Page 87 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 87
Leaders All Seniors; Track SquadY oung&Meager But Confident of Good Year ·~:r~~~~~~~:;~~;~:a~~p':eeaSl~~~~ by RichRobbins In all, although the team ts smalt, The highlight of the season carne The '69 version of the WMC holds the record In both the 120 .tt's powerful, and there is a good chance they!ll pull a winning re- losing season when theGreenTerrorstookBalti- track team features youth and t ~\~~s~n~e~~!n~~r~:~~at::~!~t~~ Green Terrors in basket- more University, the second place I:l;xpe_rlence. The. relatively smal l DeWitt and Bernie Pfeiffer. of the loss by grad- team in the Mason Dixon Confer- squad of about 20 men will rely LarrySucler, the team's, ence tournament into overtime be- more on strength than depth In its scorer; Joe Smothers, the fore losing 109-101. The Green attempt to compile a winning sea- leading iebounder; and the lack of Terrors showed a great deal of son tor the first time since 1965. a big center, the outlook for next hustle and the desire to win in the The team right now consists of 10 year is anything but bright. contest, something they did have Freshmen, 4 Sophmores,2Junlors This year saw the Green Ter- throughout the season, The Whis- and 4 Seniors. rors faced with an almost in- neuaners also defeated arcntvat The field events this year are surmountable height disadvantage John Hopkins twice this season. in pretty good hands. WUh Clint- nearly every time they took the Next year's team will be led by., de Witt returning for his final as- floor. Throughout the season the forward Jeff Davis, who averaged sault on his brother's long and Terrors were getting only one shot 14 points and 9 rebounds a game triple jump records, these events at the basket while their oppon- this year. JohnHeisler,RonAthey, should go to Western Maryland ents were getting two or three shots Billy Hutchinson and Jim Hobart in every meet. Clint will also be because of their reboundingstren- will Ught it out for the two guard running the 100 and the hurdles. gth. The need for a big center be- positions. Because of the depth this, Bob Hatfield should dominate the came more obvious as the season position will be fairly strong. With discus and [avaltne , and do much progressed. 'Davis at one forward eereviu.ce' to fl11ln the gap created when shot The problem of getting a center a battle between Randy Hutchin- put record holder, Barry ptkotas is not an easy one. Because of tba son, Gene Grosh and Bob Smith transferred last year. Freshman lack ol scholarship funds recruit- for the other forward spot. The steve Sweet will also be throwing ing Is very difficult. It's not easy center will be either Bill Sherman the Iron ball against the opposition. to ask a 6 foot 7 or 8 center with a or Latrell Jones. The signing of a In the pole vault, freshman Lynn reasonable amount of ability to center would allow Latrell to re- Boniface will be the strongest come to Western Maryland, much turn to forward where he played threat with Bob Hatfield close 00- less pay his way. One thing is lor in high school andismoreathome. hind. Randy Klinger Is back in the. sure he is not going to come to If a center Is signed for next year high jump along with freshmen western Maryland and pay his way the team should be a good one, tr nor- Terrors, to fUl the event after the when he could go to another school a .500 would be a reasonable goal. graduation of Jim Morrison who Shots Free Throws Name PPG SA SM Pct. SA SM Pct. TP' Reb. Suder 15.9 "8 133 .418 103 83 .805 349 68 Baker 13.3 228 109 .478 77 61 ,792 279 55 Smothers 11.1 183 98 .535 773 48 .657 244 192 G,,,,, 9.5 20. 95 .475 28 2. .714 21. 114 Davis 14.1 232 118 .508 98 75 .765 311 154 Lewis 4.e • 3 41 .44 • ae .553 108 107 .Heisler 3.1 37 2. .541 3 .429 43 17 Hutchinson. R.6.5 121 56 .463 44 27 .614 139 89 Grosh 2.4 36 15 12 4 .333 34 19 20 Athey 43 15 .349 18 Ic 13 .722 43 0 6.0 1 1 1.000 10 1.000 Sherman 1.5 15 6 .400 10 .700 19 11 Hutchinson, 8.4.2 59 25 .424 2. .450 59 21 Girl Cagers End Year (Continued from Page 6) next victim as the Western Mary- Wilson was a big disappointment, land offense came out of Us slump but Miss Fritz and JV assistant to score 47, agalnst NDC's 38. coach Carol Jesatko were both Morgan State premised to be an very pleased with the talent they easy victory until the sacond quar-. found