Page 73 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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The Golg_Bug Larry Suder Second All-time WMC Cage Scorer " S"l1'\>.\4 ~,,"f!fl (SEE PAGE 8) Vol. 46 "No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND FEBRUARY 28, 1969 s.o.s. Picks Black Arts Performance WMC Acts In Teams For Response To Summer Scheduled For Saturday Gregory Talk Team members for the Student Featured during the program and unity. Opportunity Service have been se- A Black Arts Festival will be will be Black Arts Media, a group The "Afro" look that has re- lected for 1969. New team mem- held Saturday, March 1, in Alum- associated with the Baltimore centJy 'gained popularity will be A resolution has been proposed bers will be announced next week n1 Hall. The Program, from 7:00 Soul School. This group of Ne- modeled by Faboya models. They concerning the admission of black by Keith Muller andSueGreen,co- to 10:00 p.rn.; will include jazz, groes presents a program once promise to be so fetching that students, and three new commit- chairmen of S.O.S. Veteran S. plays, fashions, art, and poetry. every three months dealing with everyone is urged to bring his tees organized to study racial pro- D,S. returning to the field include; A theme of color, conscience, black culture and the black her- earner-a, blems as a direct result of Dick Bob Davison, Cindy DeWitt, Pam and culture wiUdominatetheeven- ttage. They stress black identity Another highlight of the festival Gregory's recent speaking engage- Freeman, Carol Yingling, Sue tng. will be music. Jazz, the only art ment here, Green, Cathy Shook, Charlee WIl- form developed in America, is the Faculty and student reactions liams, Richard Fuller- andV!cMc- black man's music. The Donald to the speech were vigorous and 'reer , enthusaistic, prompttng an open crtss ensemble, associated with 8,O.8.'s origins go back to 1962 Johns Hopkins University. will meeting that night to dlcsuss what when an assembly was held at trace the black man and his music practical application Gregory's western MarylandCoUegeinwhich since his arrival on this continent empbasts on "youth power" might the speaker accused the students In their "Evolution of the Black have on this campus. of being the "uncommitted gener- Man." The Advisory Committee on ation." It was the accusation Everyone should have a chance Long Range Policy subsequently which sparked the birth of the to see the evolution continuing and drafted a resolution aimed at in- first S.O.s. project. The summer to meet the people of the Black Arts creasing the number of black stu- of 1963 saw a small group of Media, who are making things dents at WMC, which is to be pre- students create a library for San change. Their children, raised In sented to the administration. Ap- Narcisso, Phillipine Islands. Baltimore's highest crime dlstr-tct, plications from black high school Since then, the scope of the are the real stars of the show. students have been scar-ce. in the S.O,S. has been ever broadening. Taught to "look, listen, learn, past, partly because of a lack of Projects vary from Hbraries to ask, suggest; then to know, under- knowledge about the school, and recreational programs, from hea- stand, sacrifice, respect, andtobe partly because of financial diffi- lth classes and sanitation projects patient," the children ha ve pro- culties for those who might other- to community development pro- mised a few surprtzes when it wise be interested. It Is feIt that grams. Burmese Student Comes .t comes their turn to perform on the administration Should make an all-out effort to recruit more ot The S,O.S. projects now carry Saturday night. these students, in the interest of students throughout the world in The festival, directed especial- creating a more balanced and search of human relationships projects After A Two Year WaI ly at students, will cost $1.00. heterogeneous student body. This and thr-ough these concrete Students under 16 wilt be admitt- could be accomplished by sending the bonds of brotherhood develop. Foreign student Lily Chen fin- more lively "now for LUy, but she ed free. The Black Arts Festival school representatives to pr-edom- S.O.S. is therefore more than just ally joined the Western Maryland did admit that it was quite a change is being sponsored by Rouzer Hall, Inantly Negro high schools, or not- an of!;anlzaUon ~ it is a sptrtt, student body this semester after ot HIe. "Nothing to do but stay men's dormitory on campus. Ifying high school guidance depart- inside and study .. in a the dorm a part of the solution. being held over in London for a town like London I wouldn't be In- Meal, Music ments of our desire lor more Negro year and a half. Over three years applicants. Junior Class ago, after her high school gradua- side." Western Mary- To Provide that It'has a fund be set up to provide also been re cummendeded tion in Burma, Lily appuedto eev- Lily does prefer land was ac- scenery scholarships Plans Follies er-at American Colleges, During and and was most to crowded London to aid these or loans specifically and Maryland at Western by our surprised cepted black students, given a scholarship. the "Farce In Tnree Act.s-v'Tbe Jul , next two years she tried to secure lack of fences. "In Burma each to Exotic Flair a vice counselling and tutor lng r ser - them established to house has an eighttotenfootfence, aid ius Caesar Story" will oe present- a visa from the America Embassy In London they were reduced In their adjustment to campus life. ed as the Junior Follies