Page 22 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 22
PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 25, 1968 The Same Delimma: Letters Lack Of Responsibility TO THE I;:DITOR; On behalf 01 the Students' Com- m~ttee on Compulsory ROTC, I would like to thank the members In the past one hundred years Western Maryland has of the Advisory Committee on College PoliCies for coUectively grown in many ways. In this same period of time. the college agreeing to suspend their decision has changed socially, economically, and philosophically to about compulsory Baste ROTC until they have heard our commit- meet the demands of changing 'times. However, this change tee's point of vIew and suggestions has always been too slow to satisfy the attitude differences of on Fr-Iday, November '8, 1968. incoming students. "What was asked for six years ago is now F'urthermore, I would also l1ke to thank the GOLD BUG for Its aid taking place;" and Western Maryland when seen in this per- in preparing and conducting a poll spective has not changed at all during its entire one hundred of student attitudes concerning years. ROTC. This poll will be in the form of a questionnaire placed in The world we live in is one predicated on change. daily every student's mailbox on Priday, change, and in order for an institution to thrive, it must look November 1, 196B. Every attempt made by the GOLD BUG to insure beyond the problems of today and try to solve the unfore- 'that the polt is meaningful and ob- seen problems of tomorrow. One such problem at Western jective has been appreciated. Maryland is that of growth, and directly related to it are the Our campus is beginning to move. problems of responsibility and authority. As something The administration is being fair, keeping its door and mind open to grows, responsibility increases and must be delegated to more Election '68: The Senate us: the GOLD BUG is trying to be as possil>l~: and stu- objective people in order that. the system runs smoothly. Likewise, as deuts wrtn questions and ideas are authority must be generated in more channels. At Western GOP Prospects beginning to make themselves Maryland, what this means is that more people are going to hear-d, This is the cr vstal seed of by Jerry Hopple honest. llleaningtll\cu!I,,"unications have to get-involved and prove their reliability so that the few With the pos srbhty of the ere- has been w:lging an nggre ssrve nnulIrClllllpus.ltef'\\\"eare,at that are involved now won't be responsible for everything. cnon at a Hepullliran presirlent, campaign and h,1S tIingoroptimisnllgladlysh:lre Hz-e- seals ste r . have taken on an added sf - generally, but a busy man can do only so much before he will gntttcanca, The possihility that wster hurt himse lf by hhwishy- lI"ilh \',HI here. the presioennat election will have washy stands such i.~s\les Micha('1 S. lludlll:lll on quit out offruscradon or collapse from exhaustion. 10 be decided by the House of gun control :11\11viet Natu, ,\_ ~lIl'erilitelldf'nt "f xeuteu in the interview published in the (Jct. II GOI.IJFlUG. possihle tor them to gain a m«- Wes_ternMaryland definitely needs to look at itself in Puhlic Instructioll M«)( Ilafferty. The interviewer, a Mr. Herr, jority. In tact, the Hepuhlic"nt; who defeatell liber;!1 SenHte lIIill- l(mk:1Il 110'11'uf Illy \lrecio!-,s tilne terms of where its future·lies. Without a progressive outlook blew a great chance in l!l(i.j tu ority whip TlLuPII~.~Kllchel in tile tv olJI3in ,I wea\thufllnuiasedopin- it will not survive in tomorrow's world. At the same time, uuild up their Senatestrength .....l!en C:1lifol'lIi:1 GO)' JJI'i"':1)"",. is e)(- iOIl:lndeV:llllationofCllrreutcam_ pected I>ePJ10(Tat Alan who had been elected Democrats Western Maryland's students definitely need to look at them- from Republican st3tes in the De- CrHllstoll, 10 det,'«t ll«rry Go\dwater I'\I.~ I,lieno,,,ena. but tlle final pro- duct wa.~ :. lIIa.~lef!liece of tallioid and selves to determine where their futures lie. Without a respons- mocratic landslide of !!l:,8 were is e)(pecleeJlI()(:ra- tra(."\ive 311l11,rncticalyellowharri- by John Bennett in the House since 1!l60. The tic ~en~tur .Jusel')' Clark uf 1'1:- cade frontingthen~w Men'sdorllli~ In the last two or three months but whO were honestly and fairly nnsylvalliH lIIay he llpS('t. "n
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