Page 78 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 78
PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 28,1969 Inside Religion's the Irresolution Gates by Ellen Cook After the president of Newman of Club transferred this year,itsre- rnatruug members appointed them- a group Eden selves president and treasurer. I am sure not many people have led to Panic from SUChIncidents a meeting r...londay night of the heard of, but one that I am sure they will hear of in the future. of rettgtous Coffee House Gap vestigal remains a few years or- Composed of four Englishmen, ganizations to figure out what has Alvin Lee, Leo Lyons, ChickChur- happened--just ago Widens After 199 Affair eight organizations flourished on chill, and Ric Lee, TenYearsA!ter of music that is plays a brand campus. Why the decline? reminiscent of early sometimes by Dan Wiles Cream but still uniquely their own. (note to B.L.: Real?) Some religious organizations had Their two albums, "Undead" ~nd Can you upperclassmen remember those glorious days in the past-- tried to be service clubs; others "Stonehenge" are artistic op- the days when we had a go to talk, smoke and relax? A place had offered "enlightened" discus- posites. where you could play cards, listen to music without the zoo-like atmos- sions on topics like Zen Buddhism. "Undead" was recorded live at phere of 100 people looking to see if you played the correct card or re- "But," some astute soul asked, an English night club, xtcox's membered to put the dime in the juke box to play "Leader of the Pack." "where is the 'religious' in Re- Kleek, and. consists of five songs Here was a place you could spend a relaxed Saturday evening or nearly ligious Life Council?" Obviously heavily influencedbyrockandjazz. anytime when you wished to get out of the semi-ratrace of the general if religion was there it wasn't do- "1 May be Wrong, But I Won't be crowd on campus. But, unfortunately, the old coffee house is gone and ing its ownthingbut someone else's. Wrong Always," "Woodchopper's with it the outlet of relaxation and fun that encompassed it. Ball," and "I'm Going Home" are Near the begtnnlng of tlds school year, the sttuatton was realtzed, A all designed to allow Alvin Lee few concerned people wished to form a new ccrree house, maybe In one hO~::t~:I:rk ::e:af~~dn;:it~,h:t~~~~ to dazzle the listener with his of the vacant buildings owned by the college. Among the buildings vacat- mass in Little Baker, others have unbelievably fast guitar playing. Blue's Project. Even so, ed by the opening of tile two new dormatories were the Art House, the found "it" in devotions with: close He has been compared to Eric good song. All In all, both two cottages and 199 Pennsylvania Avenue (an old men's residence). The friends. Chapel has not tou~d "it" Calpton, and while he is notneces- are very good buys. Art House was given to house the publications offices and the cottages yet. were rightfully used for residences. 199 was given in part to the ser-. Is Pot for People? :~~~e%;a:~:~i~:sit~ :g:::: :::g:th:~~~:gbt::e~:~'c~:~~e~n~:rs~~~:~ The-most constructive criticism by Mary Lou Bembe ed? Is our range of friends (without cost to the college)andusedasa coffee house. After much con- of the evening focused on Chapel. With marihuana one can't be limited as not to include ~~s;~; :;~::.actlon, the process of cjeantng up the mess in the basement !~~~e~~skea::~~~l:, ;~~n:s ~:~:~ sure about too many things. Re- putable people take a stand' for But to go back and complicate matters, during the summer (by some that Chapel goers are viewed as it, others just as recognized arrangement) the ROTC instructors moved into the upstairs of the butld- :::I~~~~n::tsth:tr n~S':!iS~:~a:: are against Us usage. Ever-gone should have an opinion, whether6r ~~:. C~f~::eh:::. ::::n:oi~~:~:~s~::~~::;;!S:h:h:ttu:;:tl: ~~~ee a~~tu~~ :.rom turnself there--nor do we ed they had a perfect right to use the basement because (after aU) this md ourselves there--we just don't not they care to express It Is was given to the students, wasn't it? go there. The "It" we seek seemed their own prerogative. In a way. Apparantly not! After the basement had been cleaned washed cement- to be a per-sonal qualttywhich Cha- it seems strange that nothing has in "The Gold Bug" ~d and painted, the basement openingwasfoundto be ~arded ;hut. Hav- pel ,bY it'~ very nature (size, etc.) been written topic. It seems in- about this mg not been there for a time, the students thought it as a protective can t easttv attain. ThIS personal credible that everyone considers device against burglary. The students tore it off, intending to replace it cuahty is a form oftruefel,l~shlp with a normal door. They were then Informed by a ROTC instructor that and guidance nee~e,d by Indlvldu~ls It so unimportant that nothing, it had been decided that there wastobe no coffee house, and by ccntlnu- with per-sonal r-eltglous and needing absolutely nothing, has been wri- Ing to tix the basement, the students would by wasting their own money answers. Drama and folk songs tten. There must be some people which was going into the project were suggested to create parttctpa- here that have been mvotveo-; With heavy hearts and tewttcerrng looks on their faces the students non and meaning. One o'clock indirectly or directly. Marihuana once again had run Into the wall. Ina talk with President Ensor- he con- chapel was an enthusiastically ac- plays a part in our society, our firmed that there was to be no coffee house at this point ' cepted and tangible suggestion-- generation, but only time can tell This is a grave injustice which must be rectified. Th;re is a definite bringing gre~ter convenience. 