Page 30 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 30
Gridders Remain Undefeated Shepherd Falls in Titanic Struggle As Sequel to WMC Homecoming Recovery by Mike Herr and Vince Festa The undefeated Green Terror football squad kept came on a seven yard completion to Randy Klinger. their slate cleanbywlnning.37-29ascoringdueI37_ set up by a :?:7-yarder to Roy Brown. The two- 29 with Homecoming guest Lycoming, fnllowed by a point conversion was caught by Klinger. and the 30-20 victory which helped the rain spon the Home- Terrors took a 15-7 lead into halftime. coming rest: vities at Shephenl College. In the second half. the teams traded scores, hut Quarterhack Bruce Bozman fired three touchdown the Rams couldn't catch the Terrors. in leading the 'rer ror s tovictoryoverShep_ Bozman threw a third-quarter strike go'od for herd College. Jerry Borga was onthe end thirty yards and a Borga TD. The conver ston maoe of two TD's, and Randy Klinger caught the other. the score 22-7. Frank Altveto then scored for Shep-. The persistent drizzle bogged the running game herd from the one varo une ro and an 8~-yard ertve. down, forcing both teams to take the aerial path, The attempted conve r sron failed. two-point Shepherd quarterback Jeff xtver s, a resident of Earl Dtet r-tch ended the Terror scoring with a Westminster, racked up 170 yards through the air. three yard plunge, and an off-tackle dive for the extra However, Bozman, with 99 yar-ds to his credit. was points. This ended a n-t-varu drive. the first to hit the scoreboard with a cne-varcer 10 The Ram's final drtve cove red 71 yards. with ~lr. [lyOL])]3IJy ~lfJ/[/!; Jerry Barga This capped a 22-yard drive. e r s completing a rbr-ee-varuer to end Bob Denton. late in the first period. Tom Mavity converted. The extra point made the score 30-20. drive by the Rams, with F'rank Altveto . A -ta-yard TIle Terror.~werebeatellinthestatisticaldepart_ scampertng Inro paydtr-r from the 15, tied the score rn eut . running 63 plays 10 73 hy the Rams. In total late futbe csecond quar-iar , yardage the score was 339. Rams to 2-11 for W""C, PAGE 10 THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 25,1968 Following Earl Dietrich's t-unbae k to the Ram-l7 A tough the pass defense is ncr on a par ,dth the yard hne the Te r r or s played beat-the-clock. with first two games. both the defense and the Offense little more than rwu minutes remaining. The score made the plays when needed. and that's what the The Winter Scene: J.V. Gridders Drop game is about, (Continued on page 12) Apathy at Gill Gym Two Foul Weather Frays Terrorettes Fall at Hood. ., Dave Sampselle. by John Offerman th:~:r~~~;.~.~~dp:;~:~g~~a:·~::; Work To Shore-Up Offense Gill Gym as quite with the exception of a single voice and the sound are a "ratr no-r of a bouncing ball. At uie tar enc or the court, a group of about 25 watch- gloomy skies Oct. 10 at B.lT. the by Muff ed the man whose voice created mostofthe noise in Gill. The voice was Hun Rampant Red Haiders churn- The 3-0 trampling by Hood COl- wesre rn Y1arylanrl attack that of Sisk and all motion of players and the ball dlrec! results of his ed to a convincing 5-l-0 washout. lege in Western Maryland's sea- surrereo rr oru the ah.~en(·e of commands. This was basketball In its simplestorganlzedform-patterns Behind from the star-t, the yen sondehmhasnothadilieffectson starter Sarah Lednum, hut nev- and basic movement. This is the part or basketball that Whimsee b-bau, Green Terrors offense never got the girls' hockey team. lt has, in ~rth!es<; was able uu-cugf good ers must master if they are to play winning basketball. star-ted, and the ever per ststene fact, servedasanincentiveprompt- inner-wing teamwurk to get the Whlmsee basketball faces one of its greatest challenges this year. first game jitters led to sever-at Ing more vigorous pracueeswnrcn ball up the field and pose a sertons Coach Slsk, the players and the basketball fans must all overcome the Iumbles , busted ptavs, and off. stress endurance--the