Page 67 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 67
THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 14, 1969 PAGE 3 Spawned out of DuBois' we wouldn't our have Preview Black Power monished the audience to "quit ranks. the NAACP clamoured a- tnttated, problems. The present Idea, programming present and brainwashing my (Continued from Page 1) kids." gainst discrimination and won a direction of the rights· movement (Continued from Page 2) ber one hang-up was bared by Andrew Hatcher, who has been fe~~~~:~, v~~~:a\:~' "talented ten- ;:f:S:~a~~e\~;v:!~~' ~h~sab:;~k~~ has a vaUd criticism. There are Gregory as his repugnance for ~~t~:::t~:S~1i:~C~r:i;~;y l:~~:e~s_ th;" once successful, did not help an Atlanta bus. those people who do have a gen- «ntgger s with white women." ate. He briefly discussed Negro the other ninety per cent to the Hatcher suggested tha the ans- uine love for Western Maryland, who dislike some of the changes ~;:g~~~b:~~~~n~~ ~~~~eb~~~:n :;:\o;~'9rio~~n\~,gE.~~tD~h:~iSi,nt~:~ ';~~~1~:~~~grh~e;r~~~ ~:!~!~~~~we r to the rights' issue lies in taking place, and who reettnat crt- offering Pepsi, cars, and Play- ory of educating the Negro pop- institutionalized racial dlscrimin- ~~~~~cp:~r~~';i~i:~~o s~::n~he~~ ttclsm ofWMC has come too otten s and gone too far. These people, ~:~ r:r: , e~~~ct:;ki~;t ~~ve~a~~d ~:~~i:;O~~S ouitd::e: f B;:~:I:;Pi~~ :::~~::: .~~;~:~~~g t~o H;~~:~:r, theirs, and hopefully America's and social views A for the most part, have been Ignor-. ed in the GOLD BUG. those ·;:~~~g;:'"d t;mB;';i~~;;:O!c;;;;~;:~and There are also those pecple wttf W certain pottttcat that have felt excluded from the paper. Part of the fault belongs to Liberal Arts Graduates ... these people themselves, who have not botheredtoexpressthemselves. But part of the blame must res! with this year's editor and staff for discouraging opposing points "WHERE of view. An example ofthiswasthe rather verbally vigorous rebuttal to Dick Morgan's ietter-arncte on the draft inthesameissue.Notthat Dick can't defend himself, but other people wishing to disagree via the letter to the editor route certainly THE might hesitate in the face of pro- spective immediate rebuttal. Creative writing has a ptace In a and the other creative writers MONEt coUege paper. One of the purposes of a student paper, after all, is to provide practical experience In the field of journalism. And I can't reany believe that college students and faculty can't understand Mike Shultz, ' the paper. John Douglas, Mike Herr, for Other students have mentioned from time to time theirdesirethat the GOLD BUGreturn to the old for- IS" mat; for example, the "High on the Hill" features and the "News from the Pantheon" column. My feeling is that although the GOLD8UGhas been lax in encouraging differences Wouldn't you like to build your career WHERE of opinion to appear In the printed pages, it certainly is to the credit THE MONEY IS? Well you can, by simply of Dave Carrasco, Walt Michael and Don Elmes that they have aUow- investigating the many job opportunities ed the paper to notjustrellectcol- lege life, but after doing this, to available to you in BANKING at the Equitable take the lead In changing college life -- we hope for the better. Any Trust Company in Baltimore. good professional newspaper CUI- nus this role. I definUelyaffirm that a coUege newspaper should OUR RAPID GROWTH ASSURES ATIRACTIVE OPPORTUNITIES print the news of the campus, but each editor should then be allowed YOUR RAPID DEVELOPMENT FOR MA's AND MBA's to follow his own noe of analysis • If you want to be not only "Where The Money Is," • You may be more than a little surprised to hear and reform. but also WHERE THE ACTION IS in today's business what's in store if you choose BANKING as a career. Letters world, then you belong in BANKING, Keen competi- This is especially true at Equitable Trust where we (Continued from Page 2) tion in banking has created. the need for needle-sharp look upon people with your level of educational achieve- seats appr-cxtrnately 1200 people marketing and sales techniques. Exciting innovations ment with particular appreciation. and there are only 950 students in bank operations call for imaginative ideas in the and 100 faculty members. It management of men and machines to support a rate seems that a bus-load of high school students and many other of growth which is outstripping other Baltimore banks. !iif:il~f:if:!f:if:if:if:if:if:if!ir:t~f:if!i~f!i~ townies got In before we did. To add insult to injury, after all SYSTEMATIC MANAGEMENT TRAINING OF COURSE OUR BANK HAS EMPLOYEE £i these college students were turn- ASSURES RAPID ADVANCEMENT BENEfiTS (insurance, pensions, hospitalization !I ed away, a Negro with a leopard and the like) WHICH ARE DESIGNEDTO MAKE ~ skin vest, a goatee and beads • It'll be "out of the frying pan and into the fire" when PEOPLE WANT TO SPEND THEIR ENTIRE i! was admitted to the assembly it comes to continuing the learning process in Equitable's I (otherwise it would have been dis- scholarly (yet bank-oriented) Administrative Training WORKING LIVES WITH US. crimination). Is this a campus Program. Excellent development curriculums are con- for paying college students or f!if!if!if!if!i~f!if!i~~f!i~f~f!i fr-eer tdlng high school kids? ducted in all the various banking operations. As far as we are concerned this is a damned disgrace. The o We'd be happy to tell all about us as students at WMC are paying close to three thousand dollars per year well as learn something about YOU, if to attend. So why, when we finally get a good, interesting and popular FRED RAUSCH you'll contact your school's Placement speaker, should we be turned a- WILL BE ON YOUR CAMPUS way? Why did President Ensor Department and make an appointment just stand by and watch the stu- dents being turned away? Why TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 to see our representative on campus. should high school students that came by bus and other outsiders Do it today! be allowed in ahead of paying co- llege students? Why didn't the administration foresee such a sit- uation as this. and make adjust- Equitable ~ ing ar-rangements? We helped pay for Dick Gregory-- why could we not see him? In short, we "An Equal Opportunity Employer" Trust Bank \:;;I think that the administration at WMC should start using its head Instead of its ass! John M. Nesbitt SAL TIMORE, MA~Y~ND .21,203 C. xtateotm Canedy
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