00- how big a part. Doesn't anyone need for a place as this. It has been mentioned that the college sponsor- vlous ly, reltgton Is not dead at have friends who have smoked ed lounges and grille perform the same lunctlonas would a coffee house. WMC--burled alive maybe. pot, friends who have been bust- This claim is ridiculous. The lounges and grttte are both bad because first of al l they are completely sterile of the atmosphere that makes a coffee house. A coffeehouse is a place to relax and listen to good "mood" music and not JXlp". The grille Is too crowded, it's too busy and too fast. The plain walls of the lounges show how sterile they are. To sum- marize the point--there is no place on campus now that performs the function of a coffee house. If there is a need for a coffee house, should it be at 199 Pennsylvania Avenue and should a "service" organization sponsor it? Yes. The pur- pose of SOS andHINGEistohelppeople. Why can't it perform this social function and help the students as well? And even If it is wrong, wouldn't the profit from the coffee house help to perform the true service func- tion? These organizations are not without monetary problems and as the Bok, The Fixer saying goes: "Every little bit helps." ' But even if you deny all these points and 199 isn't the place for a cof- "The Fixer" Is stark and heartbreaking. Alan Bates Is the fixer, a fee house, then where is, and what compensation will these misinformed handyman In pre-revolution Russla.Bok, the fixer, does not consider students get who with their own effort and cash fixed up the school's h!mself "Jewish"--he does not practice Judaism, adhere to orthodox property? rules, or live in theJewishquarter.Heis a "Jew" only by birth, just as I call on the administration to ponder these points and to reconsider all of us are labelled "Christian," "Negro," or "American.'ยท That he is .... the dli'c\slon not to have a coffee house. I also caU to the students to make a Russian, caught up in a world of pogroms, cossacks and bureaucracy their thoughts about this subject known. Either write to the GOLD BUG is his first problem. His second is that his "race" causes him to be put or express yourseU directly by writing to the administration. Six cents in prlson,wlthouttrall,foryears,fora crlme,he seemingly did not com- . is not much of a 'sacrifice. mit. As Bok is tortured and mistreated in prison, we are led to believe that .... from the periphery those on the outside are m'aking him into some kind of a hero. Even the Archbishop of Canterbury writesalettertothe Russian government Jlro- by Jean Pfleiderer testing Bok's imprisonment. The Russian Jews view him as a martyr, Now it came to pass in the days and made corn liquor of them imprisoned for them aU. of Jesus AgustusJones that a de- from one ocean to the other, much The theme Is consciously man'sinhumanitytoman, but there Is a sec- cree went forth from Gurusalem to his surprise. ond theme, a more precise one than generalities about inhumanity. to all the towns and boxes round When all the postage had been There Is a much greater Injustice than the tormenting of his captors about saying that all the Ameri- paid and the people returned to and this other Injustice is the misinterpreting of a man's actions. When cans must return to the towns of their towns and boxes and learn- Bok does get to court, heismetby cheering crowds of rabbis and "rad- their fore-fathers to pay the pos- ed that their corn was gone and Icals" who accept, almost worship him as a Jewish martyr. But Bok is tage. saw a great famine comln~, they not Jewish. When the country was empty and marched as one to Gurusalem and To say that Bok Is Jewish, one must first accept the Nazi definition all devoid of lUe, Jesus Augustus called forth Jesus Augustus Jones of a Jew. From this definition we can then deduce that all the waspish Jones went forth in his purple and demanded to know wht'!re their American types are protestants and -that all Buddhists ate Zen. robes, with two rusted servants, corn was. "Where is our corn?" Bok, hlmseU, has come to therealizationthathe is simply a man act- to pluck the Sabbath ears. they spake. ing as he thinks he must. For some this isn't enough. Some historians "Friends, roamers, and crunch- "1 drank ft," he replied, in and more theologians seem to enjoy transforming human actions into in- ymen," he said, though there was orper that they might have HIe human martyrdom. They'll try to convince you thatthere Is an extr:insic no one to listen, "lend me your and have it mort'! abominably. value on actions and that these actions are subject to review by a god! ears." And he took corn and ga- They feU at his feet and wor- king on judgment day. Atthls precise moment the martyrs get sorted out thered it In heaps and ptles,....and shiJlped him and Jesus Augustus and get to sit at the right hand of the king, on a throne that is somehow rolled In them and slept In them Jones fell too, and slept. lesser and at the same time equal to that of the king.
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