Westervelt, Gary Will, and always more room for publtc ser > new. cafeteria. Elizabeth McDearnon and Joan Greg Williams, a total of 23 vice.' Also, uniike SQS, Circle So far, the suggestions receiv- students, ' ~ Potter. pledges. K will devote most of its effort ed have ranged from very con- to acttvtnes on campus and in structive ideas to purposely silly the Westminster area rather than ones. A popular suggestion with overseas. the men has been to have topless Circle K is a college level pro- checker girls. On the more serious gram, for men, sponsored by Ki- side, some of the ideas have been How to Wrecognize a Wreal wanis, As such it is similar to to have waffles for breakfast, a the Key Clubs Kiwanis has or- wider variety of salads, peanut Wrangler. ganized in high schoots, The butter and vinegar along with the majority of the men in Circle K other condiments,andlongertimes were Key Clubbers during high for the meals to be served. Some school. The original nucleus was of the suggestions, such as having about twenty members; this has milk at all the meals, are econo- since risen to thirty-four. The mically unfeasible, and probably Club will receive its charter from will not be acted on. the KiwaniS Aprilll, at a dinner- dance at Frocks. Any organizations wishing Although the Club is not yet to sponsor concessions for chartered Its members have al- football games next year ready begun their program 01ser- should submit written ap- vice. Last autumn they worked on the Kiwanis Pancake Supper. plications to Dr. Griswold. Most Wrangler·jeans have During_ the ":======:;;:~ the proceeds of which were do- The deadline is April 7. the "VO/" stitched on in nated to charity. Christmas season they worked on II" plain sight, but other kinds a project with retarded children of Wranglers are a little at the Day Care Center in West- LECKRON more modest.Thev'remode minster. GULF SERVICE justas well and they fit just as well, but the "W" is The Institutional Adminis- tucked away on a tag or tration of the Graduate Re- W. MAIN" PENNA. AVE. label. You'll find it's worth cord Examination will be giv- We.tmiB.ter. MeL for. en on the Western Maryland TI 8·61%' TI &-'81, Jooking campus on Monday, May 5, Road These sportbcck slacks, $7.00. at 1:00 _p.rn.. and not on the And the jeans $5.50. Both per date printed in the calendar service monenliy pressed and creased. of the 1968·1969 catalogue. All incarelree Fortrelpalyester and coMon, Shirts from $4,00 10 Wll,~.:~.~t~4~;~~~~!:s $5.00. Wrangler"Jeans and Sportswear LAUNDERING. DRYCLEANING· TAn.ORlNG in Celanese Fortrel. Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service THE HUB Semee for Students ill WMC Student Center Monday through Friday WESTMINSTER , " 9:00 0'<1oc:k U.tU3:00 O'doek DalJy
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