Page 88 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 88
Wrestling Spot lite by Jordan Lieb Lacrosse A$sumes Varsity S'tatus H.... Sh.I •••• .JIm IUnw- I.y L•••• 'on Herb, a senior, hails from Wic- Jay, a sophmore, did his high With A.Good Season Looming omico High School, Salisbury, school wrestling at WoodlawnHigh Maryland. He never wrestled in School, in Baltimore. He wrestled high school but Sam cornered him for three years and lettered all by Alan McCoy for four years duty at W.M.C. three. His senior year he was eap., His ever-present drive and in- tatn of the team and placed second sptr attoti stimulated others con- in the county tournament. He went Western Maryland has a varsity tinuously throughout the season. on to take a third in the District #3 lacrosse squad for the first time Herb took over the 177 lb. slot Tournament. in recent years, and Its cnance ror second semester and through a Last year under Sam, he placed success appears to be good. After stringent and fastidious diet, he fourth In the Mason-Dixon Indivi- two years of clubstatus, both play- more than fIlled the spot. dual Tournaments. This year, pro- ers and coaches are excited by the A hard worker. both on and off bably the most improved member prospects of the initial varsity the mat, he filled slots such as , a senior, hatl s from of the squad, Jay compiled a 14- campaign which begins early in scholarship chairman, treasurer Bishop Enstace Prep scncot, and 21 overall record. He was unoe- April against UMBC. The past two and purchaser of the matmen, Camden, New Jersey. He wrestled feated In dual meet competition seasons have Iayed tha groundwork one year and was undefeated, won and his only two losses came in for this year and have given many the distrtct cnarnptonsntp annptae , tournament competition. Good luck players a chance for game exper- ad third in the regional tourna- next year. ience. In fact, many of the people merit, He was voted the outstand- who will figure into this years team ing athlete of his high school his gained their only experience these senior year. past two seasons', Al Kempske, who Jim came to WMC and has com- didn't play ~t all until he got piled a 44-8 individual record here, has been outstanding in the lettering all four years.Hisfresh- goal. Bill Dudley, Vic McT·eer, man year Jim took a second in the Greg Virgil and Tom Mavity and ·Mason-Dixon Individual Cham- all of whom are relative new- pionship at Unlimited and a third comers to the game," have put at 191 res. this yearc Hgwas a cap- forth a great amount of time and tain for the matmenror three years. effort. They are more than cap- Jim ended the season with an Im- able of playing the game on the pressive win streak after he got off varsity level. to a slow start being hampered by Others who played on the club an injury. A credit to the team, Jim, which last year sported a- has proven himself a teader ror-ths 5-1-1 record, include outstand- sonasuccess. ing sophomore attackmanEdSmith The past history of lacrosse · 10.. Win In' •• mu •• I ' 11 by first floor managed to close the· and two returning midfielders, sc- here has been from one sea- phomores Danny Wilson and Alan to the other. In its initial Wl,h 47-3. Ylc' •• y 0 ••• Is' Fl••• Gary5
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