Page 26 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 26
PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 25, 1968 Somebody Up There~\ NoChi:~~~dworl~ of Hubert Humphrey Those Black Olympic Fists Do' hundr-ed thousand worn," m IRA G. ZEPP, JR. t this country will vote against Hu- bert Horatio Humphrey in Novam- • ber because he doesn't have a ctun, And the poor guy's problems just Causing as much conversation in MexicoCitylastweek as the careen- get worse after that. Who cantor- Ing track records was the black power protest of some Negro athletes get the Democratic get-together In there for the Olympic games. Chicago? A battle: reporters vs, The most provocative Incident was the demonstration by the United deiegates,delegatesv5,delegates, states' sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos. Alter receiving their hippies vs, reporters, police vs, victory medals and during the playingoCthe national anthem, they raised yipples, reporters vs, police, black-gloved fists in the air as a symbol, so they said, of "black dig- crunks vs. non-drunks, adinfini- nity." tum. And through it all, a little For th1s defiant and mllUant act, violating the spirit of Olympic compet- chinless man struggled to keep a ition, they were suspended Cram the American team and asked to leave happy convention atmosphere. Olympic Village. Subsequently, Beamon and Boston, two black Amer- There he stood on a platform-- teens who placed first and second respectively in the broad jump, more on which nobody agreed-vtr ying mildly protested during the awar-ds ceremony with the wearing of black to calm the delegates, appease the socks. reporters, quietthedemonsiraiors, There are many Americans, blaek andwhita, whowould seriously ques- all this in front of 20 million TV tion this sort of action. They remind us that the Olympic games are not viewers, Now, that is reanv a pro- the appropriate time and place for such a protest (one wonders if there blem. Poor guy. Is ever an appropriate time and place for such protest!). Many echo After Chicago, HHH began to Decathlon champion BUI Toomey's words, "There is no place for per- meet his other problems which sonal spleen or politics in the Olympic games." were all compounded by the con- to voting the straight party ucxet. And certainly their method of demonstration did not endear them vention re surts, First came the pol- When the Democrats Mc- chinless little man holding a kind to the public. Perhaps, as some have suggested, the most effective rejected of grab-bag. This grab-bag is the strategy for protest woutc have been a: boycott that would not have taken t: ~~~:7h~~~Sto~~: P::~e~fo~~t:~: ~:~t~~t~mb~~iC~~~y~~~d~?a:irnea~~~~~. man's so-called platform and pol- them there in the first place. speech praising Johnson. one to the youth vote. itical beliefs. My, my, he cer- In any case, I feel a sense of ambivalence about the whole episode. On speech sighting Johnson's mts , Political predictors have chosen tainly does have an assortment the one hand, although the recent series on the black athlete in SPORTS takes, one speech praising Johnson, Nixon as the winner(orloser de- in that bag: He probably thinks ILLUSTRATED indicates there is much that needs to be done interracial- one speech of pure Humphrey-pol- pending on how you look at it) in he can please all of the people all lyon the American sports scene, and althought one wonders how many icie s ana D.C. al rtne. It really of the time if he collects a policy Satchel Palges our racism has snuffed out, on the whole, the Negro has does pose a problem for Hubert. November , This brings us to dear here and another there, steals a falredwell in athletics here. It may be cold comfort, but athletics has a How is he ever goingtobreakaway lIubie's most challenging pro- belief from this saint and that far better record in race relations than businesses, schools, and Chur- from great White Father'spolicfes blem--hls formidable (?) oppon- one. Maybe he hasn't read Lincoln ches. and still retain GWF's admf re r-s? ent. Nixon has completely Ignored ver-y thoroughly because I don't On the other hand, a black athlete is black before he Is an athlete and Lately Johnson na s even stepped Humphrey's repeated dares to an think that's exactf y how the say. human before he is black. The first place he achieves in Mexico City on in to correct some tongue slips of open debate. So HHH must resign ing went (some of people most of the basts of ability is afar cry from the second place he automatically ~IJ[II's on present administration himself to touring the country the time or was it most of .•. ). receives in an American city by virtue of skin color. It is unrealistic to poltcyv-ma ybe LBJ will win on a trying to defend his party's mis- assume that every black athlete who wins gold medals for a society that write-in. He ce rtatnly isn't giving takes these last four years, and Gee, I wonder If he'll win the basically rejectstheNegrowilldosowithoutcomment. The fists were not his VP a very big boost. also attempting to gel somebody election ..• '. Here are the re~ raised against athletics, but against the injustice in our SOciety. Number two on the "problems somewhere interested in all the turns •.. Nope. he didn't. It's JUSt One the one hand, the grand old black man of American sports, Jesse to be solved before election day" "new" programs he has to offer. as I expected-cever ybcdy knows Owens, is undoubtedly sincere and probably correct when he says, "these is the split within the par-ty, This Election day qutckty comes upon that people who don'! have chins kids (black athletes) are confused." But Jesse Is not where it is today. I, split can utso re rerer reo to as a are notoriously wishy-washy, in- along with a lot Ofwhite men, wish he were. He has acccmocatec hlmseJI mild disintegration. Counting the to American society in a way runny of nt-, sons ar-e not. support Humpnreyhas tost to watt- r-=;r::;-~::':':_:__:_=::;;'-==-------, Those raised hluCk fists, however ill-timed, are pointing to ideals ace and Nixon, and subtraotmg the far higher than gold meuais andOlY!llpianglory.They raise the question total from the usual Democratic about fairness and decency and;, fuller humanity in all of life, not only in support leaves him with a bunch of sports. I wonder how mauv orus, including Jesse owens and Avery Br-unn- strong McCarthy hackers and a age, are confused about these priorities"!" very smart troop of men resigned Birth Control: anygOO<1 A Time For Realization _tired hungry yearning to be chained black man jumped ship In Charleston got nosy and the world never did have a chance when the give me your by Hiroshima at the Battle of pig pen they rolled In the mud and now the world must live with its burden and wait tor the end of the line witch ecnjers up the In conversations with numer- In THIS situation, the only result have to resort lu this knowledge secret brew that images of with or without and the percolator never did work very fairly the judge created a stir as the Catonsville rune left to until after marriage, a great deal ~:ry~:~~~geth:o:u:~ec~t :e~~~~:: :~~!