Page 76 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 28, 1969 Coleman Scheduled Graphics Show WMC Men Bid As Chapel Speaker At Gallery One For Frosh Girls An exhibition of prints by Geo- rge O'Connell and Jim Fur be s will Decker auditorium was filled prices had no upper limit. Jody Attorney, businessman, and in the civic improvement of his be show !I at Western Maryland Col- beyond capacity Wednesdayeven- Matthews was sold 10 Jordan Lteb civic leader James J. Coleman native city. He has served as lege, Westminster, from Sunday, ing, February 19 as WMC men for ten dollar s c-the highest price will speak at 7:15 p.m , in Baker president of the Chamber of Co- March 2 to Friday, March 21 in purchased freshman women to of the night. Memorial Chapel at Western Ma- mmerce and is vice president Gallery One Of the Fine Art Build- clean their rooms during ae aner . Stewart Stack and Linda Wiley ryland College on Sunday, March and general counsel of Interna- Ing. noon open house. Wayne Curry, reversed the procedur'e tempor-ar , 9. Coleman is replacing Alan tional Trade Mart. An import- Mr. O'Connell and Mr. Forbes, freshman class president, and tty, Stewart was put up for sale Young, noted film.. star, who was ant Civil assignment was to serve two young men from different pa'rts Steve Byrne presided over the with Linda billed as his "body- originally scheduled but became as chairman of the Mayor of New of the United States, now teach bidding. guard." There was also a good ill. Orleans' NASA New Orleans Co- graphics at the University of Mary- The girls were put up for sale response to a young lady with a A gr-aduate of Tulane Univers- ordinating Committee which was land. They are two of the best gra- both singly and in groups. Some bag over her head and a note say- ity, where he also received the composed of 125 leading Citizens phics teachers in thIs area. The were dressed appropriately for ing "Preachers only." LL,B. degree, Mr. Coleman Is the who were selected to facilitate artists work in a variety of paint- the housecleaning chores they The large turnout and the high senior partner in the law firm local nason with the Saturn roc- ing media such as color reliefs, would be asked to perform. The prices for which many of the girls of Clay, Coleman, Dutrey, and ket program of the National Aer- silk screen, black and white etm- first bid was a mandatory twenty- were sold resulted in a profit of Thompson. He has traveled ex- onautics and Space Administra- ings and others. five cents, but from there on the $136.33 for the freshman class. tensively and during his visits to tion's Mar-sbalj-Mtchaud plant. The public is cordially invited foreign countries Mr. Coleman Mr. COleman's most recent civic to attend a reception for the artists has addressed national and local assignment has been the appoint- 00' Sunday, March 2 from 3:00 to chambers of commerce in regard ment to be chairman of the Ma- 5:00 p.m , Hours in Gallery One to foreign trade wUh the U.S., yor's advisory committee on a are 10:00 a.m , to 4:00 p.m, week- Recently he was appointed Hon- Planetarium-Science Center for days. orary Consul General of the Re- New Orleans. Loui- New Sisters public of Korea in New Orleans Professionally, he is a mem- for the states of Alabama, Lou- _ ber of the New Orleans, isiana, and Mississippi. siana, and American Bar Ass- The president of International octattons; Association of inter- Join Greeks Tank Terminals, tea., Mr. Cole- state Commerce commrsston man is chairman of the board Practitioners; Louisiana Patent of the International City Bank and Law Association; and Federal Co- On Friday, February 14, 1969, Trust Company in New Orleans. mmumcations and International fifteen girls joined sororities as The Attorney Is also interested Bar Associations. a culmination to the second sem- ester Acceptance was rushing. Students To Give Program at 6:30 and was followed by re- for the new pledges ceptions and through the three then serenading Of Interpretive Dance women's dorms. received five new The totes members: Pat Czwartaci, Sue Chapel Service will look more to sit and watch. Anyone who Ball, Esther Foster, Jerry John- Mary Anne Richards on block in Freshman Auction like a sound Happening as a group wishes, may participate with the son, and Elaine Brungart. The Sue Schull, Carole En- Political Scientist Discusses of students pr-esent a Celebration other dancers. Phi Alpha got four pledges: Nancy- of the Dance to the music of guit- Lawrence, ars. This will take place in Baker A large group of dancers is pre- sor, and Kirk Morris. There are Chapel on March 2. at 6;45 p.m. paring this project. There are three New DeUs: Susan Bauer, Future Of United States This program will attempt to Betty Tokar, and Pam Zappar-d- demonstrate the capabilities of in- twelve women: Bobble Esbjornson, tno. The Sigmas also hive three Joy Ridj ng+on, Sue Scott, SueS el- terpretive dance for communtca- bert, Sue Edwards, Marge Ric- new members: Susan Drake, At Hopkins Conference tion, expression. and worsfup, hards, Alison Kabernagel, Laura Cheryl Holschler and Carol Mar- Cindy Groves, who isdirecting Haney, Judith Biance, Julie Klein. tin. These girls will be initated Arthur I. Waskow, Resident Fel- articles on defense and disarm- the project, emphasizes that this Chris cets, and Liz Hoffman. now and then go through Hel1 low at the Institute for -Political ament,~ warned that unless citi- is not enter-tainment, It is meant Week in the fal1. Studies in Washington, D.C. said zens began planning for the future, to be a celebration, a medium for There are four men participating; In grade point averages for the that Chicago may become known the military will commit the United communicauon. The