Page 82 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 82
PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG MARCH 14, 1969 Whiteford Hall: Stagnation Charged Housing Reviewed The Greek View by Susan Smithers "Cold." «peac.': A sub-committee of the Student Life Council recently sub. «unrrrendty.': mitted their report on college housing policies. The committee "Oppre.s st ve," "No life, no warmth,' study focused on the policy with respect to Whiteford Hall. "Never have I seen so many It was decided last year that the new dorm would be open s+udants pay so much money to be so miserable." only to freshmen, independents and members of the Fresh- - Are these remarks justified? If man Advisory Council. Sorority members were excluded. At so, what can be done to remedy the time, the decision provoked a considerable amount of the situation? Are there 850 un- opposition from people who felt that the exclusion of Greeks friendly students on this campus? Is it true Ihat people's smiles are constituted a violation of the open housing policy for women. like those of nervous denture wear- ers,! Why do so many students The sub-committee which met to consider the problem made feel like Prometheus bound? the recommendation that the experimental (staus quo) situa- II has been said that the stu- tion with respect to housing in Whiteford should be on a trial dent body is similar to a mytho- logical beast in that it doesn't basis of three or four years. Furthermore, it was recommend.· exist. However two strains of ed that freshmen women be permitted to continue living in student life have been found and the new dorm next year if they so desire. Last year's policy letters to the editor are living in peaceful co-exist- ence. They are the Independents, required any freshman wishing to continue living in the new or for all intensive purposes, the All letters to. the editor must be signed or they u;iil not be published. Mortals, and the Greeks. dorm to state that she had no intention of joining a sorority. To The Editor: The Greeks are a jovial ele- encouragement The proposed innovation would not force a person to decide Student attitudes are the major tion and Cathy McCullough to try. ment, happily entrenched on their at the end of her freshman year if s'he wanted to join a sot-or- obstacle to creative, constructive Mt. Olympus, They exhibit pro- To The Editor: mising signs or"faie de vivre and ity or not. One criticism of the present policy has been that ~~:~:at~~ti~sa c:e~~~:·a~~~l:!~:~ se:~ot~;, ::;t ui;, ~:;t~i;t s~~g~~: a definitely pronounced Baccnean freshmen are separated from upperclassmen. With sopho- "only limited objectives have been mouths of white people in regard spirit. Twice each year they be- come extremely active, perform- mores living in the new dorm, this problem will be eliminated. t:aCt~:Pl~::~~';ou~~a~:~~:m~n~~~ ~e::~u;,~~~:~ I:Oek~~;~~:~;~~~n_. ing their mysterious rites and inducting more mortals Into their Criticism of the Whiteford housing policy has been based on :~:es;::!~~nst~~e~~:. part of those ~u:d~:~!~~e t~!irth;is:or~~:~P!~ cults. The tasks of these mor- two contentions. It has been asserted that, first of all, the Certainly this frustration is a a black power salute, a fellow tals during Hell Week makes Ja- son's quest for the golden fleece policy is not in agreement with the open housing policy. Un- ;~~~~r~r:~~le:~~~ti:~~:~fit~:~tc~~~ :~~~:ntco~::d'befo';~Vh~:ei~he~o~~~ look elementary. ~ like the men, the women have never been sectioned according demn Western Maryland to News- try, they can go to hell." This The GOLD BUG and the ALOHA staff do their bit for the muse and to Greek affiliation. Since women are not sectioned anyway, ;ta:~~s c~~:~~:~ ~o~~~he m~d~~~ ::~:. m;'h:~I;~~ ~:~k th:~:~at:t~ welcome new additions to their opponents of the policy assert that excluding Greeks from a campaigns about the quality of the white Americans have been .staffs with open arms. For the dorm is unfair. Secondly, sorority -members feel that the cafeteria food, partetats, and the putting the black Americans' co- hedonists there are GigUs. For those students who enjoy speak- policy represents a threat to the sorority system. In actuality, la~h~~eP~a~;ga~~a~I:~~~ntledover ~O:d:f~~:~:Vi~o~:~~ Sl~~:e~h: ing in many tongues there is the the policy represents an effort to give independents a teal the quality of education here at white person sees a Negro, does International Club. There are several religious organizations for choice when the time comes to choose between going soror- :c~~~:~; ~::~I:td'to o~~ an~hfi~~ ::tr~:a:? Negro, or a fellow co- students who wish to burn incense ity at remaining independent. Too many people have joined a about it. Untu we try to suggest During the April riots following to the gods, consult the oracle frat or sorority in the past because they realized that Greek creative changes andolfer our time the assassination of Dr. Martin at Delphi or save the pagan ba- bies. affiliation offers security and a social life. It's time that a ::~ [:~f~~~: t~oe:~eW;I~,:n~~t~:~ii~~ ;~!h~:nt~ln!