Page 84 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 84
PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG MARCH,14, 1969 Somebody -Up There?' A Very 'Spatial-- Situation KeepT:~:::C:",B.~ i result of the recent and the lecture on of ourselves," just making giant asses ed In one little circle concerning one ~y Rowland Hill It has come to my attention as a "We're emphasis commented one pat- the hypothetical sttuanonwnere the Apollo flights person wanted to Idll and everyone last Sunday on the subject of outer- space that many western'Mar-ytann don't you see that as each one of egos were placed astee general, students have become spaced-out. lent. "Yes," replied Sammy, "but else on earth wanted to die. But In you pubUcly makes an ass or your- spo,ke freely and and the patients This ailment Is the result of a self you can dissolve all pretenses honestly between glasses of thara- condition where one's senses are A freshman coed, alter three months in college, wrote a rather long being bombarded with news of and be completely honest with one pudic wine. Soon everyone went up- letter to her parents detailing the events In her 11!esince matriculation. space but he Is not able to actively another." stairs to sleep, feeling refreshed She had a concussion received during a fall from a burning dormitory, participate. This IstheweU-known They kept folding until they had _ and yet thoroughly exhausted. I was pregnant by a young man of another race; and was expecting to marry two -edtmenstonaj time warp syn- a compact package'of space which thanked Dr. Speedphriegforallow_ him. At the very end ofthe letter, however, she set it all straight by say- drome. The only cure for this mind- one 01 them tossed Into the nre- lng me to witness his therapy sea- Ing, "I want to tell you that there was no dormitory tire; I do not have a crippling disease Is physical ther- place. There was no flash because slon and returned to WMC with skull fracture; I am not pregnant and am not planning to get marrted, But apy. space Is an Inert element. the cure for two-dimensional I am getting a "D"lnHlstory and am flunking Biology and I wanted you to I contacted Dr.SamuelT.Speed_ Alter the space-folding was eom-.' space-warp syndrome tucked away see these marks In their proper perspective." phrleg, a noted West Coast author- pleted the patients sat on the floor safely In the back of my mind. But The coed, In her devious way, calls our attention to an important ele- Hy, and he explained that the best and talked about whatever was pre- then I realized that there aren't ment In life--keeplng the perspective. therapy for this disease Is the art sented for discussion I caught bUs really that many spaced-out pee- Have not the recent 'hysterical and violent student protests lost the of space-folding. Through space- of conversation about a wounded pie at WMC alter all. At least perspective of rationality and prloclple? But then, has oot much adult folding a patient Is able to actual- masoemsttc relationship emerg- few people admit It. Maybe we over-response to the "younger generation" lost the perspective of youth's ly handle space and In this way Is butterfly and a beauttrut sado- could use a few more. pereuntar eestre for changing styles and experimentation? able to lose his natural fear of it. as Riot Precipitates Fa"out Vlktor Frankl has a per specttve In which to view the advisability of Sammy--known by his friends doing something aboutwhlch we have some real misgivings. "So Iive as if Lehmontv-tnvtteu me to visit his you were living already for the second time and as If you had acted the by James Lee clinic first time as wrongly as you are about to act now." West Coast Maryland. located near The Battle of Western Mary- to their dormitories. The Guard Frederick, He asked Many an "involved" and "uninvolved" Christian often loses the per- first that I make a token contrtbu- land began on the afternoon of was withdrawn spective of Chrlstianlty'scommltmenttothetotalperson __souland body, bottles "of and blvouaced at" The first February 31, 1969. personal and communal. tlon of two half-gallon skirmish of the battle took place the Armory. Sunday, On the following students Italian SwiSS Colony wine--whlch morning, were There Is a danger In our present setting that we wtu-rose the pers- par- pective of making a life while we are busy preparing to make a living. he said was also used In his ther- outside the dining hall as sever- late rising due