Page 27 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 27
.THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 25,1968 PAGE 7 Threat to American Society Closing The Door On The Draf. power expenditures, but would also at least partially solve the mili- War As A Deterrent tary's ernctency problem. et pre- has a sent, the Army especially, major problem which they rerer tc To Thermonuclear Disaster as "too much personnel turbul , ence," which is translatedtomean The Cold War of Iheeariy1950'shasevolved duringlhe last decade to that because or ene mass defection a warmer situation that cannot be excused as a Hot Peace, or brushed of trained soldiers, some 43 per- aside as Ice-breaking. It is the real thing, the implementation of war to cent of the army at any given time mai,ntain balance, and thus, peace. It could be titJed,-ClimbingWar. a has less than a year'strainlng. An constant escalation of brush wars into extra-national encounters, and effective unit barely gets trained riots into brush wars, The primar y questtcn in dealing with this situa- to work together than half the men tion is, whether the power groups of the present era know their boun- finish their terms and leave. Also daries. How much heat can they apply before boiling erupts? ":l~gt:I~[{~~:I~~~it::~ \~eo~::~::!~: Common sense will admit that in order to end war, you must have war. An observer of history should take note that people never carry anti-war modern weapons systems. The banners in times of peace, There are no anti-war lobbies fattening our Army has found that the training congressmen, just as there are no pro-war lobbies. It seems that neither required to produce competent op- war nor peace are desired, but a fine balance of the two. When the scale erntors often lakes up to 50 per- falls to peace; we citizens of the world seize the moment and close our cent of a draftee's term, meaning eyes. But, as an abstraction or actuality, war is inextricably caught up that his usefulness to the Army is in the definition of peace. And the direction of man's goals, Without war oulya year ora year and a half. there can be no peace, SOCiety must have wars to clarify concepts or Such inefficiency would no! be tot- peace. Something must be invented to replace peace or man will never erahle unless me Federal govern- conquer v:ar. But war will never be conquered. That is not where the mant was footing Ihe bill. solution lies, Someday a warless SOCietymay come into being, but this The ..;olulionlotheunfairandun_ will be due, not to empire, but to sell-control. cemocrnuc ttrurt is to givethemi- There will be no war-to-eno all wars, because war is an extension Iitary:nenintheserviceenoughin_ of man himself, not of society. However, man is a product and tool of cenUve to stay long enough to be a society. Society frustrates its members, and the membership must re- feasible investment. As a bargatn, lieve their tensions, To avoid tct al erasure of frustration, society has it would be possihle to hoth save provided substitute targets, such as organized conflict with a clearly not hm-d to fathom as tire begiun- less than two )"uHirereand music, WMC student, happened to meet Rather than puttingona form!'!1 :'~:~':!~iO~:a_~~~!:i7~t.:i:~t71::~I~~:~. :::~i~t~i~;:O~~dhl~:~~t:~~~;~t~~c!~~~~'s concept of "the Big Lie" or Christian whUe travelling in a re- concert (tllis j_~ not, the ,\ppal- works and ill.,t touch me. Clide Pfarpddorfer began the day dreamIng of the inherent grandeur mote area of West Virginia nameu achianstyleofpresenlation)forthe of man and ended it lighting one candle ami wonrlering what a horrible Bull Creek. Since that time, Mr. campus, Christian entertains for Take the I an,11 and I and Nixon's world it would he if everyone went around asking what they could do for Bailey has met many WMC stud- anyone who cares to visit him. the One anrl squeeze them together. their country. _, _ ents and entertained them with his He is staying at the VetVille a- Take the committee delegation The president's commission decided there was nothing wrong with the "old-style" banjo picking and his partment of Jeff Davis and Mike I:ouncil PTA .~ecretary's minutes middle class except the l!Cople in it and that just because they're up to extremely well-told stories of the Baker. All those who desire- pledge of allegiancealldtq,to their necks in dull content why change horses in,mid-stream. - Appalachian mountains and their either a break from the West- toucll the meaning, Spiro T, Agnew today alienated the entire mid-West by making anti- violent nature. ern Maryland Enlightenment and Mis_~Smith teaches a very magni- Lawrence Welk remarks. Christian has brought with him Renaissance atmosphere, or a fieenl les_sonin silence. She sits In London the BeaUes journeyed 10 the oracle at John LennQ_n,which a few of hj_~hand-crafted nanjos. bit of hack",'oodshuluorandexcell_ amidst a cirCle of students in her expanded their minds with excerpts of wisdom from the new Art Link- These instruments are fretJess and ent "pickin'" are welcome to interpretation class and picks up letter book. require the touch and ear of a visit Mr. Bailey from 12:00 noon The Klu Klux Klan indicted five bearded college professors in Mass- violinist. Walt Michael has re- until 9:00 pm any day of the week. a hand of each stUdent sitting he- achusetts for defacing the John Birch Society. side her. The magnetism of her corded all of Christian's songs Tho·se waving the American flag action darts unexpectedly around Phil Ochs sang the same songs of spontaneous revolution that he has ,(Ranging from the traditional might do well to find out what the rircle as one hand grahs hold been singing for the last five years. Today in Philadelphia, the A.D.A. "John Hardy" to an original it's all abo!.:!, of tile next. We are left sitting debated making him their mascot. General LeMay made it back from Vietnam inhis atomic, grass-root- the title of this song is LONESOME BACHELOR BLUES there in commUllion, In comm_ ed carriage and was quoted as saying, "White Is beautiful," reminding made by Christian Bailey unication. Incommon. many people. I am just an old Bachelor We are no longer Fred ,lane Susan In New York the head of John the Baptist was found in the basement oI and that is what Jam. John Marie l,lack white l'Ur!!le a tenement under ten rusty tire irons. I pick myoid banjo green man woman GBX EET -'GT Lyndon Johnson announced from the winter White House that he had and I don't give a damn. SGA 19 20 21 Metho'Ii.~t ,Jewish turned down a regular role inthetelevisionseries, "Land of the Giants." Weill am picking myoid banjo Senior Freshman halfas.'; genius Everett Dirksen is said to be considering the role. trying to do the best I can. hippie square - but Human ileing. T'he Methodist Women's Temperance League of PelUlsylvanla adjourn- And if people don't like my picking We are a child talking with out- ed their meeting, having adopted a similar meeting the next month. The I just don't give a damn. stretched arms, for:; quiet min- Black Muslims, B'nal B'rith, the Masons and the KnIghts oI Columbus The girls was up here to see me utes we are not afraid of each followed their example and, while some in each organization were op- and told me to pick myoid banjo other. posed, monthly meetings were decided upon. and try to do the best I can. William Buckley and Bob Dylan participated in atelephone debate and And 11they don't like my way picking decided to ask what their country can do lor them. and I told them if they didn't like On Ohio's highways, there were 32 Wallace, 33Nh:on, 11 Humphrey and my way picking I don't give a damn_ 1 1/2 McCarthy bumper stickers on the 53 cars observed. I has rambled this old white world W~stminster, Md., police today reported that the ten female lJower over and rambled from town to town. chUdren stranded for six nights between MacLea and Albert Norbert Ward I would pick myoid banjo In all of those towns. dormatoriums were rescued unharmed but the two malefioWer chUdren And if they don't like my picking had been stoned to death. I don't give a damn. And God smUed on all that he had made and said, "It Is good,"
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