Page 65 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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Wednesday Match .Against JHU, 19-17 FEBRUARY 14, 1969 Vol. 46 No. I WESTERN MARYl.AND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND regory, Hatcher New Experimental Term Students Described At Assembly Civil rights leaders Dick Gre- gory and Andrew Hatcher stimul- participation in this project to all ated student thought in Alumni Dr. James Lightner, speaking some modification of the current students. enrollment in the January Hall Wednesday, February 12. at the Communications Assembly college calender, It will begin in term will not be contingent upon Gregory's tongue-In-cheek open- on February fi, 196\:1,dlsspelted the first week of September and the students' aeacer»tc standing er, "I can't say with a straight the prevalent misconception that continue through exams during the during the fall semester. face that u's a pleasure, to he i.n Western Maryland couege would last week of May. followed by grad- There will be no extra tuition Initiate a 4-1-4 program for the uation on June 7th. Those partici- Westminster,'" foreshadowed his charge for any of the courses or 1969-1970 academic year. He then pating in the .Januar y term will idea-packed untraditional bomb- projects as the faculty members outlined the program that will be- have a fi ve day nreak between the • Appealing to the" most mora- gin on a temporary basis in Sept- end of the semester. January 14th, wuroe providingthelrtimeandef- fort as acontributiontotheexperi- lly dedicated, interested young ember 1969. and the beginning of the shortened , There may be special fees people in history," he challenged The Iaeult y has approved an ex- term on January 19th, while the ment courses needing extra for certain students to "move in and change perimental program of 5 pius_I-plus remainder of the students will re- materials,transportation.etc •. but the system." Students must use rtes into tobt-vvng for legislation 5 which will continue for the next sume classes in Petrruar-y, these will be clearly indicated in the power they have to solve the and revamping their own policies. two years. The college might then Near the beginning of the faU the catalog. A $50 board fee wHi Suggested changes included the move to a 4-1-4 plan.butlherehas semester, the January lerm cata- United States problems that they be charged covering only the cost didn't create. Th!'s power kept aeouuon of the elec.toral college been no definite decision made in log will be made available 10 all in- of food for the student during the students terested who will In turn L.B.J. from running again and (vso we can select as well elect either direction. term. If the project is conducted officials"), installation, of erec- The incorporation oftheJanuary indicate onregistrationformstheir tr ontc voUng machines to insure term is Ihe product of much re- several choices of courses or pro- entirely off campus. there will be a tart count of votes, revamp- searcb. including studies of col- jects, These forms will then be no charge. ing of the rich man's welfare leges that now utilize a January c.ompiled and a final January term Courses and projects will be of- and tax systems, the lowering Plan with satisfaction. Under this eur rtculum will be estabusneo. te re-t in all the departments of the In addition, students may of the voting age, the construc- experimental plan, the academic Final registration will probably be college, on special projects under work "commie" haters. tion og good schools and hospi- year will consist of two semesters, completed by November l st , In the supervision of their adviser. The power of student action, tals in all parts of the country, identical to those under the present order to avail the opportunity of Students may enroll in any course according to Gregory, lies not the creation of industrial parks system, separated by a voluntary for whlchtheyarequalifledregard- During term. in what is done but in why It is that make it advantageous for three week January the students will More GIGIFs, less of their department major. The "it ain't the behavior families to relocate, and estab- this extra term, studenlswillreceivelheusualcre- lishing equal rights for the Am- enrol1 in one course or pursu~one ncars, ajJpli~~;.,)le;'vu.etr gr-ac- ericall\ndian. t')PH: ill cep.n. a three week term in New Location uation requirements,forpartlctpa- In addition, white man's num-. Inserting lion In any of these courses. Every behavior." (Continued on Page 3) January will neeesearnv entail Set For Spring attempt will be madetoenrolleach During the McDaniel Lounge student in accordancewithhlscho- talk-back, Gregory expounded on SOS Chooses Sites Ices of available courses or pro- student power in economic terms. Because of some trouble at the jects, but because of limitations on By withholding dollars from an pre-Thanksgiving GIGIF, GIGIFs enrollment, it may not always be industry such as the record eom- were discontinued until after possible to give a student his first a power- panie s , students can fOfrc ;udllst- For 1969 Proiects Christmas--to allow lor a cooling enoree. weuo ful lever in dealing with capital- off period. Dr. Lightner concluded the as- ism. Students some type of soeta r responsibility, sembly .by inviting students and "As long as the students show as to to offer suggestions Understage Plays has The Student Opportunity Service Eagle and Santa Fe will be about GIGU's wUl be continued." accord- faculty be Included in the and projects the type of courses $100 and $75 to $80 at