Page 28 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 28
PAGE 8 mE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 25, 1968 Board, of Trustees Confront Students GW Board Ponders W&J Sees Long Road, Student Members Colgate Ends Problem sa;u~~a~o~~~s~~bil~~s:e~~~:cII::: :!::::~ra:~~:'Pt~~: :~r a!~::~e:~ be~rs:~~:~~~n~~~f::t~~~~:f no- few which have not participated in made notse s In Student Govern- to consider a proposal to Invite and students attending a GW Lead- students to take position ontaculty the purported "academic revolu- mentmeetings last semester con- tion," through which professors cerningtheinvolvementofstudents :~u~:;~~;::;u~;;ean~d ~~~~:~ l~a::2 :1~:hi~a~O%:~e::;n~i~:~et~:cs~ committees is the first step in what succeeded in gaining change on in selecting a new President when, may be a long process, their respective campuses. Our Dr. Patte r son rettr es and the pos st , In::c~~r~~;t~;~~:e ':t~~~'e:tab- ~~~u~e~~e~r;:~i:,dl~i::l~~e~~t ex- Bastcattv, the appointment of stu' faculty simply does not hava a sur- cntues or ajotmBoar-d ot r'rusrass , plus of pcwe r to divlde wlth the stu- Student Government meeting, Ushlng the committee, its report platned that they were "leaving ~;n~~su~~f~l~~:~it:::r~~e:~~~~~ dent body. Frankly, there seems to be little ~~~~~eec::I:~PI~~~~~::;~e Board's ~c~~~~n;e;~e ~~~tJe g~~n::o h:~: ~;::~;::~~:~et~ea~~r~~ ~i:~~~~ There are good cases on camp- prospect that either proposal will uses slmttar to W 8. J of the next be fulfilled in the near future. iti;t~~irt~::nE;c~~d~I~~r~~~;:~:i~~ ~~~c~~::~: ~~~~ ~:'l~:an:;ll~~; -at W & J. 11 is not the answer to steps in this power-sharing pro- demonstrates Lehigh University on the sensitive attendance cues- talk." from GW any student dreams of power, how-. cess. For in example, at Colgate Y•• a situation Similar to that of Col- ot!~:af~~e~!:i:~~m:~~ SERVE Hamilton, University N. Y n ~~~beh:: Is Act,.,veever·EW'&eJ'mSraCe"lt istone of the Colgatevs President announced gate. a far cry from W 8.J,At Le- tee. However, their names are be- Monday that his Board of Trustees high a student group proposed that have not A t Kansas State ing temporarily withheld because College had approved plans which stipulate undergraduate" be appointed to all prospective members the seating of students and faculty Board of Trustees committees. La- Pr-e stuent, W. Deming Lewis. en an standing commit- high'~ members yo, be" Informed or tbeir appotnt- ments. S .. ""ding '''' \\\'If;,rl' [)l'p"rlml'nt,lh~ Lyon tees of the board.except the execu- likedtheideaandtooklttothetrus_ In a related development, six "nth\l~ia~ti,' rupty I .. ('''U''I_V tive committee. Moreover, a puhlic tee s mmserr, members Ofthe Students for a De- meeting of the board w ill be held I don't knewthe status or me pro- mocratic Society went to AirUe, slu- 1\"",.1 ,'f I':du",,,ti()ll, ami arso with eacn vear, posal now, but it is doubtful that the II", [.;,"p"ri;l Ilb,d,.'illlrl I'rngrum_ In after asking the Hatchet ror otrec- ,,,Iditi,,,,- :-iI,:I:\'I,:,'olulll,,,,r~ arc also As icing on the cake, Colgate's students will be refused. t\pns, to present a petition to the of [':",»o,-i", is \'igur()usJy ",,,rldllg in arl'a nursing trustees also promise 10 make As noted above W &J is Indeed Board. homes and avat lable the minutesoftheir meet- a far cry from Colgate. We are SDS temporary Chairman Nick il~ Illl'~,;agl' of <,<",('ern to in lh.., indivicluuI homes of dderl) lngs , closer to Lehigh In terms of con- Greer presented the document tc It is something of a "down" servatism, nowever.fcevertnetess. Board secretary James Mitchell to note that when W &: J's student it seems that it ts posstbte ror stu- wno stepped out of the trustee meet- Government attempted to establlsh dems totkae their rightful place In Ing already in progress, Signed by lines of communications with the the power strucnn-a or tnetr respac , 42Q students, it asked for l)the re- trustees, none or man- replied. I nve colteges and unf ver stetss, moval of J. Edgar Hoover from the fromW&J Board of Trustees, 2)openmeeting~ of the Board, and 3) students and Ibl'.-.'g,-alll in(" "n'as n"lpr ..\'i"usl,\ P'H"111~"nd r"",il,I' ill ;lll,'mpliug 1<> Wilson Student Questions filJIhl' """,i.- "flh~ <"hild ~",-\,,'d faculty participation in decision- making at GW. Present Drinking Policy In an addenda to the peition,SDS listed objections to Hoover's pre- sence on the Board: "wbereas L. The arguments against drink- ties and mixers by permtsston or E~gar Hoover promotes political I", Ill'rf",.n".d pl;,',o\;",, ~,'h,,,,1('hild, arguments are valid enoughtojus- is restricted to specific buildings tradict the princiVle ofa freeuniv~ l'lau~ an' being mad" 1<>",~I"lld lhl' tify Ihe present stateofprohill!tion and to specific hours. thus pre- f ersity ... We, the students of The \1 Ph'M',,1 :-;1,:1<\'1,:i~ """rdinalillg p""gr:lI11 "r ,-';I-:H\'I';;ul" \\'"rk wilh at Wilson, venting abuse by minors. Sarah George Washington University de- "ilh sud, r",';ol "g<""';"s as III(' 1,,1"111 mand his removal from the Board su;::se~r~~e~~O~:::l~it~~e~~~i~~o:~ ;~~~:~:~:/~!~:C~/::i~:~ a~~l~~;~ of Trustees." Artist Uses Laser To Although Initially met at Airlie the possibly dangerous consump- allowing on-c3mpus hours drinking only for those during certain House by the VlrglnlaStatePolIce, Form Air Sculptures tlon of alcohol, In practice, it has who are of legal drinking age. the SD5 members were invited to ('>.tj"nl'r"gralll, the opposite effect. It ismorehaz- A plan of this nature could easily stay for lunch by the UniverSity Th"aml)il;"11 "nd kn,,\\',h,>wnt:""s ardous for a student to drive back be devised to meet the particular tocampu:;whileunderthelnfluence T his past summer, Rockne s;lry 10 Illak" lh.'st, [lIM" a 1'<',lIit,' of alcohol than to walk safely back restriCtions of the Pennsylvania MayorD'Alesandro Krebs of Washington, rented a ar.' inJll'r~1l1 in lIll' ,'oordiualll,. "I to her room afterdrlnkingoncam- law and the wishes of the Wilson two-searchlight truck, parked it SEH\'E, :-;In'c Fri"d, SI,'\·" is" ~u»h,,- pus. The present drinkingpoUcyls communlt}'. This is certainly an SpeaksAt Meeting; In the street and turned on the mor" allh .. 'I\'ad",,.s ('"I1"gc- ;lnd is essentially aprel'emlve measure; issue worthy of consideration. Your was a huge The result lights. recommendations, majoring 1":.,<,h,,I, criticisms and ill ~o6ol()KV all,j ·V" shape, 11 miles high, which IIg~',A form,'r\'rSTA \'{,hmt..c',-,.'il,"'c' its success must be weighted by Its comments shOUld be brought tothe It does not prevent Praises Public TV the artist called art. ",a~ nanll'd l-oordinal"r of SI';H\'I'; in effectiveness. but, in fact, it does In- attention of the administration and drinking, The feeling tilat anything that in lhl' p,,~t lhn'., the artist calls art Is art has th., fir"l \\",,'k uf th.