~r:W0us:~PI~~~eW:I~~ With all of the above activi- and more, said it Is still person could remain independent and not be at a disadvanc- for our discontent. again: "We were in poverty In ties the "M" in western Mary- that age. Future years should bring a larger and stronger indepen- Many campuses have become the the 1930's, but we didn't riot," land stands for mediocre. Per- dent element. As the student body expands, the fraternities ~~t~tSr~p~~~~n~:t~:nt:~~~~~y~f~~~-_ ~~ddn,:':~e:n::~it:a~::l~t r~~- haps "Whimsee" should pay close and sororities will have to become more selective. As a result, Ing committees. Here we have stu- ing."· No, white people didn't attentton to the admonition "Be famous or infamous, never medi- there will be more independents. It seems clear that the pre- dents on the Advisory Committee riot then. The white people riot ocre!" It has been said that sent policy is an eff~rt to create a strong independent ele- ~:r~,OI~t~~:n~li~~f:', c~~~er~tur:e~ !~r s~~~: ~;;~fi~:n~;I:~~n~O~a: Western Maryland Is a party cam- pus sustained by the all too pre- ment, not an effort to destroy the Greeks. The members of Personnel Problems .committee s, wretched life in the only way they valent stream of Eupicurean phi- sororities are being motivated by selfish considerations if they ~~:n:::v:a~~g:ee:tt~~!h:~s~~:t~:~ ~n:at~O:~ll~d s:~~bat~a:e~e:~~ losophy. In Western oppose the policy on the grounds that the "system" is being from the Hill. I contend it is that to recall a white riot there. Why? ectuat vaccuum? Maryland an intell , too Is there threatened. The system has been and will be stronger than much overused word--apathy--we For a very good reason. A Ne- much Bacchean revelry and not the independent individual, and for this reason the administ- ~::: ~~:~:for our calm or should ;:; i~a~h!h~e~~~~~~t~/~h~~~!~ enough of Pandora's curiosity? Perhaps an urgent demand for ;at_ion is morc than justified in making a concerted effort on We students have not used these vs U.S. case and go to a former- gadflies should be iSsued __ So- behalf of the independent to correct the imbalance. avenues tothelrfullest.Whilemany Iy segregated white school. Now crates would be pleased. "Whl- complalllaboutthecurriculum,few if that isn't reason for a riot msee's" student body doesn't Not enough effort has been made in the past to give stu· (perhaps none) have submitted sug- -what is? If you are white an~ need an oracle to tell It that it com- to the curriculum gestions dents a real choice between independent and G;eek status. mittee. (Continued On Page 6) needs to undergo intensive seU- The emergence of a strong independent group would actually The Student Government is cur- examination and questioning. rently considering a proposal for serve to strengthen the Greek system. Students are being enlarging existing committee stu- THE GOLD BUG overly defensive when they condemn every effort to improve dent membership and adding stu- Official studen' newspaper of Wmem Maryland College. pub the position of independents as a threat to their system. Un- dent members to such crucial lished ··Thirteen times a year in Jan.. Feb.. Mar.. Apr., Mav.,Sept.. committees as Admissions and Oct., Nov., Dec," on Friday. Entered as second class maner at the fortunately, the new dorm programs this year have been dis- Standards, CurriculUm, and Lib-, Westminster, Maryland 21157. under Act of March l. mal failures. There is 'still much to be done in this one area rary. SECOND-CLASSPOSTAGEPAID AT WESTMINSTER.MD.21157- alone. Dr. Ensor has indicated that he :~=-;]1:;!ii~~:i!E~[22]~~;[===: will be responsive to such a pro- Upcoming ACCP Elections posal. The question now Is whe- ther we will have enough Interest_ It should not be necessary to stress the importan~e of the ed students,whoarewillingtowork upcoming elections of student representative members of the actively, apply for these positions. Advisory Committee on College Policies. The Advisory Com- A questionnaire (heaven forbid, not another one~) will soon be cir- mittee to designed to "generate and channel proposals dealing Sue Schull ... .. BusinessManager culated that covers---atUtudes and witb broad fundamental policies related to the educational Ideas about the curriculum, the LeeSchwartz .. . ............... Production Editor News Editors Susan Baker, Pam Zappardino.. processes and standards of the college; and long-range plann- faculty, the student body, grading MikeShultz _ Editorial Page Editor practices, and campus soclallife Gary Scholl... . SportsEditor ing for thc growth of the college. both in quality and size." by the Reactions to Gregory group. Richard AndeBOn, Tracey Beglin Features Editors There are three student positions to be filled, and any stu· Take time for once to think care- Janet TaVlor AdvettisingManager dents who wish to become candidates should inform the Stu- fully and sincerely abouttheques_ Tim Smith... ·················· Inside News Editor Mark Alien... Publishing Editor Hons. If you can't squeeze out en- ...................... : dent Government Association officers. John Van Horn.... .......................... Photography Editor ough time for the improvement of Corinne Klein . Jerry Hopple ;~~r C~~Il:i:: :~~~~e~~:'i~~:~aas~ SUsltnSmithers . :·.:::::·.:·srti;n ::.·:·C;~·~~J~;;~~·~~d·E~~;;~~;:::::: S~eSprague .. ·.II' .... "'·•• 'iI .., .ctWI•••••. L~ ..... ~'II!j ········· Typing Editor
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