girls run a threat at the Hood goal. Forming problem of size. While no one can envy Sisk's job ot molding winner~, I sides. Jon frank on defense and mil<: each dav--and increasing theWMC offense were wing s Bubbi predict he will produce a better team than the fans of this school de- BiU Campilell on offense played ability in stick"Workthrough drills Eshjornson :11111Yvette Dawson, serve. In two years Western Maryland fans have lead the league in the consistently tough hall. and scrimmages. tuners Barhara ~'losher!iandChrls catagory which has come to symbolize this institute of higher education Lasl friday the 18th. the HJC Schubert and center ~1llrf Stasch. --apathy. Yes tans not only have assemblies, class meetings and class_ team cametOlloffa.where;lsmart_ Goalie Sparkles Backing them up in the halfbaCk '" es collared gold medals in the race tor the do-nothing, say-nothing, ing, vengeful Terror ~(]uarl met The victory was noteasi!yearn- positions were Pam Hitchcock, think-nothing championship but basketball, and yes in wrestling meets them on even lerms ia ,( :;uany ed by !-loodand it was only through captain LaRue Arnold and Jean (champions last year) have a definite chance for another 1st for Whim- first half. Terrors led 8-7, on ,I several hard fought attacks that the Myers. Friln McCalle and Nancy see. Don't tell me about the zoo hecause a leading survey shows most long march and cr:,fty two-point Hood offense- was ahle to penetr.ate Dashlells did 1111 excellent job of of the Whlmsee "fans"--especially the upperclassmen--believe they converSion in the set"o,!d qU,. It was. well into the who participated .In the Hood var_ sily ganle were ineJ1igible to play, second half when the Hood center end. al left defensive pressive forward broke through the Western 'giving the remainder of the team by Brian Chaney Maryland derensefOrtheopponent's memhers the opportunity to gain Western Maryland College's WMC cross country droPJ.led a Terrors Take On ~erond talir. and tllen again for game experience in preparation for cross country team opened on a close one :It Amerk:ln l'nil'er_ their third and final goal. the Thursday varsity game, somber note last Thursday as a sity on Tliursda.v by ~ Sl'ore of Tigers Tomorrow powerful and experienced Mount 26_30. Schaeffert of American St. Mary's College unit deCisively University set a eourse record of Weste,'n ~Iarrlut the Green TelTur.~ get champion, afforded the Terror a chance jinx this to l>reak the squad Invaluable experience Saturday when lhe Tiger.~ inl'ade The meet beingthetirsteverrun lloffaFieldm2:00. on theW .M.C. course saw the estab_ The Green Terrors >'lid past lishment ot a course record. Lyonsl Shepherd lastS:nurdar. 30-20. hut of Mount Saini Mary'scoveredlhe coach Hon Jone:; was not totally . rugged four mUes in a time of 22 pleased wilhtheWestmillsterele_ minutes and 16 seconds. Thewea- ven'seffort. ther conditions were ideal, warm "Our offen:;e looked prett.' and clear with no significant wind "e:;pecia- -actor. sloppy," noted Jones. Our hlocking By Ihe l>locking. "The Mount's" power and bal- has got 10 be sharper it we ex- ance were shown by their seizure pecllowin on Salurday." ot places one through four, six On Hampden-Sydney. the Terr_ through eight, ten, eleven and six- teen. or mentor commented. "they'll be lough. They're probably the The only Terror bright spots quickest team on our schedule." - were pr9vtded by CalvIn Plitt and The Tigers made it tour in a Rich Robbins. Plitt, a freshman, row over the Terrors last year. finished fifth w1lh an Impressive Freshman Calvin Plitt is the flTst 27-8. Jim Whorley. who scored timing 01 24 minutes flat. As the Green Terror to cross the line. two touchdowns In thai game. is season progresses, Plitt may very '-The Terror squad showed a great back this season, but the Tigers well assault the new course record. ;Improvement and added depth. }ost 14 sil.rters crom last year's Veteran RIch Robbins placed ninth They captured place!> 4-8 and 10. squad and now stand at 2-2-1.