· n"T,'nl r,,11ol" crease the student's susceptibility faculty. from Wilson mC~I"r lind IH"'k,; safe Kaplan Wins PubliC television In Maryland been shared by craftsmen for has prol'idl'd th.. iniliatin'j"plIltlll' to physical danger by forcing her was termed today by Mayor Tho- many centuries, and Is the basis "Xll'I1Sionpl"ns ill "rdl'r andlo ~in' to drink outside the relative mas J. D'Alesandro as providing for Krebs' laser sculpture dis- a ..h"lkn!!.'inll' ("Ill for Ill',,([..d ("OIUll' campus grounds. a hopeful new way out of poverty, play at the Student Union In By 2-1 Vote; and good taste" "Propriel}' Illiteracy, and unemployment for room 120 this week. ]'o~itil'l' "lid ,;a~ado,,~ ill his Ulh WIlson does not, according to the at thousands of culturally disadvant- dc'r~lalldi"g d tiwfum1i"lIufsl':I\\']':, students, include abstinance (rom aged and economically deprived BrilUant red beams in a dark- :-il,"',' is 'Iukk ttl ]l"inl nul thai llw alcohol. A student has little to SGA Secure Marylanders. ened room emerge from twosus- "q!,a"i~_ati,," ,'an I,,,ol'io,' a "gT"al Speaking at the Governor's Con- pended lasers and are reflected ,'xpl'ri"i1<"'" ,,"p.~'iall~' fo,-~h"kl1t~ ill lose by off-campus drinking; her William Kaplan of Zeta Beta Tau ference on Public Broadcasting at from powerful di-electric mir_ d,c' 'fi<'id~ ,'f ,'dU(','li'Hl, psyt'i"'],'I-') classmates will not condemn her was elected president of Student the Sheraton-Belvedere Hotel, the rors to form a series of triangu_ and MK'iol"I-,)'_ 11" n'I,Il,'S lhal lh,' nor Is she Ukel}' to feel any per- Government Monday byamarginof Mayor also expressed his belief lar zigzags. \'(llunl"t'rin~ slud"llt ""',1' 0,,1,1'I,,· n' sonal qualms about Indulging. The nearly 2 to 1 over Richard Brodyof that public broadcasting wUl be The display, '-Sculpture Minus 'Jllin'd 10 s('I"\'" 111'0 lIr Ihft'l' huurs privilege of on-campus drinking, PI Lambda Phi. Instrumental In bringing together Object,· which also uses a a w,'"k ill his ,'hns"11 an'a and lh"t however, may encourage the stu- Kaplan's victory means that Stu- many segments of the community smoke-making machine, was quaJilkd ('ouII,",:lillg is ,l\'ailable in dent to use more discretion when dent Government will not be abol- to develop an Inclusive approach first shown this summer in the th,' ("ariOlus an'as so till' "uluilI,'er i~ drinking, to avoid extremes in ished as Brody advocated during to the problems ollnner cttyresi- Washington Gallery of Modern 1I11II'ompldl'i,I'·'Iel 01,1on his OWIl," order to retain the privilege. the past two-week campaign. Kap- dents. Art. if hl' ~h"1I1d\wl'd ;I,"~i~li>Il{'l'in ,,,",,I The Pennsylvania State Liquor lin will Immediately take over the !l"on-commerclal televiSion, he Though Krebs admitted that he illg with hi~ par1indar arc'a, Law prohibits the use, transfer- the post formerly held by Robert said, will offer new dimensions in could set up a special program, ence and sale of alcoholic bever- Sommer. S!l'n' is "nthu~iastil' ;ohonl hi~work professional and vocational train- he said that he would -Uke to and hi~ a~~,l{'iati"n with :-iEH\'E and ages to persons under 21 years Atolal of615 votes were castln Ing, commun1tyservice,entertaln- leave each achievement as unique l'OIllIlll'ntson ilHeeordingly, "I k'lOl' of age. Obviously. WUsonCollege the general campus election. Kap_ ment and cultural activities. in Itself,- The29-year-oldsculp- ..fnob'1terrnrm
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