Page 79 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 79
_ THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 28, 1969 PAGE 7 Grapplers Victorious In Quad Cagers Close Season WMC Boasts Six Champs; With Win Over Jays Art Blake Among Winners 145 Ibs. Terry Conover --pin- by Greg Barnes ned F.S.C., decisioned by D.V. ints respectively. Ira Kuhn of and M.C. In the final six games of the Lebanon Valley was high scorer 152 lbs , Jay Lave.rton-o-decj s- '69-'69 season, the Terrors dis- for the game with 22 points. ioned F .S.C., n.v.. and M.C. appointed home fans hut gathered For the' home final, the cager s 160 Ibs. atcx scnmertzier e- victories in two out of three road gave the fans an exciting game pinned :M.C" eectstooedover D.V" games to end the season with a but could not give them victory decisioned by F.S.C. 7-14 record. as the Dickinson College Red 167 Ibs.Art Btakev-pinned F .S.C The wfusueuaners ended their Devils handed the Green Terrors decisioned over D.V, and M.C. first season under Coach Ron Sis!:: a 110-99 overtime loss, The 177 Ibs. Herb Shrieves--pinnec' on a happy note, defeating Johns contest, considered a toss-up, got F,S,C., pinned by D.V. and M.C Hopkins 96-85. The Terrors could off to a bad start with too many 191 ius. Jim King--plnned F.s do no wrong Saturday as they he ld first-half fumbles lhat gave Dick- C., decisioned over n.v. and M.C. a ten-point lead for most of the inson the lead at the intermiss- unl, LeonCronce--pinned F .s.c. night. Ahead by 17 potnts at one ion, 45-39. The 'rerrors. led by deci st oned over D.V, and M.C. time during the second half, WMC Lonnie Lewis' rebounding and Mike Sam Case will take his mat mono held off a feeble Jay comeback Baker's shooting, caught fire and Last Saturday, Sam Case and 130 ms. oary s cncttv-dectston- sters to Old Dominion College ir attempt. Joe Smothers and Lon- closed in upon the Red Devils, the Mason-Dixon Champions for ed over Frostburg, D.V., and Mon- Norfolk, Virginia this Satur-day nie Lewis dominated the defensive Early in the half, things got too the second year in a r ow hosted mouth for the Individual Mason-Dlxor boards, enabling guards Mike Ba- hot , and after a brief scuffle Monmouth College, Delaware Val- 137 lbs., Ron Pettinato -- de- Championships. Congratulations ker and Larry Suder to cash in involving several players,JeffDa- ley, and Frostburg State College ctstoned over F.s.C., decision- on your second Dual Meet Mason- _ on the fast breaks. Baker led all vis was ejected for decking an in a quadrangular meet. There ed by D.V. and Monmouth. Dixon Championship! opponent. Greg GeUy came off the bench and in the closing min- were three rounds, of which Wes- tern Maryland was first with 83 team points followed by Delaware Valley with 68, Monmouth with 54, and Frostburg with 32. The highlights of the meet came in the final round when Ken Myers, Gary Scholl, Art Blake, Jim King, and Leon Cronce all emerged un- defeated In their raspecttve wetgnt categories, Awards of the meetwenttoSteve Burnette, at 145 Ibs., from Dela- ware v alIey.Jor outstandtng w re sf- ler of Delaware VaHey at the un- limited weight class for the most pins in the least amount of time, and a trophy to WMC for meet "champtons, Individual scores were as fol- lows: 115 ms. Jim senartnerv-iost only match to Frostburg 123 ius. Ken Myers -vcects- loned over Frostburg, D,V" and Monmouth .Anflelo ~ Italian Dining Room Joe Smothers runs into a Dickinson roadblock after stealing a Red Devil pass. 85 W, Main St. his career total at 1339 points, utes of the half hit on some key Westminster making him the second highest jumpers from the corner. With scorer in WIIlC B-Ba11 history. 45 second to play, Whim see went 848-2848 With this second defeat of arch- ahead on Larry Suder's baseline rival Hopkins, the cager.s ended jumpshot. But Dickinson's Ted a losing season. Jursek, the game's scoring lead- The W..M,C. u-aauers soundly er ;yith 43 points, stole the ball defeated canaucet at canaudet. and sent the game into overtime SIEGMAN'S Senior JoeSmothersJedtheTerror at 87·87 with his Jay-up. But TEXACO -SERVICE offense with an exceUent effort that in the extra period, the Terrors ,saw him sink 11.of t s field goal at- shooting soured and the Red De- vils ran o!fwith an overtime vic- tempts for 24 points, Captain Larry tory. Mike Baker led the 'rerr- WeslmiDBter Shoppiag Suder and Jeff Davis each con- Cealer tri buted 18points towards Whim see 0r\(Scoring In this hear-breaker, Playtex'invents the first-day tampon'" victory. Guard Mike Baker from scoring 25 points and making good W.taia.ter Tl 10-1411 Brooklyn, New York. backed up 10 of 15 field goal attempts. Larry this effort with 14. wttn tne excep- Suder picked up most of his 24 TEXACO JUVOLINB (We took the inside out of his points by taking advantage tion of Smothers and Baker, both many free throw opportunities. GASOLINB OIL to show you how ditIerent it is.) of whom made good on more than half of their shots, the Terror The Green Terror cagers were Outside: it's softer and silky (not cardboardy), shooting from the floor was on the totally outclassed in front of the Inside: it's so extra absorbent ... it even protects 00 cold side. with a field goal per- home fans by conference-leading your first day. Your worst day! 96-64 •.Wlth a Mount st. Mary's centage of .397. at each position, the Mounties con- WTIR Inevery lab test against the old cardboardy kind ..• On February 22, the Terrors height advantage of several Inches the Playtex tampon was always more absorbent, travelled to Lebanon Valley, and after leading for most of the first trolled the boards and prevented AM-1470 .KC Actually 45 % more absorbent on the average half. lost to the DutChmen 81- the Terrors from penetrating, than the leading regular tampon. 58. The Terrors committed too forcing them to take most of their FM-Steroo Because it', different. Actually adjusts many costly turnovers which en- shots from the outside. Whim see Itflowers out. Fluffs out. Designed to abled the Flying Dutchmen to tie scoring leader Jeff DaviS collect- inside inch of you. So the cbanceor a misban the scoreatthehalfandeventu- ed fourteen points in an effort that is almost zero1 Jeff Davis hit for 16 saw the team cash In on only one WESTMINSTER TryitfasL points to lead Terror scoring eff- third of its field goal attempts. Why !i.e in the past? orts. Joe Smothers and Larry Mountie center Bob Riley', a 5-9, MARYLAND Suder contributed 15 and 12 po- dominated the rebounding
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84