to Fraternity Though in a snow- engaged ties the eve"!ng before. apy sessions. As it was a dona- al students While not deprectattng reason and logic, human meaning Is finally built tlon to medical science, I gladly ball fight. The ccnmct was eV1- no signs of vtotence developed, the on righteousness and love. And the Ufe and death Issues of race, peace, compIled with his request. denced as members of the jdtch- Guard forces remained btvouaced, and poverty which affect over half the world puts In some perspective 'The clinic is located In a 1740 en crew attacked both sides, drf- The battle resumed that after- our pre-occupation with open parties, cafeteria food, dress codes and farmhouse. Sammy explained that vlng away from the plaza noon at 3:06. This time the con- curfews. Keeping a perspective helps us to order our priorities, arrange the eighteen-Inch thick stonewalls outside them the dining hall. Both flict widened until nearly the en- human values, and make the most sensible dectstons, Without a proper are for the purpose of holding sides were reinforced by stu- tire student body was Involved. perspective, we may take the wrong things too seriously--or major in some space inside the house and dents finishing dinner untii the The Guard commander, who had minors, as they say. keeping the rest out. As I enter- skirmish had escalated into a gen- taken considerable casualties In This Is surely what Jesus meant by "Set your mind on God's kingdom ed through the side door I felt a erat free-for-all with nearly a the previous day's lighting) re- and hIs Justice before everything else, and all the rest w1ll come to you little of the space rush by me, but hundred people participating. quested reinforcements. These as well." or what Martin Luther K1ngtneantby his life's major premise thought little of it. Sammy ex- At 2:15, someone Is not were unavailable, since the rest "If you live for the moment, you die; if you live for eternaltruths, you (It ,of the National Guard forces had never die." plained that my,phystcat presence.. known who) called the rouce, ~he would serve to equalize the Inter- Chief of Police called out his been deployed at other campuses When the squad car around the state to prevent WMC Social Life Still. nal-external dimensional Jlnd ever~- ... arr!ved~2 force. ha!t1~ had spr_:ei!-?f,.r,om uar outbreaks. stm- entire space ratio pressure ~arp thIng would balance out: Who was- the 'dlmng hill to-the quadrangle The Governor requested Feder~I1' Drives Many to Greeks 1 to argue with the expert? of me was ". _?etw',!'enthe, IPr!s'. dorm~ •.. ~y" al troops and a batallion These ne- oJ par-; time over two hundred per- The room this was sent. atroopers In front filled with eight or ten people In sons were participating. The po_ ver actually reached the scene various stages of therapy. They lIce, realizIng that It. was beyond of the battle, as the pilots of the by Sue Sprague all seemed very nervous. One their capacity to quell the dls- transports were unable to find back to their A few afterthoughts on the recent for aspot--anyspot--Inthesystem. girl sat on a green sofa chain- turbance, who reported the Governor. Westminster. Theyeventuallytook caned c~ief Newport_§- and drinking smoking fraternity bidding andtheresultant up positions surrounding Spring- , pandemonium that Clutched the It would seem that it's going to cherry Kool-Ald from a plastic The Governor, acting In the field State hospital which caused campus 10 its lighthearted hold for take more than afternoon GIGIF's pitcher. The others sat on the floor tradition of his illustrious and be- a great deal of mental distress the following few days. The furor and week-night trips to the Civic holding paper cups filled wlthwlne loved predecessor, immediately on both sides. was as wild as ever on acceptance Center to lure freshmen away from and munching on pieces of ,~anana ~ent a battalion of National Guard. .: The events of the next few hours day and It brought back memories the fraternities. If anything, the bread that sbm"ebody's 'mother' At 5:15 P.M. when the National have never been accurately re- of a time last year when predic- fraternity system Is being reen- had sent from West Virginia. They Guardsmen reached the campus constructed.' ,It Is known only tion had It that the Greek societies forced by the fact that, due to the were restless. 