Page 31 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 31
THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 25. 1968 PAGE 11 Cumulative Statistics Grapplers to Host Soccer Squad Checked Rushing: AUs. Vd5. All-State Tourney Jerry Borga 40 203 Barry lambert '9 203 '.2 by Jordan Lieb At Battle of The Mount Ellr'Dietrich 31 '86 6.0 John Seaman 28 96 3A This ve ar on Deremher 20 &21. Bruce Bo.zman ee 63 'A Sam Case and the Greet,lTerrors by Mike Herr Mike Wright 20 3.2 will he host ill a tournament in- After dropping a 2-0 decision lan"'s,l-nil-ersilyofBalti- Arn Hines ·2 -2.0 more. Sausburv State. and Wash- At half-lime the «r-ot-e ,,"as even Passing: lngton College. Trophies will be at 1-1 and the 'I'e r ror g harl out- Atts. Compo Pet. Yds. Ave awarded for out stanrtuur wresner pla ved their opponent. ltuwe ver . B. Bozman 55 30 .545 5409.9 andwinningte:!lll, the \lountie"pllilredthepress(lre Jerry80rga 1 1 1.000 77.0 Afterthrefi>lllonthsofromp,icai- on in the second half s('oritl~ cue Receiving: erl at-ruugeruents . the final con- gcul each parfod. CauQht Yds. Ave. rr acr s have lJeen signedanrlthe The ~1('lItlties drew f'r."t 1,1000 Roy Brown 11 188 17.1 Tourne y t-, set. ~II", Case organiz- ill the fray with a pt'lially kkk h) Jar'yBorga 11 187 17.0 ed this touruaruent lu an ettorr II) -:'on)" i'a."i,lkos "'ith I: l~ rematn- Randy Klinger 8 155 '9,4 Barry lambert 1 17- 17.0 co-ordinate ami pI"tll"U!ewreslling ill~ ill IliP secou.t .juat-ter. Tlte nue re vtsiu thextate . Terrors evened tlw st-or-e PX:I{"t- Scoring: In spite of tile 1:I("t thut the Lniv- :y cue tttilllite later~lS 1'0" Lindxav Td's Pat(l) PAT PIS. e rsnv of ~ld •. :-;-'\1')". and xrorgan ,]rill"d ill :J ('ros" ktvk 1\\ Doru Jerry Borga 7 0 0 42 Slate ar-e repre"eilled Coa('h COl."e '\'.1[,;111'1". Earl Dielrich o 38 feeis courtoom rhat \\". l>Id.will Ilf:' The ~IOllllt W{\~ the IIlitj,llhe ill Randy Klinger o " well represented in tIle finals. the set-ond It:tH :1S I):tll;t Ki!ll1n.,l Roy Brown o 8 COII\·erted:tlxl"stro't,llill."Iall'_ Tom Mavity 7 Bruce Bozman 6 lIler ,It ~l:::!i} of the tlllrd period. JimPalilucci - 6 Th" ~lo\lllties ",,,de till' S"I)I"" :3-\ Barry Lambert 6 a\ld ~.~O fut sludents anri all are ,Jt!I::30oftlipi:ls\l'erilidaslloli Jim Harne 3 inviteel. L"I~ar ('[loled oue illiO tit., n...t. "_ilu'"l"lw'\SI'!"editellwiliitliea"_ did." oJ!en,d "("!ill·indl. 1){!t11 Illy 10,,' h:J("~ and pnl],'d lite leudoll"." G;.II"!· :;h~piro J"illed III ,uul 1'1'<)- Ip.nedlht' IIPtswel1. l"tllitl!St-'l;lIlld It''lf Shrieves. . 111(1<'1,. dril'e Ill' 'he .\IO
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