Page 75 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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S.G.A. Value Debated Proposed Jnd (University of Md.-Diamondback) To Draft After two hours of shouting mat- The meeting was also closed to (University of Md. Diamondback) ches and Mickey Mouse songs, Stu- Ralph Swinford, SGA adviser and dent Government AssociationCab- director of student activities. Seventeen days after disclosure inet could not reach a consensus Swinford acts as liaison between or tne ill-effects thedraltwillhave on whether to abolish the organi- SGA and administration. on the nation's supply of Ph.D. r zanon. The meeting was a Climax to holding scientists, President Ric- The 14 Cabinet members went Fleischer's recent public out- hard II'!.Nixon called for a special into the secret executive session bursts against SGA's inability to commission to detail a plan for to discuss President Jerry r-teis- follow through on tts stuoent power ending the draft. cher's proposal to abolish the or- oriented proposals. The plan for a volunteer armed garuaatton. At the least joint Cabinet-Iegis- force is not expected to begin un- Fleischer said detailS of the lature session Feb. 11; he told til the expenditures for Vietnam are subst antral ly reduced, last i::::::di~~: aa:I~~.On maybe re- ~;ti;;~U:~t:ls:.~~ "sick of SGA Saturday's announcement explain- A faction headed hy SGA 't'rea- On Dec. 19, he threatened tore- ed. However its shadow, together surer Ray Ferrara opposed Fleis- sign if a quorum did not show at with the newly-announced threat cher's proposal. the next Cabinet meeting. the draft poses to the countries One person who was in the ses- In the earlier open meeting, qualified scientists, may affect two sion said alter the meeting that a Fleischer said he agreed with bills soon to be before Congress, Sophomores Plan Weekend "vast majortty" of Cabinet mem- Monday's Central Student Court proposing immediate, short-term bers were opposed to the aoou- decision to suspend cheerleading relief. tion, activitles until a decision on the One bill, introduced Jan. 22 by Ten students, including two Dia- constitutionality of the new tryout Sen. Mark Hatfield of Oregon, Plans are being made now by the Taylorsville Hunt Club from mondback reporters, attempted to procedures is reached. closely rasambles Nixon's goal of the Sophomore Class for a Sop- 8:30-12:30. The Party will fea- listen to the proceedings in the He said the suspension will be "a a professional volunteer service. homore Weekend. April 11-12. The ture the New Diablos and the a- to the top of trophies warding halls outside the meeting, but were good cooling off period for all of It calls tor abolition 01 the draft Class is planning to have two show- three winners of the Car Rally. asked twice to leave the corridor. us." and proposes complimentary In- Ings of a good, recent film on Watch for the March 14th issue The first time, Debbie Rosen, The Court is hearing the case of ducements to attract volunteers. Friday night, April lith in Decker of the Goldbug for all the details SGA public relations director, told (James) Dermody vs. SGA. Der- Though its backing has a broad Auditorium. The film will be open of this fun packed weekend. In the students, "If you Diamondback mody contends the all-black try- base, the bill is not expected to to the entire campus. Saturday, that issue there will be an entry people don't get out of the hall, outs endorsed by SGA at its Cabi- pass. Among fts supporters are April 12th there will be a Car blank for the Car Rally. Even we'll screw your Diamondback." net meeting last week are unfair. conservative Barry Goldwater,the - Rally beginning at one o'clock, is being call- A few minutes later, Ferrara The court told the SGA It could deleated 1964 presidential candt- which will also be open to all though this weekend asked the students to leave again. not enforce its tryout law. Fer- date just returned to the Senate students. Anyone participating ed a Sophomore Weekend, it has up so that everyone on been set He requested that "you leave as rara's measure is designed to .by Arizona voters, and liberal In the Rally will be given a free campus may parttctpate in all individuals, not as journalists." pacify the court. Senator George