Page 77 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 77
THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 28,1969 PAGE 5. Somebody Up There? The Great Moral Gap by Richard Anderson The American Establishment has avant gua rde youth have discover- binds them to the evil aspects of this hang-up about the dist~essing ed anotnar avenue tcward downward violence. and to the divisiveness Those Inaugural Prayers'i,immorality of the young. self-transcendence in what Huxely that breeds on violence. People possessed by has labeled "Herd intoxication." Through these illustrations,1 10 Micaiah, how we need you!) fear do not act rattonatty-cex- The riots are always rationalized hope it is obvious that transcend- ample, --militant Chiago cops enoe in a downwarp and sideways as being "necessary" when in fact by Ira G Zepp, Jr t . engaging In a self-righteous orgy they are indulged in because they direction are the directions taken of violence, example~-CongU!ss are enjoyable. The ract is that man- by the majority of the young today, The quantity and the quality of the inaugural prayers were an em- passing legislation in record time kind has known for a longtime that and that because ofthisfact,state- to anyone who appreciates Judeo-Christian setr-consctous- within weeks of the nrst or art carc getting together in a mob and los- ments about the "moral gap" are presence of idolatry,. t.e., absolutlzing the relative. burnings. etc. ing oneself in the crowd-inspired misleading. Not only are they mls-. Tucker's saccartne treatment of the new chief execu- 1 thing somebody ought to lay delerium is as good as getting leading, but also, in a sense, dan- Thee for his exemplaryUfe •.")to Rabbi Magnln's teen- it straight on the line. Somebody wildly drunk, and the young revet- gerous, because II the younger God's Shekinah (Light, Glory, Presence) with "The Amer- ought to say "Just where, Mr.~ utionaries haven't risen above this generation believes as It is being , to Billy graham's "As George Washington reminded us, Establishment, do you think your urge. They claim all the while that told that It can do no wrong, then and faith are the pillars of our society." to Archbishop Cooke's repressive tactics are going to It takes a riot to Impress upon the we will see greater violence,grea- to America's messianic mission, "We are aware, 0 Heavenly take us?" If you believe that some- EstabUshment their sincerity and ter divisiveness, and the disap- our canons for the future peace of all mankind.", one got thing should not be indulg"('d in for determination, while in fact they pea ranee of all understandIng. notwithstanding all the references to God; In fact, Amer- ethical reasons then plead your use the mobwhich negates both rea- These same sad results will en- real God and our ultimate commitment to nationalism was cause=-don't get some bigoted cop son and free will to convince them- in religious dress. who doesn't know or care a damn lakovos of the Greek Orthodox Church did strike a note of about public relations to enforce and the "solemnity of this historic moment" when he your ethics as a matter of course. him the power to overcome evil with good, injustice, To begin with, Mr. Establish- love, bias with equal treatment, violence with compassion .. " ment, you are correctinconsider- longs for on such occasions Is a sensitivity to the inevit- Ing the avant guarde young tm- which exists between the Word of God and the word of this moral--although probably for the its governments. wrong reasons, and second the of Young RepublicanslnAsheville,N. C. a few years ago . young, are immoral because you as easily beenyoungDemocrats),aspeaker concluded, "Chris- are immoral. Communism cannotcoexistwithouttenslon." Thiswas round- The generation gap has teen But the statement isabanality.Christianity cannot coexist called the moral gap, the infer- Young Republicans or Young Democrats without tension, or the_ ence being that the establishment the KKKor the NACCP or the Boy Sco~ts of the Christian Church I~ immoral and the young revotu- tension! uonartes are the shining examples of ethical purity. 1 agree there is a someone has said, Christianity is inherently contentious. It identifies God with any historical relativity (including America). moral gap, but the truth is that the young have just Chosen new ways to decided to live in a state of tension, in an era of "not y;t." be immoral. Here we stand-- of God" who do not eommurucate this tension are like those surveying each other, the young chaplains" of Ahab who reinforced his desire to go to war with aamotn-cueac. When asked by a colleague If there were not another see the immorality of the estab- prophet to _whomhe could turn for advice, Ahab replied, "Well, there lishment, and the estabttsbment is this fellow Micatah, But he never agrees with me." When Mlcaiah sees the immorality of the young. finally summoned, he informed Ahab that he was being deceived Both sides are honestinthelrself- "a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets." Mlcalah's credo righteousness, but self-righteous- was "What the Lord says to me, that I will speak." and he was wilUng ness leads to conntc.t not under- standing. to live with ensuing tension. (see I Kings 22) Because the establishment Billy Graham is apparently the new court chaplain. No one can gainsay wields the power and owns the pol- . sincerity and goodness. But Billy's emphasis on individual satva- Ice and the other instruments of (ordinarily a desirable goal) easily turns Into a baptized republt- legislation, it hasn't needed to ArlhurShay Time Magazine . and a beautiful way to hide from the Biblical demands of justice philosophize about the Immoral- rues of the young--it has so far on mob violence is creating chaos, about. So here is the point, the contented itself with repression. not reform, and while he is super resolution of the more upsetting his remark of some months ago, "1 have been extremely careful In every study of youthful abcer- senstuve to any tamperingwithhis aspects of the so called genera- be drawn into either the moral implications or the tactical mili- rations, you will find charts and rights, he