Page 80 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 80
PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 28, 1969 Golfers Must Replace Cage JV Wins Last Tw Basketball Seniors Five To Equal Last Joe Smothers Year's 9~3 As Devils & BCC Fall Synonymous with the term "size," on the W],.·lC basketball by Roger Wynkoop team was the name of Joseph Filling the gaps left by the Smothers. Being the tallest man five departing seniors on the great by Brian Chaney on the squad, 6'4"J he had to '68 Golf team was the first order bear the burden of being the team's of business facing Coach Robinson The J.Y. basketball Terrors primary rebounder. as the Terror llnksmen began looked sharp both offensively and through with flying colors as he training preparation for the '69 defensively as they won both of hauled down 192 rebounds, an ave - campaign. their last two home appearances rage of almost 10 per game. A- Stalwarts such as Le s Carlson, against Dickinson and the Balti- mazingly, but not unexpectedly, Al Plegetson, Steve Jones, and more College of Commerce. The the big man on the Terror team Terry Walters are missing from Terrors beat each team handily by also had the best shooting touch, last year's brigade which posted ten points. 1 putting in 53.5% of his shots. a 9-3 mark, including an upset Against Dickinson the game Joe came to WMC from BaUI- win over Mason-mxon power- started slowly with the score be- more City College where he: was house, Old Ddminion. ing tied at 14-14 after the first in All-Maryland Scholastic Ass- Holders from last season in- eight minutes of play. Theil the ccieuon. Joe's major is physi- clude co-captains Roger Wynkoop offensi ve barrage started as Arn cal education' and Bill Dayton, John Nesbitt. Hines contributed a thr-ee-point Greg Getty and Tom Trice. play and Latrell Jones hit on a "Greg was a big asset to the pair of quick buckets. Jim Hobart team in the way he broke down Dayton Most Complete was very effective, notching twelve court. He had good speed up points. The first half ended with the court and never really eas- Dayton, acknowledged by Coach the Terrors out in front 46-37. ed up." This comes from Coach Robinson to be the most complete Dickinson opened the second half Ron Sisk who also said that Greg golfer-competitor he has had dur- with a press that stifled the Ter- could match up with most of the ing his seven-year dynasty, had rors and gave them the lead after big guys on the court and re- a22-14 mark as a freshman play- two minutes of play. The Terrors bounded with the best of them. ing in the tough number one pos- then made some adjustments and At 6'2", Greg was another big tuo» in every match. opened what appeared to be a com- man on the team-with the ability Wynkoop, the robust belter from for table lead. But Dickinson again 'to put the ball in the hoop. He Rye, New York, has led a restric- took the lead, and with seven min- shot 47.5% from the floor. 71,4% ted schedule for two years butwill utes left the score was 74-73~ from the foul line, and hit the assume full-time employment this The game then proceeded to be boards for 114 rebounds. A his- spring. close until, with four minutes left Steve Athey, Cary Jones, Roger Klinger, Athey, and Smith opened Young, and Phil Reagan are the up, and their shooting gave the Dave Lewis most prominent" rookies contend- Terrors a 93-83 victory. The lead- ine: scorers were Klinger with 18, Dave was the "sixth man" on ing with Nesbitt and Trice for the f)mith with 17, Hobart with 15, and remaining four slots. the squad this year. Able to Junior Pete McGlaughlin and Schwertzler with 13. McClanahan leap out of the world, he was freshman Don Mohler round out led all Dickinson scorers with 30. used by Coach Sisk to grab some the squad. Against the Baltimore College rebounds and "let them know we The team has again elected to of Commerce the Terrors relied were there." The coach was ne- forego the fun and frolic of Day- on the prodrgtous scoring efforts ver disappointed with any of Dave's tona during the Spring vacation of Jones, scnwertarer and Smith. efforts. For as high as he could In exchange for a tough training Their combined total was 73 points jump, he had good size and weight grind at Myrtle Beach, South Car- as individually Jones had 27, to throw around, or as Dave would olina. Last season the team did Schwertzler has 23, and Smith had say, "Give 'em a lrttle PiUs- their suffering in Miami, Florida. 23. The final score was 89-79. burgh." "Lonnie" grabbed 107 rebounds in his short stints and shot 44% from the floor. He ~ A I../TY came to WMC from Robert Mor- CLEANERS& ris Junior College, after being named to the All-Catholic Team when in PIUsburgh's st. Casimir \!I U 1 So-.Center Street, ~~~~~~S High School. Dave was the blithe spirit on the team, LAUNDERING. DRYCLEANING • TAILORING Larry Sueler Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service but nobody ieeeer.ucnoetocon- cert with the team, typifying Its Servtce for Students in WMC Student Center pervading spirit. In his last two years as captai nLof the basket- Monday through FrIday noticed ball team, Larry Suder has more 9:00 O'elock UntU 3:00 O'e!oek Dally than met this definition. Coming to WMC from vauev High sen> And aren't you happy! You can 001, Larry was heralded as All- western Maryland Interscholas- wear the briefesl skim, the tic League. He also received slimmest slacks, anything YGU mention In High School All-Amer- wont, any time YGUwont,withGul ica. Larry played his way into Your Faculty ever worrying oboulnoticeoble a starting guard position as a bulges or the pGssibilily of odor frosh and finished second in seer- forming. You use Tampox tampons. mg. This year he raised his Worn internally, they eliminate four-year point total to 1399, se- advisor asks you Ihe bother Gf belts, pins and pods. cond highest in WMC history, was And mostimpartont, Tompax high scorer in eight games this tampons do away with the dis- year, and had the best foul shoot- comfort of chafing and rubbing. ing percentage for a starter-- Foradvice? You feel seture and perfeclly 80.50/<1- Mike Baker comfortable every day of the month. At 5'10", he is short on size, Tampax lampons, available in a little too small for a starting three absorbency-sizes: Regular, guard, or so it was said. In Super and Junior. Neat. ten- the case of sport, Size has great meaning, but Michael Baker was venienl. (omplelelydisposGble. Try lampox and see tempens never told this. He made up for his lack in inches with a good how greatil is when nobody shot which he hits when most nOlices.Notevenyou. needed, quick aggressiveness that more than once has given spark to the team. His sure ballhand- Think itover,over coffee. ling has enabled him to lead the Terrors in assists for the past The Think Drink. two years. and-he is the man who makes the offense and de- fense go. Mike hails from La- fayette High School in Brooklyn, New York. where he was named All-New York City. Many a long. hard bus trip has been broken up by one of Mike's wittiCisms. by Kevin Fried
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