~~.:::::1 ~~~:~C~::~5~OW~~~~ of security could be estabJishedon die on the auction block will close at port Samson as the killer whale and control has arisen from the quag- gnancy and,or- veneral disease. this campus. a heard of waifs rampaged doii.rnthe napalmed street and screamed for mire of trivia which usually do~ This situation must he recognized The administration has a strong the guiding light of the unholy crystal palaces where the stones ot the minates a Whlmsee dialogue 'be~ by the administration of Western argumentagalnstlheeslablishmenl babylonian temples didn't stand In the way of the lost soccer player and tween members of the two sexes •. Maf}'land College, as it has been oC such a program in as Illuch that then too the never have been gratefullchHdrenodd that you should men- Many of these comments on B.C. recognized on several other Col- there has never been a majorpro~ tion ,the optional killers of mammas and poppas as Davy Cracket and (as birth control shall be here~ lege campuses, and not simp!}' be blem of Ihis origin on campus: but Arlo Guthrie joined in a bar of Alice's restaurant and the draft crept after referred to for sake of bre- regarded a$ something which it must he rea!ized,lhiscampusis under the grand canyon asthegreatwhltefather went to bed and the bird vity) have been niave and in sar- "Can't Happen Here," because it grOWing, and with this growth,new !lew out the window only to be followed to a pea-patCh by the curious and castlc jest. But several have bee>! can and probably has. problems must be confronted. The maybe Smoky the Bear wouldn't have to cry when the claSSical guitar of or a serious nature presented by In the organization of a co-ed\l~ best way in which to prevent the the firefighters wenttotheearly gravely he sentenced them to death upon mature and responsible members catlonal institution, I feel, the ad- problem is to establish measures heard of clubbed pigs in the streets and the whole church divorced each of the female faction at Western ministration Should accept, as it 10 avert the cause of the problem, other as the yacht went to sea and drew and quartered them with the sav- Maryland. The specific idea which almost completely does now, the like getting new tires before you agery of a brownie and Julliet and the raven !lew out of the crowd and has been generated by all the wo- responsibilities which are involv- have a flat. lifted the dead mouse and carried him off to the circus and while the fox men Involved, is that a conscien- ed in such a situation by Iheestab- Anyone concerned with this pro- looked at the grapes the bluebird of spat on the governess of the fine went underground only to be killed by a faster than a attic the janitor tous Birth Control and veneral lishment of an effective sexual blem should, primarilr, investi- speeding bullet the blue ox swam across thewide Missourrl and drown- disease prevention program should education service. If not for the be established on this campus, and sake of the salvation of someone's gale the programs on campuses ed in apple pie but he never did send a postcard of the hanging as the the present campus poUcy of seem~ pride-allthough the person partial- which provide students with Sexual Pope proclaimed that he was buried in the sea with honners Bonne ingly ignoring the problem which ly discarded it in the initial act - Safety Services(l.e.OverlandColl- Homme Richard and the flag beside the body ot an island that losl three ege in Ohio, at which students are plus a fat Jap and a stupid anchovie pizza was buried at gu!lllery posts confronts all co-ed campuses, at least for the sake of campus provided a mature sexual educa- Arlington with full Robert E. Lee and the George change your dirty un- should be discardedasantiqutated. health and well being. It would tion course and devices for pre- derwear cause the clan is burning some more wieners and a bottle of This student Idea Is not founded truly be an unhappy time if there without just cause. Any situation in were widespread syphilil1s on venting "unfortunate incidents.") grape juice were served at the high picnic and then the absurd man had which men and womenltveatclose campus, due to the lack oIprecau- After compiling Ideas, the student to run down the street to catch a ticket to the end of the line the old man should submit them to the admin- knew there was a big fishy lookanda lot of chin stubble never did suit a quarters and are Inalmostcontin- tions by both students andadminis- istration for its consideration. And get your bargained car here when the conestoga wagons crossed the uous contact, there exists the poss- tration. (No Virginia, you don't con· through its action I'm sure the ad- great dividing line between the upper middle and the not so fast because Ibillty that people, overcome by tract It on toUet seats.) If students ministration will follow its con~ If you aren't there by now you may never arrive at the cow pasture their emotion, discard societies were instructed in proper methods scientous endeavor 10 prepare its where the halo fell off the pine trees and all the chipmunks gave was a morals and'establish their own, of b1rthcontrolanddIseasepreven- students for a rewarding lile upon used bible and twenty pounds 01beads. The Illdians never couId and never in accordance with the situation. tion, and hopefully very few would graduation. wUl understand what happened to their country_
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