Page 61 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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THE GOLD BUG MARCH 1, 1968 PAGE 3 Centennial History King Telegrams; Comedia Players Present Cuts Lower Grades Cancels Speech "The Three Cuckolds" Dear Dean zepp, In a program of acting, mtma, by Theodore M. Whitfield This is one of tin! most diffi- and music. the commandia den- show while a chorus described cult telegramslhaveeverhadto Arte Player-s will present "Tile and commented on the action. send. Because I have been in- Feb. 2, 1876 -- STUDENTS Three Cuckolds" at Western Late In the fifteenth century THROW COAL DOWN STAIR- vited to Africa. to mediate the Maryland College, FrIday, bands of roving players had WAY -- Recently the peace of Nigerian crisis, it Is necessary March 8. sprung up In Italy perform- the College was disturbed by to change my enttre calender for This adaptation of the six- ing on street corners and In students throwing coal dOwn the next few weeks. This means teenth century Italian scenario squares. They went through the stairway. One can only that regretfully I must postpone will be presented at 8:15 P; M. tricks and routines, ad-Hbbed make conjectures about their my engagement at Western in Alumni Hall. It retains the dialogue, and spoke set speech- purpose, Fortunately no one Maryland College lor Sunday freshness, fun, and joy of life es. From these beginnings in was injured, A usually reli- March 10. At the moment, it Is which, are typical of the ori- the fifteenth and sixteenth cen- able source gave the following not possible for me to suggest an ginal scenarios. turies grew a form of theatre but please date, account of what happened. While alternative I will do this at my Commedla delt-arte, which which waS to spread to aU parts know that the Facultywasengagedlnmak- first opportunity. literally means a play with of the world and to influence ~t- Ing out reports several "stu- I hope that you will understand written plot and extemporized tete, composers, and play dents amused themselves In the dUemma that I confront at dialogue, and dates back to Italy wrights for several centuries. throwing coal down the stair- feb. 1'1, 1922 -- WEBSTER this point. Please know that in the sixteenth century. At that Goldonl, Molker , Goldsmith way, thinking perhaps to dis- IRVJNG DEBATE -- Arequest regret having to postpone this I time Italians were experiment- and Shakespeare borrowed di- tract us from our work that we from C. C. Beach, Commander engagement more than word ...- ing with the ancient Greek form rectly from the old commedia might enter upon an Investiga- of Carroll Post, No. 31, asking can express. of patomtme, In patomtnes acenartos tor ideas, plots and tion to find out the perpetrators the Faculty to permit the Web- Martin Luther King. an actor performed in dumb even characters. 01 the act; we look no notice of ster and Irving Literary Socie- the matter tnat would Iead thern ties to present their debate next to suppose thatwewereannoyed month in the armory was ap- but In a quiet way secured such proved by the Faculty; a clue lo the matter as we think will enable us to identify and This evening the Faculty met in Joina firm thatll Feb. 24, 1890 -- UGLY SITU properly punish the guuty par- ATION IN WESTMINSTER .: ties at a suitable time." session to look into Feb. 2, 1935 -- GREEN TER- special of misbehavior against a charge RORS DEFEAT ARYM -- The led before the Faculty and when giveyou executive of students one of the females Green Terror boxing team de- the college. Miss was cal- feated the Army team at West Point Saturday night. Bob Ben- asked if she walked with a net won the !Irst match. Don "young gentleman of the town Keyser in the 155 pound class on the morning of the done so responsibility your Bth ac- returned the Terrors to the knowledged that she had, and win column and Chuck Kaddy, that she had repeatedly Andy Gorski and Tom Ponte- when she should have been at carve won the remaining mat- church. Considering her con- ches. gulations the Faculty voted 9 - 4 firstdayat \Vork. com- to in regard munications with young gentle- Feb. 10, 1922 -- UNEXCUS- men", ED ABSENCES TO LOWER to suspend Miss for the GRADES -- The Faculty has month of March. - been disturbed for some time It appears that violation of by thenumber of unexeused ab-. this nature has been more rre- sences recorded against the quent than has been uncovered students. A committee appotnt- to date. ed to sutdy the matter made Its report today. It recommended Feb. 25, 1910 -- PROF. JAMES that the semester grade of any W. REESE HONORED -- Just student having one or more un- forty years ago a young man excused absences not made up from PrincetonUnlverslty join- shall be reduced by 3% for each ed the Faculty of Western MarY:: absence. This nne is sure to land College. Today the Faculty arouse some oppcstuon. Itwas paid 'tribute to Professor Reese rumoured aboutthecampusthat In a resolution containing the one or more students In 1917had following statement: "Forty cut classes to witness uie tnau- years Of eminently faithful and guration of President Woodrow :~~C:S~~II~:~~:;n;O~I~i~~: Wilson and had surrered a re- duction in one or more grades. ence over the students and of' One may feel that such intua- support and extension of the Uve upon the part of the students good name and fame of the col- concerned deserved commen- lege make distinguished ser- dation, rather than censure. vice and justifr the highest praise." Now, that's a pretty funny thing for a J----------------------, Freshman Battle Apathy; civilian firm to say. A boss? Right out of I United States Air Force Class Contemplates Lottery college? The first day? : But theAir Forcecan make such offers. I :~~dA~!~~~irS~::Base,Texas 78148 At a recent meeting of the to take part on the opposing As an officer in the world's largest I freshmen class executive coun- team, and that ot locating fa- technological organization you're a I I leader,Engineer.Scientist.Administrator. cil, plans were laid for coming culty members to sponsor de- attractions sponsored by the bates, With the highly Intel- Right where the Space Age break- I class. Included In these plans lectual atmosphere which per- througfis are happening. : PLEASE PRINT were final arrangementsforthe vades the Whlmsee campus, It Or how about the executive respon- dance held Friday night In seems paradoxical that such an sibility of a test pilot clocking 2,062 mph £co~,~uc", ~~!.£e!.... __ Blanche Ward gym which was a activity Is not widely accepted. follow-up to one held the week If we can't beat Hopkins atany- in a YF-12A jet? before. Bands were hired for thing else, maybe we can out- both occasions with the fabu- talk them __1l the opportunity ~~:~oc~~~n~h~~~'t~O~~ a pilot in the ""MAJ",O",.;,'"!'!J""'c!.., ---------- lous GBX band performing is provided, Air force to move fast. With your college Friday night. Attendance was The class represetaUves degree you zip into Officer Training surprisingly high for thea- constoereo many financial pro- School, spin out an officer, speed on pathy-stricken campus, and al- grams at the executive council though neither dance was a tra- meeting. The most outstand- your way as an executive, in the fore- mendous financial success, a ing is a lottery to be held cam- front of modern science and technology. ray of hope has penetrated the pus-wide. The prize for 2 lucky Right on the ground. campus. boys are dates with 2 freshmen The Air Force moves pretty fast. At the present time, the Idea girls for an evening, expenses Think it over. A man's career can for forming some sort of debate paid to Painter's Mill. other STATE , society has been hindered by projects were suggested, de- sometimes move pretty slow. lack of Interest. Twomainpro- feated, and tabled as the fresh- btems face the perspective de- men class continues in its bater-s-o-that of finding students search for new activities
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