Page 21 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE • The Gold Bug CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 45 No, 3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND OCTOBER 25, 1968 Cafeteria, Controversy Rages Campus Invaded ""I SLC Pleas Heard; By Hinge Tutees ~~~'~'~h;'~~~~'~With:'~,~if~. Delayed one day by rain, the Rober! Moton, East End, or West to the Student Life Council cafeteria Rice for two hours, was concerning Hinge picnic was held October End scnools in westmtuster , demands Monday, October 21 at portions. Some students leave the twentieth in Harvey stone Park. The ptcntc is 'only the begin- 4:30 p.m, Mr , Barney Rice, head cafeteria hungry, some throw away Chairman jc Ann Hahn and her re- ning of a year of Hinge activities. of the cafeteria, accompanied Dr. a lot of uneaten food. Dr. Ensor creaUoncommitteeentertainedap- This year, chairmen Steve Hiltner Ensor and presented his side of pointed out that this vear the}, are proximately fifty Children with and Ben Love have organized Arts the argument. serving more food per person and games, soft drinks,androastedhot and Crans and Recreation com- more is being thrown out in the dogs. Freshmen Dan Green, Mary mittees in addition to the regular The miscellaneous demands garbage. Dr. Ensor wants to "get Anne Spencer, Sue Baker, and other tutorial program, Hinge hopes to Julie Kline practices the choral were approved. The clocks are the food out of the garbage and Hinge tutors supervised the after- sponser- sewing and arts and crafts movements to "Circle Beyond now installed. Hat and coat racks back on the plates." There is a as well as shelving for books will noon's activities. classes on campus for the children Fear" arrive soon. The bulletin board general agreement that a plate The children, ranging in age in Westminster. According to Ben IilCedindividually as students from Six to fourteen, are resto- Love, these in the immediate future Cast Will Air space will be Incr-eased to ten faet, came through the line according to will begin classes Dr, Ensor asked for student co- ents of Westminster. Manyat- operation their likes and hunger would atta- tend either William either on a week-night or Saturday Choral Drama operation in snaking the Jines in- vtaee this problem. the stairs side the lobby and down morning. forty I WMCCh I during inclement weamer • The Other unsolved problems Hinge presently sponsor-s beverage problem is still under Includetheorganlzationforhav_ ~!l~~:fO;tt:~:~:~d~~1i~~~l~::~i'omes n ape study, However, seconds of cof- ing two entrees, the iJack-upwhile and the long puttillg away trays, of their tutees and help them with The Circle Beyond Fear, a choral fee will be available in the dining lines at lunch. Dr. Enscr askert for whatever academic probtams they drama, willbepresentedtothestu- area ramer than in line , Fruit student cooperation while Mr-. Rice orange and grape, willl)(! drinks, may have. All of the timerhoweve r , dent body on Sunday, November 10 served in tile cafeteria in unJimit- is ironing Out the mcviug pr oble m, is not spent ill set.cot work. E\'eI'Y at 7;I~ in Baker Memorial Chapel. ed amounts at all meats. Due to He has excellent equipment now, tUlo), becomes involved in a rela- SponS0red by the LutheranChurch, the ),igh cost of milk. a sansrac- but it is new to eve r j-cne, "Second tionship with their student which the play will be directed and per- tory compromise to the student to the classroom, the dining room function extends beyonutbe reahu of scbool, former! by students of western demand for milk at dinner has yet has the most important Dr. Elisor. stated on the Hill," Thirty students repr-esent lIingein Mar yland College. to be reacneo. West End and William Winchester Chris Geis will direct the cast Rates for meals have been alt- The Student Life Council Will Elementary schools. These stu- of 12 students. These people in- ered as follows: breakfast, S1.00, meet again next Monday, OCtober dents assist the teacner-s f n tna clude Mary Lou Bembe, John Ben- lunch: ~1.00; and dinner, $2.00. A 28 at 4:00 P.M. to try to come to some compromises on the unsoiv- classroom. While this program nett, Dave Brown, DawnCampaigne , weekend package deal for $5.00 ed problems. At 7:00 P,M, that rarely supplies the one-to-onere- Mel Fair, Dan Green, Chuck llor, will include Friday dinner through evening a comrnumcauons Assam , lation,~hip of the first, it gives the Julie Kline, SueSchmidt,SueSher- Sunday dinner. The biggest pro- future