In their Junior Varsity. ter when Western Maryland was Freshmen starters such as Deb- held scoreless while the Morgan bie Clark, Melissa'Coleman, Chris team continued to eat away at the Schubert and Fran McCabe should margin the Terrorettes nadestab- provide a lot of depth for the var- lished for themselves. The opp- sity bench next year. onent came within four points ot Prior to the Wilson games, the the lead and lost only by eight, varsity and JV, the coaches and 32_24. Hood ccueee came to managers held a banquet In Cham- WMC for the Terrorettes last bersburg, Pennsylvania. Theteam home game and was handed a 4~- gave special recognition to aU Butch Johnson goes over the 19 defeat, as the varsity first those people who had served as hurdle in Gill Gym. string offense played Us best game the backbone of the team this year. of the season and the defense con- No one can deny the importance trlbuted its usual excellent per- of Miss Fritz to the success of Bowers and Bowman, and this could formance. the 1969 season. It was her be one of our strongest events. The tables were turned, how- enthusiasm, interest andencour- On the cinders the team has a ever, when WMC went to Towson agement which kept the team work- better depth in the distance events and could penetrate the opponent's ing and made them want to win, than ever. Teaming up with record Playtex'invents the first-day tampon' blockade defense for only 19 points, and the girls showed their appre- holder Gary Mac wtntams in the whHe the extremely skilled Towson ciation by giving her a·troIlhy, two-mile is the freshman, Calvin (We took the inside out offense tallied 59. Dejected, yet presented by captain Sar-ah Led- PUtt who lead the cross country not totaBy surprised, the Western num, In addition to contributing team this fall. Both Gary and Cal- to show you how different it is.) Marylandvarsitythensetitssights both offensively and defensively vin will be running the mile with for Wilson College. After fighting in each of the ten games this sea- record holder Rick Robbins. ln the Outside: it's softer and silky (not cardboardy). from behind, the 'rerrcrettes son, it was Sarah who also gave 880, Pete Kinner, who came with- Inside: it's so extra absorbent ... it even protects on brought home a 27-23 victory and up hours of her time working with In a second of the record last year, your first day. Your worst day! its best season in the team's his- Miss Fritz trying to solve the pro- will lead seniors Robbins and , In every lab lest against the old cardboardy kind •.• Dave New- Clawson, and freshman tory. blems facing the team. Assured Kirk and McSweeney against the. the Playtex tampon was always more absorbent. The western Maryland junior that she will do equally as good Actually 45% more absorbent on the average varsity worked and practiced just a job next year, the team elected Terror opponents. The 440 is fill- than the leading regular tampon. ed with strong runners.JohnSkin- as long and hard as the varsity, Mary Lou O'Neill to pilot next Because it's different. Actually adjusts to you. and could find only live schools year's varsity. ner returns from last year as the ItRowen. out. Fluffs out. Designed to protect every to provide competition for them. After receiving her trophy, Miss number 1 man in this event, his inside inch of you. So the chance of a mishap Their 3-2 record is little indica- Fritz honored the senior members closest contender is Bueky Paper, tion of the excellent games they of the teams--Ginny Brace,Betsy a freshman, also' in the quarter is almost zero! . played, and their two losses could Horto .., La Rue Arnold, Kay Bar- are Bernie Pfeiffer with Dave New- Try it fast. have easily gone the other way. ger ( manager and junior varsity ktr k and Mcsweeney, Wby live inthe past? It was again Towson who ruined player), Audrey Johnson (trainer), In the sprints, Johnson Bowie the junior Terrorettes' record, Carol je satko (JV assistant coach) will be taking the 220 while Dave Roulette helps out and takes charge but the JV's made it a real con- and Sarah Lednum, expressing her test all the-way to the wire, los- gratitude to them and the entire of the 100. FinNly,! ~~t~~ J~hnsOn ing 29-24. The 20-16 defeat at team tor an excellent season. will run both hurdle events for the r : 1 I
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