dancers have Jeff Ludlc-...., Vic McTeer, Kel~h first semester PI Alpha Alpha as the '" Bleeding Kansas' of the States to spending billions on use- not made any elaborate prepara- Thacker, and Fred Miller. MUSIC fraternity mov~d from fourth to Radical Movement." Waskow was less weapons systems. nemust- tions, it is intended to be more is by Jim and Chuck Bean, and _first place. Alpha Gamma Tau the keynote speaker at the Amer- rated his case with statements by or less extemporaneous. The con- John Fisher, a group familiar to came in secondplace,GammaBeta ican Friends service Committee's a former Secretary of Defense in gregation Is not, expected merely anyone who has attended a Sourd Chi was third and 'rena PJ Alpha College Conference at Johns Hop- Foreign Affairs magastne who Happening. placed fourth. kins University on February 15. argued that the defense budget Dorms Plan Exhibit John Van Horn, His address was titled "The Next could be cut nearly in half with- Years Thirty of Amer-ican His- It was pointed out that out harm. Of German Posters Larry Sanders tory." The conference was attend- radicals and worker,') should work _ from 25 colleges, ed by students together on problems such as taxes, universities and peace centers. pollution, and the questton or legiti- Exhibit Work Waskow. the author of manv mate authority. The Whiteford and Rouser Halls Annual prizes and the French House are sponsor- awarded by tne Associauoncr cer- Black and white photography Is Film Series The keynote address was follow- Designers stimulate man Graphic ing German Posters: Five Young public awareness and cuauenge tne the chosen medium of artistic ex- ed by discussions ranging from Designers which will be on view pression for W.M.C. students John "Nonviolence: Tactic or Position?" beginning Tuesday, February 25. participation of artists. Van Horn and LarrySanders.Dur- Shows Classic to "The U.s. Presence in Latin Organized by mer German Art Parran Mitchell ~:~t:~:;::;:n~~tl:~r~~~~e~:~:~: American." Tran Discussion leaders in- cluded Van Dinh, former Council and sponsored by the Em- All the People Gone?" was dis- The fourth feature in the Wes- Acting Ambassador of South Viet- bassy of the Federal Republic of New On Faculty played In the Green Room of Alu- tern-Maryland College Film ser-. nam; J. Martin Oppenheimer, a Germany, the exhibition is cur- mnt uan. Thirty-one prints com- ies, The Virgin Spring, wlll be sociologist from Lincoln umver- rently traveling throughout the Par-r-en J. Mitchell, a visiting prlsed the exhibition which de- shown Sunday, March 2, at 8:30 sity, and Gren Whitman of the United States and Canada under the professor of political science, is picted slum conditions intheHigh- p.m , in Decker Lecture Hall on Baltimore Peace Action Center auspices of the Smithsonian In- teaching POlitical SCience 211, land Park Area of Baltimore. the Westminster campus. - -and Response lecturer on the Power stitution Traveling ExhiblUonSer_ Political Parties, Ihis semester. The project attempted to expose Almost universally regarded Structure in Baltimore. hJr. Mitchell is currently pro- the inadequacy and inhumanity of as one o~ Ingmar Bergman's best fessor of sociology and aSSistant Baltimore's urban renewal pro- films, The Virgin Spring grimly The 50 posters-aU designed be- director of the Urban Studies In- jects and this formed the untfying depIcts a father's ruthless ven- tween 1960 and 1966-were select- stitute at Morgan State College. 'theme of the exhibition. These geance for the rape and murde::- of ed from the work of five outstand- He has been the executive secre- thirty-one printsll'erechosenfrom his virgin daughter. Bergman fills ing designers of the young genera- tary with the Maryland Commts- approximately 400 taken over a two the viewer's eyes with highly con- tion in Germany. Responding to sion on Inter-racial Problems and month period. For John Van Horn, trasting black and white to evoke mutual artistic aims and the de- Relations, and has also served a frosh majoring in history and an imaginative medieval world. mand for versatility, Hans Michel as the execu!il'e director of the Larry Sanders, a junior majoring sugge3ting the battle of Chrlst- and Gunther Kieser have worked COmmunity Action Agency ,,-hich in psychology. the project added ianily and paganism. as a design team since their stu- administers Baltimore's antl- graphic relevance to textbook des- Th~s film has been called a dent days, as have Gunter Rambow pOl'erty program. He has lil'ed in criptions of housing problems. modern 1\1iracle Play and has heen and Gerhard Lienemeyer. Both Baltimore all his life. Both of these students believe pointed to as one oethe most un- teams have large, successful stu- Mr. Mitchel! has sened as a urban renewal projects to be poor- ified attemp:stocoordinateimages dios serving all fieldsofcommer- Probation Officer ill the Proba- ly conceived, {or the number of and photographic composition to clal graphics. Harry Suchland tion Department of the Supreme hOUSing units destroyed are rol the subje::t and mood o!thescript. works independently as a free- Bench of Ballimore City and he adequately replaced. Also be cit. It was give:1 the 1960 Academy lance artist in BerUn. experiment- was a candidate for Congress ies' emphasis on the construction Award as the best foreign fitu. ing with new means of expression from the Seventh Congressional of new highways through renewal The public is invited toaUend. for ciVic and religious announce- District In the Democratic Pri- areas isashortsighted.short_term Tickets, which are 75 ceilts, will ments. mary. September 1968. answer to the traffic problem. be available at the door.
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