Page 24 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 25,1968 Trustees Name New Women's Council Films Depict _ Plans Ahead College Buildings the Women's Important thing that Past & Present The most Council has accom- plished thus far Is the approval At Its fall meeting, the Board of Hall. The lobby of the dining haH of unlimited curfew ror senror wo- mltlve men to predict such a strono- Trustees OfWestern Mar yland-Col- has been named The Kriel Lobby co~t~~U:~~~of~~~ s;;iea:ti~~~! ;~! lege, _Westminster, announced in memory of Walter E. Kriel , ~~~iv!h~eiss~::t ~su~!a~e~ig:~~ mtcat events as eClipes,sOlstlces, names for the new facil!tieswhlch formerly of Hampstead. The pri- out and returned by 10 a.m, the two weeks with The End Ofthe Trail and equinoxes. In tesUng his the- opened this year on the campus. vate dining room In the buIlding following morning. However, they (October 31) and The Mystery of ories. the film shows dramatic Rouzer Hall will be the name 0/ w111be known as the Oursler Room may also be signed out for an Stonehenge (November 7). Slavery proof. the new men's dormitory. The in memory of George A. Oursler, entire weekend. Tile system will and New Mood, part of the Negro The series is being conducted building Is named In honor of E. Mc- former president of Koontz crea- operate each night of the week ex- history series were originally by Dr. L. Earl Grtswotd of the Cfur-e Rouzer, a graduate or wes- merv. cept on the Dorm Mother's night scheduled for the ai st but due to Sociology department. Dr. Gris- tern Maryland and a member of Howery Memorial Lounge in off, technical difficulties they wf lt not wold chose sever-at of the films the Board. The men's dormitory, Whiteford Hall has been named in At the last Council meeting there be shown until the end of tile series. to compliment his Anthr-opnlgoy located on College Drive, houses memory of Helen G. Howery, dean was some discussion on extended The End of tile Trail depicts the course, though they are also of 214 studenls and resioence cou»- of women from 1947 to 1965. In curfews for underclassmen, but plight of aforgottenpartofsociety: general interest. They are shown selors. Rouzer Hall the lounge is named no decisions were made, There the American Indian, It deals with on Thursdays at -I P,M. and? P,M. The dormitory for 182 women Thomas Memorial Lounge in me- was also discussion 011 the annual the period from Custer's last stand There is no admission charge. will be called Whiteford Hall in mory of G, Frank Thomas, an atu- gIrl's Christmas Party. whichwill to the present. Conlrarytopopular SGA Discusses myth all the Indian tribes memory of Mr.'and Mrs. Roger J,' rnnus and trustee. VariOUS rooms be held in Blanche Ward Gym on become oil milhonatr-es have not Thursday. most of Dec. U/, Whiteford. Mr. Whiteford was an in all of the buildings will have them live in unbelievable squalor. Future Plans alumnus ot the college and a trus- ptacques honoring other alumni and The second film dealswilhStone- With a successnn Homecoming tee, The new facility is located in friends of Western Maryland Col- SOS henge , the mysterious and ancient behind, the SGA continues to the southern section of the campus lege. British monument. It gives a de- plan ahead. In the works are sev- and formspartofaquadranglewith The construction project which An Organizational meeting of tailed survey of the structure it- era I projects, One is a free Super the other dormitories for women. these buildings represent cost 50S will be held Monday. October- Self and discussion of various Glgif to lie held sometime tills The Englar Memorial Dining Hal} close to four million dollars. Com- 28 in room 100 of the Chapel for theories as to its origin. The most fall. This would last from six p.m , has been named In memory and pleted as pat;t of Western Mary- all interested people. Committee startling theory is that of Gerald to midnight, There will be a stud- honor of the members of the Eng- land's Centennial celebration, the members and chairmen will be Hawkins, who studied the configura- ent pen suun to determine the Jar family who over the years have construction has allowed the col- assigned. Possible projects and lions and patterns of the stones choice of a group for a bpring con- attended Western Maryland, The lege to increase Its enrollment. 50S plans will be discussed, If through the use of a computer. His cert. The SGA also plans a series Englar family is originally from Within two years It is expected that you're not part of the. sotutton. conclusion is that Stonehenge itseff of movies, similar to those pre- C!!rroll County. ThebuHdlng, which .... the stUdent body will number 1200. you're part of the PROBLEM. is a giant computer. built by pri- senled last school year. __ ..., one common wanwtmnou; .;_ shares ..;_ --....;....; ....; __ zer Hall, has put the dining room -and kitchen facilities all on one Cultural Life Flourishes floor. The new facility, arranged for cafeteria-style serving, wUl seat 500 people, --- In memory of Western Mary- L...