Page 86 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 86
Grapplers Take Second: r I: Girl Cagers End Winning Year In Mason-Dixon IndjYidual Rumor has It that the WMC Ing since this was by far the by Jordan Lieb year in a rem. The season record WRESTLINGSTATISTICS Last Saturday, Sam Case and was; most emotional and exciting game his matmen traveled down to Nor- WMC 16 Morgan State 26 of the season, and probably the Takedowns Most Valuable most gratifying victory. Unaccus- folk, Virginia and Old Dominion WMC 27 Loyola 10 Conover tomed to playlngona court which ColJege for the Mason-Dixon In- WMC 27 American University 9 Scholl 2~~~I~rl was literally crowded when the di vtouat Tournament. FolIowlng WMC 35 Washington ColIege 5 Mvers 20 Leverton regulation twelve players as sum , a slow start In the first two WMC 35 cauuoee 5 Schmertzler 20 Myers ed their positions, Western Mary- rounds the grapplers broke trom WMC 39 Washington & Lee 9 Leverton 17 Conover tie with Baltimore Uni- •••••~••••I a 45-45 and captured a second WMC 34 Hampden-Sydney 7 Blake 10 Cronce versity Sherrard over-all behind the Monarchs of WMC 19 Johns Hopkins 17 6 Cronce 7 King University WMC 34 Catholjc 6 Blake Old Dominion. The top three WMC 29 Lebanon Valley 8 King 6 Sherrard team scores were Old Dominion WMC 37 Frostburg 8 Pettinato 5Shartner 87, Western Maryland 60, and WMC 25 Monmouth 11 Shartner 5 Pettinato Baltimore University 48. WMC 21 Delaware Valley 11 Kiemle 1 Coach Case attributesthishonor lambert Takedowns to the outstanding efforts of his For Against wrestlers in the consolation 146 84 rounds, and of course those who .Points placed in the finals. Jim Sen- For Against artner placed second In the 115 378 130 Ibs, class but this was unoffic- tat. Officially first places were For Against recorded by Rich Schmertzler, 42 13 captain and last year's defending SCHOOL RECORDS Broken the champion, and Gary Scholl also 1968·1969 Season champion from last year. Third 1. Most Consecutive Team Wins places were recorded by Terry 121968·1969 Conover, Art Blake, Jim King 2. Most Team Wins in One Season 12 1968,1969 and Leon Cronce and a fourth 3. MostCareerWins661965.1969 place was recorded by Ken Myers. B:ickSchmertzler Sam, felt his team was ready 4. Most Consecutive Dual Meet Towson towers over Western Maryland to win 59-19. and should have shown even better Individual Wins 26 1967.1969 than they did; First place Is his TerryConovar at! ve to the national basketball land seemed to commit a foul goal and with a strong group of 5. Most Team points in One Sea- tournament In West Chester, Pen- with ever-y move. The second freshmen and transfer students son 55 1968·1969 Gary Scholl nsyl varua, was responsible lor the half began with WMc:: i~ the lead, perhaps this goal can be obtain- 6.MostteamFaflsinOneSeason lone flaw in Terrorettes; record, 27-23, when St. Joe's suddenly ed next year. 42 1968·1969 after they bad gone 8-0. AI- took control of the play. Mld- 7. Most Fafls in One Season 10 though Towson oeroravee West- way through the third quarter, Rick Schmertzler 1968·1969 Gary Scholl ern Maryland in every aspect 01 Miss Fritz decided to go with 8. Most Career Falls 19 1967. the game, the team was able to her second string o!!ense, which 1969 Gary Scholl come back the following night on responded with 23 points to surge 9. Most Career Takedowns 74 1965·1969 Rick Schmertzter the cramped Wilson College court ahead of the stunned opponent, Terrnrs Go South (a disadvantage the Terrorettes who could only manage lour po- faced while visiting several sch- Ints In the entire fourth cots this season) and pulled out Following a 35-14 defeat of Mt. _Spring Tour Begins a thriller, 27-23. st. Agnes, the Terrorettes found After the season opener at home themselves caught In a defensive when western Maryland squeaked contest against Goucher. The 5-2 by Rick Diggs by Catonsville, 41-37, much to quarter score in favor of Goucher the pleasure of the enthusIastic indicated that this was to be a On March 22, Fern Hitchcock's freshman year and if help can be -- and therefore excHed-_fans, match of nerves, and the pressure Mason-Dixon· - MAC champion received from four freshmen right- Essex posed no problem as the never let up until the final buzzer- Green Terrors baseball team will hander s, the problem could be SOl- Terrorettes came out on top, 53_ sounded with WMC ahead 17-14. leave on 'its annual spring trip to ved. Terror bats are strong at 23. The 54-38 score of the Saint Notre Dame College was the the sunny South. With fifteen re- every pcsttton but seniors Greg Joseph's contest is very ml alead- (Continued on Page 8) turning lettermen, the Terrors Getty, Gary RUdicille, Earl Diet- the team to letters to the editor Gary Scholl beat once again as long as they rich, Larry Borga, all ending four must be considered SUder, Bill Farming, and Jerry play the type of ball they are cap- (Continued From Page 2) Following