1 It was growing dark, and this that at 9:27 P.M. West,ern Mary- on campus were doomed to dry up size of the freshman class, mem- "When can we start folding perhaps expalins the confusion land College was struck by a and wither away. Time was when bershlp is going to be a prestige space?" o'iie of them asked Sam- experienced on both sides. The tactical" nuclear device. It Is the GOLD BUG was regularly full ~!e;:ro~f~~t o::~no!h::r:~~t': m~;Yeh, ~hmont," asked. the ~a~:ena~~~;~d~m;:~ :1:~~s;;!C~~ assumed that this was a U.s. of angry debate over tbe dean's weapon, although this Information purported "hatcbet plan" to offer the campus went GreeK. others, "When can we?" It was were somewhat puzzled by over has been classified. A commis- It would appear that the system easy freshmen and independents bigger Is here to stay, and the rivalry friends. to tell that they were his 300 students pelting ooe another sion set up to study the explos- with snowballs. When a red flag -and better avenues tor entertain_ ion and the events leadIng up to ment, and to thwart the growth of and dismemberment of the stUdent Sammy explained that space- was observed flying from the It decided that the campus was the Greek societies at every turn_ body more firmly entrenched than folding Is like a symbolic house_ f!agpole it was decided that the struck by one tactical nuclear First came the decision to allow: ever. Its dlscomfltting to think that warming except that I,t Is actually snowball battle was a Communist warhead 01 250 ton yield which only freshmen and independents in a period of burgeoning student handled and physically removed so Inspired riot. (Actually this was fired from the viCinity of In the new dorms, thus limiting activism and Independence, when that the ulUmate life functions can was a WMC nightie which had Finksburg. Recently several wrI- their contact with fraternity and the enforced conformity of tbe carryon in an environment unhln- been seized In'McDaniel Hall dur- ters have written books poshlla- sorority members. Greek societies Is definitelY!;lIlits dered by additional space. All the Ing a minor skirmish of the bat- tlng that the cam"pus was struek Fraternities were denied the prl- ::Yc:nu~~rm::~~:~o~h~:~~s;:; i:tI:~in~e~~~~~~ie t~:%~!f:!~ ;~d)'ih~n :~~I 7:a~~:~n~n:kn~: by two warheads fired from Tan- vUege of throwing open parties, eytown and Reisterstown. this to be delegated to the SGA or student enthUsiasm and partl~an tion, which Sammy said is the ultl- combatants did not recognize the The Trustees have announced They saw the field other non-Greek organizations. feelings. mate life function. First they tram- Guardsmen. and the combat boots, but that reconstruction is proceed- jackets pled down all the space to separate Since I myself am a member of The SGA was also granted anacti- the system,andproudofmyaffilla_ It from the regular air molecules. half the students there were: Ing smoothly and that classes will vltles fee in hopes that a guaranteed begin In September 1983. How- capital would enable it to provide ~il~~'~h:mp~a~~n~ftht:~ir~~::~e~~~= ~~;r s~~t;c:tmt~etwc~~~~::n~!o~:~) ;:~:i:;:.!:~d. jackets- and combat ever, the swimming pool pro- more or higher quality entertain_ bably will not be completed untu ment. The question most frequently ~et~:~;t ::~C~;ea~,p~:s~:!::t~!~lI room and folded the edges togetheJ;:. At 8:02 all students withdrew the following year. raised was just what could a frat- ,creative energies and a source of T'llin',-;ncn=",--:-=---,c:-~.,.. rrhy},Li~MC-_~-"-r-'------------1 ernity or sorority o!feronceitwas lots of good beer--but U's unfort- no longer a student's sole source of unate that WMC can offer nothIng soclalli!e? more pertinent or realistic than So what happened? The fact re- purple passion punch or Hungry mains that the percentage or boys Mother parties to a generation who .pald their rush fees was not that must learn to cope with the significantly lower than in years world's problems in four short past, and for the first time a very years. The system has its draw- sizeable number of boys did not backs--it's dated and distinctly out receive bids. A total of88 boys ac- of time--but we apparanUyneedlt. cepted bids this year, and also for Students must turn somewhere the first Umeinrecentmemorythe with their energies, and unUl we number was almosteg,yaliJljdivlded can offer something better, the between the four fraternities __ an Greeksare going to remain acen- Indlcatton of the fierce competiVl)ln trallorc,,! on campus.
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