----The Arts at WMC-----, land's distinguished coach and athletic director, the SWimming pool Is named Richard C. Harlow Pool. The onl:lL.._oneof the racntnes Harpsichord Sound Happening Dustin Hoffman Stars In Play not fully completed and ready for use, the pool takes advantage of Dr. Joseph Stephenswillpresent The third Sound Happening of the natural slope of the campus and a harpsichord recital at Western Western lIIarylandCollegeoccurr- The entertailrment committees Ticket", will he ~3 api<'('e for Is located beneath Englar Dining Maryland College, Westminster, ed Frida}' night, October 18th in of the ne ..... dorms is sponsoring a member-s ofthenewdoflnas-,orin_ on Monday, October 28. at 8:00 Baker Memorial Chapel at 9;00. theater trip to Morris Mechanic liOll anrl $-1 for non-lIu:luhers. Ap_ Theater Third Dialogue p.m, In McDaniel Lounge. at the Johns pening was Vick McTeer, accom- Johnn}' Shine. This pler woul(] he po"..,ihle. Professor David C. Stei.nmetz chordlst in recitals, chamber music pening served also to introduce 30. and The Reverend JOM T.McGinn concerts, and with orchestras in new Freshman talent such as will conduct the third session of many cities. Throughout college, Jim and Charlie Bean, Dink Que, ecumenical dialogues being held medical school, and during his and CarrIe Schmidt and Yorke on Tuesdays at Western Maryland speCialty training, he was organist Brown. College, Westminster. at the famous LoveI,y Lane Met- The program on October 29 frOrn hodist Church in Baltimore. As Marty Hassel represented Hood 7:30 109:15 p.m. In Decker Lec- harpsichordist for the Balttmore College, Freder'ck, and itishoped ture Hall concerns "The Church Bach Society, Dr. Stephens iscur- th:lt a Sound Happeningwill be pre- Today. Do we really need the in- renlly playing the complete Bach sented there in the near future. stitutional Church? What aboutre_ Well-Tempered Clavier ina series Another outSide talent was Nickie form and renewal?" of tour reCitals. Earlier this year Mossburg from Country School. he played Bach's Goldberg Varia_ Roland Park. Professor Steinmetz is current- tlons at Bach festivals. Upperclassmen who performed ly assistant professor of church Dr. Stephens'recitalwillinclude were Sue Philips, Ginny I-:lraceand history at the Lancaster Theologi- music by Scarlatti, Couperin, and Dick Fuller. cal Seminary. A graduateofWhea_ Bach, in addlti(1O to English Vir- ton College, he received the B.D. ginal pieces. The public is invited New Coffee House at Drew University and the Th. D. to attend the recital. at Harvard is a member of several Piano Recital Professor University. Steinmetz The new coffee house, asyetun- organizations and has beenaffillat- Mrs. Judith Elseroad Parks of named,wiliopenSalurday,October ed with the Methodist Church and Hampstead will give her senior 26 in the basement of 199 Penn· the United Church of Christ. From plano recital Friday, October 25, sylvania Avenue. 1964-{;6 he wrote abstracts for at Western Maryland College, -organiil:ed by Mike Herr, Ben the Journal of Ecumenical Studies Westminster. Love, Dan Wiles, Ellen Von Deh- sen and Sue Green, the proceeds and Is presently at work on an in- Mrs, Parks will play at 8:00 p.m. will go to the HInge and S.O.s. or- Jim and Charlie Bean performing a duet in Baker Memorial Chapel. The troduction to the minor reformers In Levine Hall. Her program is: ganizations. The coffee house hopes two freshmen regularly appear in the Sound Happenings of the 16th century, Catholic and "Le petit rlen," Couperin; to feature various types entertain_ Protestant. "Etude," ZipoJl, "Fantasie," ment including mOVies produced Indian Dances Teleman; "Sonata No.1," H'aydn; Rev. McGinn is associatedlrec_ "Capriccio, Op. 116, No.1," "In- by stUdents, music sung by stu- tor otthe Paulist Institute lor Re- termezzo Op 118 No 2" "Ball- dents, dramatic readings, happen- A program of Indlandancingwill penings, etc. IIgious Research and heeditsthelr ade, op.' 118, N~. 3:" Brahms; be sponsored by the political official publication, Guide. He also "Rumanian Folk Dances" "Alle- science department of Western conducts a course inMI~siologyat gro Barbaro," Bartah. ' Maryland College, Westminster, the Paulist Fathers' MajorSemln_ The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anyone who has photo- on Friday, November 1. ary and is consultant for the Na_ John·K. Elseroad, Sr., Mrs. Parks graphs from the Junior Follies Miss Kuldip Singh, an exchange tional Conference oJ Catholic Bls_ is a graduate of North Carroll High ] 968 please see Ginny Brace or student at Wilson College, will pre- hops Catechetical Source Book. School. The rnusiceducationmajor bring them to the ALOHA of- sellt the program at 8:00 p.m. in Rev. Mc Ginn received his educa- Is the president of Sigma Sigma Tau fice on Monday evening. No Alumni Hall. Thlswill be an unusual lion at St. Paul's College, Theo- sorority and she received the Mar- professional photos were taken, opportunity for people who are in- logical College, and the Catholic garet Wappler Memorial SCholar- so we need student shots for terested, or perhaps just curious Ulliversity of America. Hewasor- ship for Applied Music at Fall Con- the yearbook write-up. to enjoy aratherinformalpresent- atlon of this aspectoJlndtancuUure dRined In 1928. vocation this year. In a ~leasant and casual manner.
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