teacher excellent experi- mer, Betty Tokar, and Charlee blv will be held 10 explain the re- Dr, Joseph Fletcher ence and all the students a vivid Williams. Judy will per- blem seen by the S. L. C., dis- sults of that meeting. Btauca Fletcher Sees insight inlo one of the most crit- term the choreography. written by_ facing the ical problems connnun- drama, The choral Swann, consists New Ethics ity, In a surprisingly short span of Darius Leander and two parts. In of a Prologue years, Hinge has established itself Part I, the chorus symuouzes In Morality as an integral par! of Western hurnanttv ill general; in Part 11, Maryland. Hinge was started four it is analogous to the church. Dean Zepp will speakonthetopic years ago by Richar-d xrccanna AU the action develops out of "Human First, Christian Second" and Dr. Griswold for the purpose the chorus. For a short time, on Oct. 27 arid Dr. Joseph Fletcher of tutoring the children. of West- members of the chorus assume in- will speak on "The Immorality 01 minster. Since then. it has grown dividualistic roles but, immed- Morality" on November 3. considerably In the number of iatel), afterw ards , they become about his upcoming In talking should be the goal and F'~d~~'lty Rm~;;i'~'~O~'agatu topte, Dean Zepp commented that "humanity test of all religion" and that "the goal Of religion was to make hu- who has written Nominees for Dean manity more human." Dr. Fletcher, several books about the "new moraIlty" (Situation Ethics and Early last spring, a committee I. Share Ihe ideal" olthe church- A rtist Displays Moral Responsibility), has been a of faculty members began the task related liberal arts college; coal miner, an auditor's assistant, of recruiting candidates for the 2. hold a Ph.D. in a lit)eraLdis- a rope factory worker, a resident position of Dean of Faculty, which cipline; Discusses Styles of Painting worker In a New York settlement will be vacant at the end of this 3. have fuU-time teaching ex- house, and Is currentiya professor school year when Dean i\lakosky perience in a college or university; WMC's Art Department is spon- lasted from 3 to 5; after which of social ethics. Dr. Fletcher has retires. -L give evidence of sc_hoJarlyat- soringallexhihitionofpaintingsby refreshments were served. i\liss published in periodicals such as The committee consists of Dr. tainment and broad cultural in- Lorella Raftery, a contempory art- Raftery and her husband paint Harper's, Ladies Home Journal, Bailer, Dr. Price, Dr. Holthaus, teresls; ist. The display. conSisting of 12 with a different style. This re- The Nation and is also the author Dr. Sturdivant, and Mr. Zauche. 5.giveevidenceofhiS:l\vareness canvasses of oil paintings, is set mains unique for a husband and of several other boOks. PreSident Ensor, who isthe chair- of developments in higher educa- up in Gallery I of the Art Building. wife team; usually such a team He has been PreSident of the man of the group, did a lot of the tion: Was}'l Palijczuk, special art in- tends to paint similiarly. Association for VoluntarySterili- preliminary groundwork. He saw S. give evidellce of his abiJityto structor, organized the exhibition, Both artists are willing to dis- zation and of the American Soc- to It that Information sheets on provide energetic leadership and which IssCheduledtobeshownfrom play their work. Later in the year, iety for Christian Ethics. He is the positionandqualificationswere mature admioislraUl'e--1udgment; October 20 to November 8. The dis- her husband lI'ill exhibit some of Vice-President of the ASSOCiation senttotheplacementofIicesatvar- 7. possess the ability to work play, open to all and free of charge, his own paintings. for the Study of Abortion. Dr. Flet- ious Universities. The people on creatively with faculty, students, can be viewed any weekday from cher graduated from West Virginia the committee, along with the rest and the administrators. 10 A.i\!_ to 4 P.M. University, received his B.D. at of the IacuIty, suggested individuals The advisory committee is nO\\' On .october 20, L. Raftery and Berk)ey Divinity School, and his whom theybelievetltoquality, also. in the process of inviting several her husband visited the campus S.T.D. at London University and seven major points are needed 01 the candidates to the campus to meet with any interested stu- Kenyon College. He received his to be considered for the position to be interviewed by the faculty, D. Litt. fro'm Ohio Wesleyan Uni- of Dean of Faculty. The candidate and finally by President Ensor