Page 66 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 66
PAGE2 THE GOLD BUGFEBRUARY 14, 1969 ROTC Decision Return Of The Greek:' WMC: Communications GOLD BUG '" A f~rum on the chapel steps in cady September initiated a .: campaign which crystallized sentiment against ROTC on this Preview campus and eventually generated the decision which was by John Bennett made public at the end of the first semester. That forum was TwO five-Inch columns, Includ-, the catalytic agent which eventually resulted in a change of ing a picture and the headlines, at far teaching consequences-the abolition of mandatory ROTC the bottom of page two of the last on a trial basis. That the change was effected without demon- issue,wasallthatmarkedthepass- trig of control from the old to the strations or threats is of tremendous significance. The student new. The college reaction was mild ad hoc Committee on Compulsory ROTC relied on research and for the most part apathetic. are happy Those who know Jerry and hard work rather than on threats and protests. After ob- for him and expect that he will do taining evidence from a variety of sources, they presented a a good job. There are those who glad to see Don leave, just as are well documented case to the Advisory Committee on College there are those who feel the op- Policy. At the same time, the administration was willing to posite. I suppose there are some who are relieved that the new editor sit down and hear the student case. The final decision was the Letters To The Editor is a member of a Jr atet-ntty, after result of hard work on the part of the student committee and three years or Incepenoent edttor s. I know many people feel that the a receptiveness to the students on the part of the admi,nist- .TO THE EDITOR: recent happenings concerning youth GOLD BUG has continued its down- The Communications Assembly tares. Several days ago a Civil edllorshlp ration. As in the case of the key system for senior women, of February 5 seemed to point up Aeronautics Board examiner ruiao ward slide under Dents will restore. and hope that Jerry the ROTC campaign involved a very small number of students a few reasons why "communica- that "youth fares should be dropp- some of the old quality.There are tion" is a stumbling block at Wes- who spent a lot of time and effort in order to get something tern Maryland College. ed." Unless the Board decides to those, too, who figure that since review it will auto- the decision, done. Our student body in general matically become effective in 30 Don selected the new editor, Jerry lacks mature intellectual char- days. will prove no different than Don in A recent issue of the GOLD BUG presented the "case acter. This is not to say that we I don't think that many students style and content; Onthe other side are those who view the pre- there against the administration" and focused on three specific pro- are a mass of flunkies and goof- know of this and I urge them to "sent GOLD BUG as a distinct im- blem areas-the key system, the art house and promises con- offs; on the contrary, most stu- rise to protect their youth fares. provement over last year's edi- dents are well aware of the value Most of us have limited budgets cerning the old dorms. This analysis reflected the frustration of a degree and the time and money and receive our spending money tion and hope that Jerry will make the paper even better. required to obtain such a degree •• from part-time jobs; I urge every that can "arise when the administration is unresponsive and I want to take this opportunity Therefore we have many studious student to contact the Civil Aero- when changes are not effected after agreement has been "regurg1tators" for whom no test nautics Board, 1825 Connecticut to say "Thanks!" to Don-- and hope I speak for most of the aca- D.C., reached. In some instances, the administration has act- Is unconquerable. We are also com- Avenue, N_ W., washington, protest demic ccmmunny-o-ror completing 20009 posed of many who do not desire to and voice their ed slowly and the communication channels seem to have conquer, but merely to pass, and against this unfaf r deci sfcn agatnst a job requiring much time and trcu- ole, Most people don't know of the been hardened arteries rather than open passages. But the such a student calculates and ach- youth fares. It is important that an-day Thursday sessions at the teves no more than "merely." this be done within the next 30 ROTC decision demonstrates that active, concerned students However, very few of us pursue a days so that a new hearing will printers, pasting and cutting, typ- can effectively utilize these channels and effect change. The degree for the sake of truly learn- be set, otherwise the ruling will ing and laying out the issue due the next day. Not to mention the even- lng, or of truly benefiting from the automatically become law. decision to insricute elective ROTC has created an atmosphere resources offered by a collegiate I am told that Western Union ings spent in-the Art House in meet- problems conducive to good student-administration relations; at the environment. This environment has a new opinion telegram and Ings, solving personal that take up and writing editorials extends beyond the classroom be- for 90~, which can be charged to same time, the decision has also shown that the administra- cause "student" Is not an occupa- a student's telephone, a 15 word so much time and energy. The edi- tion's willing to consider student requests. The "case for the tion, but rather a 24-hour way of telegram could be sent from any- tor of course has his starr eo help him, but by nature he ends