this year in Burma. three feet, but here ... just big open An International Dinner and- The resoiuqon will have to be ap- on March 12, 13. and 15, in-Alu- Beisdes vr-esttng Ior twc year-s!", lawns." Sound Happening Is tentatively roved by the admlni str-arion before mni Hall. in Burma. Besides "resting for Lily finds "about one half oI scheduled for the evening 01 March any concrete action can take pjaco, Mike Elliott is brttttant as Jut- two years", she studied by herseU the students very responsive" to a. Students opted to form commit- ius Caesar, and Jim Russell plays and went to secretarial school to her. Her main complaint is that Vic McTeer, coordinator of tees to explore three different castruccto (figure that out for Iear nsnormanu and typing. American students know nothing Sound Happening, sees tnat w.jao. areas in which changes are great- your self"). From a cast of 56, the At 19 she left Burma for London about geography. One Western has a "rteftnlte need for some type ly needed to ease racial tensions. following are the main characters: in hopes of increasing her chances Maryland student thought she was of different entertainment and ... One group, calling itself "Change Mike Elliott JuliusCaesar of obtaining a visa. Her first month from Bermuda since she was Bur- thinks Sound Happening will pro- Unlimited" Is attempting to work Paul Mullen Antony was spent "running back and forth mese, and another thought she must vide this." According to McTeer with local problems. It is backing Paul Seaman Bilconiu5 to the American Embassy." Soon be from the Bahamas! this presentation will give the stu- the Faculty Advisory Committee's ...................... B.utu5 she realized that she might have Commenting on the WMC "Hi" dents in Sound Happening "a real stand on black enrollment, and is Jim Barnes Cassiu$ to support herself for some time tradition, Lily said, "It makes you working feeling" and will help studying the problems or wastmm., Bobbi Barkdolla Cleopat.a and consequently was initiatedinto feel at home ... like everybody them to develop "an organized Jim Rus5eIl Castruccio the Londonworkingworld as a sales knows you,eventhoughtheydon't." attitude" toward what they are do- ster's black community, parti- Alan Goi>e •. J. Morton Feinstein,Jr. auditor. Finally last November her cularly through the needs of the Earl Schwanz,J.Mo.ton Feinstein,Sr. Lily plans to major in art and ing. "HINGE kids." Housing problems PeggyPragel Calpu.nia visa can-e through, thanks to the study fashion design or textiles in Curried rjce, salads, and French concerning school-owned property Clifton B. Killmon Walter Kronick help of Senator Tydings. ourcountryafterhercollegegrad_ Apple pie win be on the menu. The may well become a vital issue. Rick Shaf1o Caesar Disgustus, Jr. To Lin Lin's dismay, Lily did uatton, She plans to eventually re- foreign students and S.O.s, volun- A second committee has been Kevin Fried Soothsayer not rush to the United States, but turn to Burma. Her interests in- teers will serve the dinner; the organized to explore the needs of Adding to the variety of the cast Instead quit working and spent a clude sports, especially badminton proceeds wttt go entirely to S.O.s. the foreign students on campus, are soldiers, senators, chorus week touring London since "She and basketball, cooking, math, projects. with the intention of easing adjust- girls. peasants, and thugs. One had not seen all of London that chemistry, and, of cour-se, art. Students in Sound Happening are ment problemsanddealingwithany third of the Junior Class will be she had wanted". Lin Lin, aJan- non-professional, but McTeer seeS special requirements they might participating on stage in the mus~ uary 1969 graduate of Western great promise in many of them. have. lea]. Although the majorltyofthem Maryland. is Lily'ssister.Inaddi- Participating in Sound Happening, A third committee is current- have never been on stage before, tion to the two Sisters, the Chen besideS students from W.I\'I,C,will ly researching ways inwhichWMC they are doing agoodjobandtaking family includes Bill, a graduate be Marty Hassel from Hood Col- might become involved in a state- direction well. Three weeks of of Baldlvin-Wallace College, who lege and Doug Elliot from the Un- wide or national movementdeaJing rehearsal have been completed is teaching high SChool in Cleve- iversi!y of Maryland. wilh racial problems. It has long and Teddy, who also wants land, and the Follies purpose is being This activity will not only give been contended that WMC is too accomplished. Behind this year's to study-In the United States when the faeuUy and students of \V .M.C" isolated. and too far removed from FoUies is the Idea -of drawing the he graduates from high-school. a chance to become better acqualnt- the flow of current events to take Lily's first of West- glimpse JUnior Class together just for fun. minster and Its campus was 7:00 ed with the foreign students, but an active part in national goings- Dannie Greenip, Assistant Direc- a.m, the Sunday after Thanksgiv- wiU also provide an enjoyable even- on, ~nd it is hOped that this com- tor, remarked, "This production ing. Compared to London's cos- ing. mittee will provide an answer to Is unique, especially today, be- Due to problems in schedulinJ!;, the question. "what- can we do, mopolitan atmosphere, she found I the exact time and cost will be (Continued on Page 3) Westminster "dead". It's a little Lily Chen posted at a later date. right here and now'.'''
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