McGovern,whode- ticket to the Sophomore Closed of the activities. Throughout the meeting, Kathy All Cabinet and some Iegtsta- ctared his candidacy for the pre- Party to be held that evening at Burke, AssoclatedWomenStudents ture and BlackStudentUnionmem"" stoennat post alter Robert Ken- president, came out in the hall bers will testify before the court nedy's assassination last June. Black Tryouts Opposed, laughing and wearing Mickey Mouse next week. Holding more hope for reform ears. Ferrara said additional cheer- until establishment of a volunteer The hat belonged to Han smn- leaders were necessary because professional force is a bill soon ~niversity of Md.·Diamondback) _ man, Residence Halls Association the vastness 01 Byrd stadium made to be introduced by Sen. Edward Central Student Court las night He read two letters from cheer- president. it difficult to hear only 10 cheer- M. Kennedy, new Democraticparty heard a request for an Injunction leader co-captain Diana Yingling Fleischer explained the comic leaders. whip. against all-black cheerleader try- to the women sayin~ they could Kennedy's bill, which Is expected - ears as "comic relief." to gain support from potential Hat- outs as ordered by Student Govern- not participate because they were not black. Letters f1~rd supporters. Is gtven a better erato» as of midnight. sident Wilson H. Elldns' statement last week. ment Association Dermody quoted University Pre- The court had not reached a de- It seeks to re- chance of passage. form, not abolish, the dr-aft by sub- James Dermody, University supporting equality of opportunity (Continued from Page 2) stUutlng a lottery lor the present junior, challenged the SGA deci- and called on the court to deter- TO"THE EDITOR: TO THE EDITOR: and much-criticized classification sion on the grounds that It vio- mine whether suchstatementswere • As you may recall, two years On behalf of the Lecture Com- system. lated the civil rights of non-black binding on student organizations. ago 1 Introduced S. 1275, a bUI mlttee I wish to say that we were Kennedy's bill Is also favored students. Elldns'statementwasmadeear- substituting a voluntary armed very sorry that some students were over Hatfield's because Hatfield's "It's Immoral to set a quota-- lier this year at the request of the lorce lor the present selective ser- not admitted to the Hatcher--Gr-e- bill directly confronts the tract- to have so many of one color and. University's Black Student Union. vice system. The bill was not dlr- gory lectures. It was unfortunate ttonat opposition to the an-votun- so many of another," he told the In It the president caUedloranend ecuv considered by the Armed that outstder-s preempted so many teer army concept, court. "It sets a dangerous pre- to discriminatory practices at the Services Committee and efforts seats. However, there were many In Hatfield's bill, the Selective cedent. University. to Incorporate amendments in the vacant seats in the auditorium. Service System Is termed an «un- "If in the future, there are five Dermody also objected to the Selective Service Act were defeat- Never before have we had a fire desirable Infringementonpersonal or six qualified blacks, the cheer- tryouts on the basis that no matter eo. The dralt's continuance em- marshall who refused to allow all Uberty, militarily inefficient, in- leaders may say, 'We've got our how good the black students are, phasizes the n.conststency of gOV- seats to be filled; at least If we nerentty Inequitable to draft-age two, so we don't need any more," two will be on the squad, even emment coerced service with have, I have never been aware of Americans and productive 01 low Dermody told Chief Justice Rick though they may be lacking the America's concept of freedom. It. However, I believe that the morale in the armed forces." MoUzon and the eight student jus- talents of some non-black candi- This was the principle reason that Dean 01 Students has now issued Inductions would end six months tices. dates for the positions. [, I introduced S. 503, the Voluntary a rule which will hereafter re- alter enactment of the bill, but The case came before the court Military Manpower Procurement serve seats for those students registration would continue so the as a result of two non-black coeds Act of 1969. and