Page 25 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 25
mE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 25,1968 PAGE 5 Homecoming Comes Again On October 10-11 westernMary- land COllege participated in Its annualhomecomlngfesUvitles, consisting of a free open party on Friday evening, a parade through town on Saturday aIternoonfollow- en, by a victorious football game, and a concert Saturday evening featuring Mitch Ryder. The weekend started oft suc- cessfully with the party, the first one in Western Maryland's history to be free of charge. A number of the faculty attended, as well as many students and alumni, mak- ing the party enjoyable from all standpoints, In the parade on Saturday, the fraternities,sOroritiesandclass_ es exhibited their floats while pol- itical candidates--Senator Daniel Brewster, and Congressman Good- loe Byron--made their candidacy known in the town of Westminster, PI Alpha Alpha won first prize in the annual fioatcompetitionandthe sophomore class placed second. After the parade the green Ter- rors defeated Lycoming inarous- Ing football game, giving the Ter- rors a 3-0 won-lost record, The homecoming queen and her court were introduced durin!!: half Ume.' Saturday evening, to climax the weekend, the SGA sponsored the Mitch Ryder Concert, duringwhich Carol Armacost was crowned Homecoming Queen, Sophomore Class To Raffle Off Concert Tickets The sopnomora ctassrs sponsoring a ticket raffle for the Cream con- cert at the Baltimore ctvtc center on Sunday, November 3. aarne ticketscostfiftycentseach,and there will be two winners. Each winner will win twofronl row seats Homecoming Draws Capacity Crowd worth len dollars each. Raffle any tickets can be bought from Alumni Group will also be people selling ticket!'. sophomore class officer and there in the dorms. On Monday and TUesday, tickets will be sold in Holds Meeting the Grille. October 30, will be held The drawing, on Wed- nesday, In the Grille during the assembly period, An added Incentive for Elder dtce Hall will be the site ative of our fund consultant. Dr. buying a raffle j.., the rumor that of the AlumnI Fund workshop, Ensor will welcome the chairmen this BalUmore concert will be the Saturday, octoter 25, at -10:00- during the opening remarks. Then last given by the Cream in A,M, where class chairmen will hoth chairmen wfll give speeches America, meet to begin work on the 1968- along with Mr. Uhrig. major questtons will be Three 69 fund. For thetirsttlme,awork_ posed to Ihe roundtable discussion Western Md.'s Short, swinging ... shop for class chairmen will be held ODthe campus. "The work- Involving the fund. QUestions one The Pinebrooke shop's purpose is to Inform and will he -"How can the class agent Library Begins orient alumni fund class chairmen system be used more errecu valy ,by London FogĀ· on methods of organizing and ad- by the class Chairmen in the foll- minlstrating the 1968-69 fund," awing areas: recruttmentofagents, Book Changes states Mr. Uhrig, head of the Alu- making asstgnments andencourag , The girl on the go wants a jacket that can keep mm Department. lug events'z" "How can we raise For the last three years Wes- pace with her busy life. For her, it's the Pine- Appearing at the workshop will per 'capita giving?" Is the second tern Maryland's Library has been be approximately thirty class question. Finally, "How can we in the process of making some brooke by London FogĀ· , , , made of wash and chairman out of f1tty live spread get non-contributing alumniloglve major classification changes, as wearable Calibre" Cloth of 65 % Dacron" poly- over the country, Class Chairmen 10 the fund?" "Hopefully the cues- suggested In the 1965 edltionofthe are the leaders of their classes. lions will be solved, then a ques - Dewey Decimal Classification. ester and 35 % combed cotton with convertible They form teams of classmates, tlon and answer session will tot- The bulk Of these changes Is collar, zipper front, inverted slash pockets, rag- termed class agents by the chair- law. Attending a luncheon and the found In the Uierature, biography men, for solicitation purposes. home football game agatnst Hamp- and psychology secnons. Inthe lit- lan sleeves and shirred elastic waistband, Lon- Roles of the class chairmen are den-Sydney as guests of the col- erature department all books by or don Fog' went to great lengths to make a jacket to lead the class In fund work, lege )ViII be the agenda for the about one author are classified un- to find methods of solicitation, to afternoon. der one number. The fiction section, like this for people just like you, In a selection decide what the emphasis of the The Alunnl Fund is a source of therefore, is greatly reduced. of sizes and colors, $22.50 fund will be and to contribute their income received [rom alumni who New books in the field of psy- ideas to the fund through a round- voluntarily contribute to their col- chology are being placed In the table discussion. Two Important lege after soucnanon by the col- 150's section. Eventually, all the principals of the workshop will lege andtheirClassmates.$IOO,OOO psychology books presently found ~gett be Mr. Frasier Scott, from Bet-e- was the goal set last year. As a under the 130's willberelocaledto hesda, Maryland, chairman of the result of the centenlal plans, how- the 150'5 secnon. Annual Giving Committee and Mr. every, only $93,00 was raised The rectasstrtcatton process Is John Edwards from Baftlmor e, from 2,624 alumni. The goal set not yet finished; It will be General Chairman of the fund. the year before was $50,000 and necessary to consult the card will be Miss $56,000 was given by2,449alumnl. catalogue for the correct call num- Westminster Shopping Center No goal has been set this year. bers until further notice.
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