Muskogee. sites for the project chosen Ing to Harry Collings, Pres. cr uie to program. Feature Script coming summer. Two teams will gaspi Two teams will be sent to Le- S.G.A. Collins feels maruus mea- SGA Plans work in Puerto RI<:o, at Ensenada sure was effer.tive; there were no and Mindanao in the Phil- in a YMCA, andatPonce,inaboys' disturbances GIGIF at the flrst In June, both at a cost of tppmes Improvisation orphange. Members of both teams $600. One will be involved in rural after the break. But the fact that as long as stu- New Stereo as leaders recreation work will community health development, for six to eight weeks, beginning dents are packed Into a small hall. The Dramatic Art Department of in June. The approximate cost for instruction, and construction work Is such as little Frock's, The S.G,A. has allotted money Legaspi. at A library project Western Maryland College brings transportation and other expenses planned for Mindanao, of outbreaks. suc.h as those tercre. for the Installation of a stereo- to the stage two experimentalone- will be $200. are high. If, therefore after the FM radiO In the grill with controls act plays on Thur sday. Friday and A new experiment for this year costs of SpringWeekendareestab- In the SGA office to replace our out-dated juke box and save the Saturday, February 13, 14, and The team to Appalachta wltl par- will be in two black communities lf shed, there aresufflcientfundsln 15, at 8:15 p.rn. rtctpate in either community dev- of the Mississippi Delta. Freedom the treasury, theS, G, A. will at- students money. elopment or conservation pro- City is six miles south or oreen- tempt to rent middle Frock's for Another Innovation of the SGA The plays Involve audience par- grams in one of three areas to be ville, where the team will work In GIGIFs. is a change in library hours. The ticipation and experiment with the' decided upon by the team :The cost conservation and housing. In Talla- The S.G,A. decided to charge for ueeiston of the Library Commit- Idea of evolving a script from im- will be about $50. hatchie, a library project will be G1GIFs In order that money for tee Is to close the library on Fri- provisational rehearsal techni- implemented. Dates will be deter- them would not come from the day evenings and open it from ques. The actors have developed This year, there will be three mined later, The cost is $50 to activity fund. This way only the 2:00 to 7:00 and 8:15 to 10:00 on the basic situation,s characterre- Indian projects. At White Eagle, $60. students who attend GIGIFs will Sunday. latlonshlps. actions and dialogue Oklahoma. the team will work with be responsible, rather thantheen- Again, an increase of $fi.OO in recreation and tutoring, possibly An Inner-City project, in Wash- Ure student body. Another problem the omnipotent Activity Fee is helping to start a kindergarten. ington, D.C" will deal with recrea~ the S.G,A. has faced is the diffi- suggested. This would, theoreti- The first play, The Gloaming Members will also be Involved in tion and tutoring. the SOS will co- culty of securing ahallforGIGIFs. cally, give the SGA $18,000 to be Oh My Darling. has been develop- housing construction and home operate with Shepherds of the spent on more free concerts, free ed from aprevlouslywriUenscript care programs. In a summer Streets. The ('.o!>t,including room For Instance. Frock's is now book- GIGIF's. free open-parties, guest by Megan Terry, one of today's camp at Bacone College in Mus- and board. is approximately $90. ed for the next three weeks. lectures, and real "hig name" foremost youngoff-Broadwayplay- kogeli'. Oklahoma, Indian teachers Collins stated that he would enterlainlllelll. wrights. A mime troop, live mus- will instruct classes in!ndianHis- The team to Bolivia will help " ... like toseetheGIGIFsremain h.'lans. and grotesque carnival tory. lndian Psychology, and In- with community development, as free as p(tssible." This is one The treasurer's office masks career into a night club at- ter{'ultural Relations to 400 Ind- housin~ construction, and tutor- of the reasons why the S,G.A, has has nnnounced a meal mosphere of New Orleanstoinier- ians of high schOOl age. SOS team Ing. for a cost of ahout 3600. not set up a chaperone system for ticket plan for commut· act with three aging characters members wllJ leadrecreationact!- Applications for these projects them. Also. there would be many ing W'\I1C students, fac· who spend their last moments play- vities and indiVidual projects In are available from Sue Green. difficultiesingettingchaperone<;. ulty, and staff. The price ing forced. brutal, pitiful games. which the studt'nts are interested. Ellen Von Dehsen, Jeff Ludlow, if such a systemwereestablisheu. of the tickets are: 20 The Mushroom Crowd. a new play The same sort of project will be Keith ~Iuller. and otherSOSmem- Finalh', Collins stressed a neli" lunches, $15; 20 dinners, 1,·· Richard Johns. is based on the happening at the Institution of bel'S. Applications are to be re- for GIGIFs .. ~aylng. "GIGIFs are $30. Tickets may be ob- p~oblem of overpopulation. American Indian Arts in Santa Fe. turned by February 19, so the a social release for tenslon-·an sat- tained at the cashier's outlet for ALL students~-and New ~lexico. The dates for all teams can be announced on Feb- isfy the need for informal get to- office. A $tudent has been fouod guilty these projects will be decided upon ruary 27. ~fter interestedstudeits ,-:;.; gethers." have been lllterviewed, of an Honor System yiolation. by lilt' tt'ams. The cost for White
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