faculty who desire them. draft would be reinstituted in case who had requested information USNSA Backs This year, the chances 01 pas- I believe that it is necessary of national emergency. about tryouts. sage are somewhat better than In to point out to your angry corres - During his presidential cam- According to Dermody, two girls Air Fare 1967. Major news magazines such pondents, Messrs. Nesbitt and paign, Nixon explained the primary --Michelle Anagaki, an Oriental, as TUllE and NEWSWEEK have Canedy, as well as to all students reasons for his belief that a switch and Sallie Brumner, a white coed The United States National stu- contained articles -commenting who h~ve beenconcplcuous bytheir to a volunteer army should be made. v-requested the dates and Umesol dent ASSOCiation (NSA) will light favorably upon a voluntary mUl- absence at lectures this year, that They are: the new tryouts. the recommendations of a Civil tary; President Nixon supports the aU lecturers have andwill continue ... The volunteer system would Aeronautics Board (CAB) exam- concept as weB as well-known to be first class. abolish the Inequities inherent in iner calling lor the abolition of ligures from both sides of the We on the Lecture Committee any dralt system. Junior Follies youth fares as "unjustlydiscrimln- political spectrum Including John would like to know just how weare "'In future wars, either nuclear atory," and has retained legal i<•. Galbraith, James Farmer. to gauge when students are going warfare will 'be used, making the counsel to prepare briefS and oral David Dellinger, Milton Friedman, to come and when they are not. dralt irrelevant, or guerrillawar- (Continued lrom Page 1) arguments for presentation before and Barry Goldwater. However, Are we to assume that WMC stu- fare will be employed requiring the CAB. The announcement of :~lil:t~~OWa:~O~!~~altl::d~~~s~~~:; :::t~n:;~e~~:!~y ;;!:::r::tes~!~ ~!;!~y trained, professional flgh- ,~~~:~"itisjust~~refoEyforfoUy's NSA's action came from Services Division director Alan C. Handell, may not be the catalyst for end- but only In any notoriety a speak- m~:le::o~,eft~:m:a~~o~~: :~~:I;:~ Da~~;te;:tr~~k t:~dJ~~i~; :u~~:~: who noted that at present the As- ~:~I~ne ~tra!t;l;n ~rd:c:~:~;e t~a~ ;:r~e~c:~I~hg:~:el~;s~f:~ ~:;t~;= trained Ph.D.s in the sCience.s, as are also the directors: They have sociation is the only group repre- senting student users 01the airline ~~~~et~:o ;~~ef~~u~~~~~n:~~!~t!~: :~: !~~~~~:H::c~e~r_~~~~~~;p~: ~:~lrl~~S~yO~~r~~~~:d:~~II~sih:l~~~,s, ~i~:nta:~er D:~~l:r ~;~:1:1; t~:e~sOII~ youth fare which will make argu- discussion and make their views fair should be rescheduled In Deck- threatening national well-being contains a ~od bala~ce and much ments before the Federal board. known. The present Selective Ser- er. We did not wish tolace another accordtn~ to aScientilic Manpower literary quality. "It IS ver" fUMY Abolition of youth fares Is being sought by a number of bus com- ~~;~ :n~:s:~le:!et:;t7:::~:h~:: ~::~;;as:~~~~~::~~!.!~;:fHt~~· ~~;~! released In ~~:!s:~~~:ri:d~~~tS~:e~~y~~'~T~e:~ panies. NSA wUl argue that In view that situation now. Committee convinced us to con- As yet the draft has cause!,' O,",y more response and cooperation 01 the educational, social, econo- Efforts aimed at securing com- tlnue thiS particular activity In a slight drop In the enro men. from this Junior Class lor the mic, and cultural benefits allord- mtttee consideration by generat- Alumni Hall. However, our next However, this was due pr~marilY Follies thanlrom any other class." ed by the youth fares and young Ing and influencing local forces one will prObably be rescheduled to the sJownessofthe reclassif1ca-, ExpreSSing much ofthe pers6na- adult fares, the lares should not be would be instrumental in bul1d1ng in" Decker--untll we get protests tton process and a summer setback I!ty 01 the Junior Class, it should cancelled. WrItten arguments wUl support lor draft abolishment. that seats are not available. In physical examinations. be a smaSh. In closing, Danny be presented to the CAB by Feb- ruary 26. Oral arguments will be Mu~~e~'s:::se~~nator Ralph B. Price :~:;:::::t~~.for the spring are !:~:ic:osa~~tl:'N:I~~r s~av:a~;~ made at a later date. '.";'
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