up with Ufe. where In the U.S. to anywhere in administration" has been strengthened immeasurably by the The reaction to Dr.Ltghtneros the U.S. to your owncongressman, much of the work to do himself. ROTC decision. Credit for the change must go to the mem- careful and factual presentation of the President and Vice-President. So once again, Don, "Thanks!" next year's January program was I had an Interesting talk with bers of the Committee on Compulsory ROTC headed by Intense dissatisfaction with and If a student doesn't have time to Professor Whitfield last week Mike Rudman, the interested faculty members who worked conern over Christmas vacation write his opinion, I recommend that which centered on the GOLD BUG. he can his nearest Western Union Dr , Whitfield is one of manywho for the abolition of compulsory ROTC, the Advisory Com- coming before exams, the early office and send the wire. believes that the character of the commencement of first semester, Stephanie Southgate mittee and the administration. and the late termination of second TO THE EDITOR: paper has continually decreased in the last three years. He feels Many calculating Jerry Hopple semester. computed vacation minds Gregory is speaking letter, Dick that the majorreasonforthedown- this As we write quickly days in Alumni semester hours lost, "Preventive Detention" into "valuable summer extending Hall, Being interested in one of ward trend is the constant griping of Western many aspects about working time," etcv etc. the few speakers of worth and Maryland College and its academic Law And Order: learning possibilities of three solid -gane r-al interest presented at community, He suggests, as one No one seemed excited about the to attend the WMC, we attempted improvement, a column entitled, Maryland ex- pursuit, New Approach weeks of individual research, EN- assembly. away However, door we were "Why I like Western contributions along at turned the accepting Ccltege," perimentation, LIGHTENMENT_ The word sounds with at least fifty other Western from faculty, alumni,andstudents. by Barry Teach strange in a twentieth century con- Maryland students. Alumni Hall Professor Whitfield. I believe, All Americans should be In- tern of law holds a man innocent text, but the reason, may be dueto (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 3) terested in the problem of law and until proven otherwl se, However, such twentieth century values as order and the increasing crime we must realize that there is a materially gaining the most by the THE GOLD BUG rate in our nation today, especial- point at which individual rights quickest, easiest means. Even our ly in our nation's capital. George stop, when the welfare ofthe larger student generation has not escaped Official student .newspaper of Western Maryland College. pub. Wallace is ceservtng or credit for community Is threatened. Major that germ ofthe"Establishment's" lished "Thirteen times a year in Jan.. Feb.• Mar.• Apr.•May.•Sept.. first bringing the problem to light, crimes inWashingion rose during plague, Oct.. Nov.. De<:."on Friday. Entered as seeond crass mailer at the and as a result forcing his oppon- the past year nearly 28%__ 209 Much work was devoted to and Post OHiee, Westminster. Maryland 21157. under Act of March 3, ents to speak the same theme, al- homicides, 271 rape cases, and Jan- ~:~~ND.CLASS POSTAGEPAID AT WESTMINSTER.MD. 21157' will be devoted to next year=s though on a less harsh note. more than 4,600 robberies, an uary term by students,facultY,and ::;;;;~~E~~~~i!22:E[;~~===: Now, at long last. it seems as record highs, In addition, criminal admlnistrallon. A great amount of though a campaign promise Is re- repeaters in Washington released research has been done and many ceiving concrete attention, as Mr. on bail have been shown to be very Sides have been weighed. The stu- Nixon has recently proposed poor rf sks, It seems to be a ques- dent body may do well to take ad- sweeping legislation to curb crime tion of defeating one's purpose vantage of the opportunities offer- in Washington D.C. Included in the when a person released on bail is ed rather than take advantage of package of proposals are the hir- almost a sure bet to commu crtma the three week free vacation. ing of perhaps an additional 1000 again before being brougbttotrial. Ellen Von Dehsen policemen, and recommendations The District's Mayor, .wauer TO THE EDITOR: for the appointment of more judges Washington, said he felt too much I am a junior at the University and other court personnel. But per- was being made of street crime, of Houston and also one of several MikeShultz Editorial Page Editor haps the most Important plan is while special details of F.B.I. hundred thousand college students Gary Scholl....... .. Sports Editor that of preventive jailing, under agents patrol the streets attempt- who hold an Airline YO'Jth Fare Riehard Anderson. Tracey Beglin FeaturesEditors which judges are allowed to hold ing to curb bank robberies, and Card. J!lnetTaylor . In "preventive detention" persons while hundreds of Individual resi- I am writing you and many other Tim Smith . " . Mark Allen who they thinkmlghtcommitcri- dents become crime vrcumsvcon, college newspaper editors in the John Van Horn . mes If released on bail. gress must pass the bill, and If hope that fellow students may be Corinne Klein . Many fear this will raise a con- reviewed its validity must be up- alerted through the editorial col- SusanSrnithers .. stitutional question inthatoursys- held by the courts. umn of their newspaper about the SueSpr!lgue , ,.,
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