a slow start the able of. But as Coach Hitchcock year var stry careers, should be the prime targets of Opposing pit- Green Terror Matmen went un- has stated, "Nobody will roll over smugly shrugging this comment ministering justice to Western chers. and play dead oft as a case of "raclst South- Maryland women. defeated for the Mason-DixonDual we ere w.n.c,» for us Just because erners,'( I seem to recall stm ; Miss Renshaw and Mr. Flee- Meet Championship lor the second On April 4, the Terrors Openthe liar riots under the same err- harty were unfortunate in their At least one letterman returns regular season and there can be no cumstances in Chicago, choice of an example to mus- torting- of facts? Are we asking at every posiuon but the pitching complacency when the Yellow Jac- "Why should these people. be trate "abuse and justice admtn- staff, with the loss of Jim Boyer kets of Randolph MaconV1sltWes_ so frustrated? Things were Just Istered by women to.metr own." for a revamping of the system or Award winner Ralph Wilson lost tern Maryland, as hard when r was young. I Permission to over-stay a cur- that the rule book be tossed out? thru graduation, needs that all Im- lived in a ghetto in my child- few is not granted by a house- Are we concerned with group wel- portant experience. If lefty Bob Mowbray Sure or the Individual looking for fare hood.", but never with such mother and it wasn't in the spec!- away around the system? Merrey can match his amazing afflUence so wide-spread In this fic case mentioned in the letter. Let's country. Why do people of the Telephone cans from girls who There are be realistic and humane. In Of Tennis Team's many line women ghetto riot? Becausethlsseemsto over-stay their curfew are aceep- Student Government, They are be the only way to get any action ted as Courtesy Calls only and from the goveenment. In AprU are recorded as such in the office not puppets but they do have the 1969 Potential of 1968, follOWing the riots of that. of the dorm. There are exeep- thankless task of administering pence, Congress passed two laws Uons to the rule but movies are justice to their own. These same by Jim Hobart concerning Civil rights. FolIowlng not one of them, academy award women can and will make pro- the "Resurrection City" demon- winning or not. The responsible gressive changes using maturity, Veteran Coach Wray Mowbray str-atton, one surprisingly orderly women of Western Maryland are responsibility and consideration is welcoming back a stunning arr- body as their cri- for the student and nonviolent for Its size and wen aware of thIs and schedule teria. ay of lettermen and freshmen in scope, there was not one bill their activities aCCordingly. Em- Jane Strong hopes of Improving upon last years passed to help these people. ergenctes do constitute exceptions. Housemother mediocre but promising 4-10 re- Thr-ough things like this, the Ne- By curfew on Friday (1;00 A.M. To The Editor; cord. LosinJ{. only scrappy front- gro ot the ghetto has learned that Saturday morning), the housemo_ liner CharlieSchnltzlein, the nuc- the only way to get assistance in ther has already put In from 15 The information printed In the leus of returning netmen, among obtaining his constitutional rights to 18 hours and does not look last issue of The Gold Bug("West_ the captain FranK Bowe, Joe Po- protected by Congress Is to hold graciously upon remaining up for ern 'Maryland College Acts in Re- well, Alan Gober, Gary SChoU, a gun to that Congress' head. Pro- latecomers. If the housemother sponse to Gregory Talk," Febru_ Jim Hobart, Neil MeSSick, and bablya mall-order gun. Butthat's doesn't stay up the office must arY28,1969)relatingtothede_ Dan Wiles, will be hard pressed another tragedy. be kept open and the office worker liberations of the Advisory Com_ by the rising net stars. The list ~ j Al Shafer must remain to let the latecomer mittee on College Policies Is both of newcomers inCludesSteveDick_ and misleading. incorrect To The Editor; Into the building. Either way it The confidential nature ot the er, Dave Wiley, Don Krueger and I would like to comment on a is an unnecessary inconvenience Advisory Committee's delibera_ Is headed by Uday Shetty. In letter that appeared in the Feb- to Someone. tions does not permit further dis_ keepingwith.1his internatiOnalfla_ ruary 28th issue ot GOLDBUG Perhaps the system of justice closure about the subject at this Phil Wuest, Art Blake and vor, the schedule spans sites from Larry criticizing Dean Laidlaw, the women does need overhauling Ume. zym. Suder loosen up in the Blue Ridge, Virginia to Delaware~ Dorm Co.uncils and the Women's tor but must it be done with petty Richard Clower The tennis learn will inaugurate Council lor their methods of ad- aCcusations, back biting and di~!." its season Friday, April 4.athome ~~~lcSi~~yCOIllmlt~¥ on ConeR Illgai!l.§tuRandolph Macon. (
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