forgets that nothing tion gap depends on both sides re- of the Vietnam war" may symbolize the approach of a graphs and professional optntons tramples rights like a moo, jecting the idea that they alone idolatry, on the extent of, the effects of,and It should be clear now that there hold the keys to morality, and the control of any given abter ra- is no morality found or mor altty that morality depends upon Indl vi- tton, but I defy you to find any illustrated bydownwardtranscend- dual awareness not only recourse to discussion on why the abbar rattoa ence , only degradation results. traditional and authoritarian for- is considered an abber-r atton, So Although dow-nward transcend- mulas for morality. lets philosophize about morality" ence represents the most obvious Just how do we know-right from arguments against the assertion wrong on a universal plane? When Aldous Huxely has said In his that the avant guarde young have a we rise to self-transcendence we essay, "Ethics" there Is only one monopoly on mor attty, they man- realize that all llIe is "deeply way to become a moral person and age to avoid the difficult road to Interfused." touse Huxely'swords. that is to go beyond our little Is- true morality in yetanotherway-- With this idea In mind we see that lands of consciousness so that we that is, escape from their insulat- all llIe is interdependent and the can know right from wrong on a ed selves in a horizontai direc- way to morality Is to be aware of universal plane. Every human be- tion. This is explained by Huxely this interdependence, and to act ing has an instinctual desire to as identification with causes wider accordingly. We have to maintain As a young child, I was much bemused by the antics of that numerous rise above his Insulated self, but than their ownimmediate interests. the balance of nature) We cannot cult who worshipped the theory that Will Rogers had put Intellectualism few rise to the full awareness that T~s \dentlficatlon Is of course of· do violence to other life and to our where it belonged, and that all_things beyond acts of survival were sup- utmost"" Importance for the crea- environment without ultimately erfluous and thus to be scorned. is the pre-requisite for true mora- tion of civilization and contlnuence doing violence to ourselves. In But Gene Autry saddled-up Champion and rode Into the warset leaving lIty. Using this guide, what dowe the radio wild west open to the encroachments of that quiet country find is moral index of today's re- of progress In all fields; it Is how- this context, such things as war, prejudice, persecution, pollu- devoid of morality. Identifi- ever, fellow, Roy Rogers. Rogers not only corralled the audience, but he beUious youth? cation with a cause is not inher- tion, and over-population are seen sunk his spurs Into the coveted title, "King of the Cowboys." Roy • First of all, we find that most to be immoral because they sab- was a Rogers- of another buck. Simplicity went with the west wlnd,and of the energy expended by the young ently immoral, It is amoral--U otage unity and endanger all life • Roy opened the way for mechanized westerns. Belore poor Gene had is not for upward self-transcend- ..produses both good and evll--war Downward and horizontal self- put Rudolph back Into his stall, Pat Brady was already riding Nellie ence, but rather for escape in a as well as clyilizatlon. Many·ofthe transcendence are not the way Bell across the T.V. screens, just in time however, to save American downward direction. The wide- young activists' today, especially' to morality because they create are as situation, In the campus motherhOOd from the boredom of the chaste Princess Summer-Fall- spread and enthusiastic use of dogmatic in identifying with their division. Upward transcendence, Winter-Spring. drugs--from alcohol to marijuana _various causes and Ideologies as however, leads to morality be- The coming of Wyatt Earp was the first real break for adult afic- to L.S.D. among the young indicates anyone. It is this dogmatism that cause It tends tow-ards unity. Ionados of the West. He was put into prime time, and despite puerile their propensity to use the easy but plots, his polka -dot vest left adults less pop-eyed than did contemp- bogus way to expand their persona- The Blank Society oraries The Range Rider, The Lone Ranger, BuffaloBlll, Jr., the Cisco IIty. No moral insights are going Kid, Annie Oakley, Hopalong Cassidy, and England's answer, Robin Hood. to come from the deliberate at- love In my hands peace In my hands However, other handsome young actors dOMed ten-gallons and took tempts to numb, confuse, or sabo- I mingle among society I mingle among society up the cause of adultwesternhood. Bretand Bart Maverick added sophis- tage the workings of the brain. To making offers to all offering to share it tication, Cheyenne Bodle flashed the mirror for virility. American style, turn on is to tune out. "Drugs," I meet. no luck; with all I meet. Sugartoot added a pinch of sugar, and Bronco Lane added a pinch of salt. says Huxely, "compel the mind to they turn me down they seem startled; Gunsmoke supplied a model for later Warner Brothers attempts (yes, I Identify itself with a physical sen- with scornful looks perplexity, know that Gunsmoke is not WB, but Lawmanwas). May Walt Disney rest sation and prevents It from thlnk-. which actually say uncertainty hang in peace. Ing of anything but its seperate an- "1 don't understand." darkly In their eyes. Clint Eastwood left Rawhide to give the cowboy an internatlonalllavor; imal existence." I nod my head and smile, I smile a bitter smile Dean Martin left the team and the pack to give the American cowboy a We see through the expanding telling them "that's all right." and tell them "don't worry." sip of the Mediterranean look. Fut when it's all said and done, we are trend towards campus riots. the I expected no more I expected no more back In afternoon viewing time to see today!s "King of the Cowboys." march on the Pentagon, and the from the Blank Society. from the Blank Soeiety. Ronnie Reagan, we love you! confrontation In Chicago that the
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