Page 46 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 46
PAGE.4 THE GOLD BUG JANUARY 12, 1968 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY ---Part II The Case for Active Resistance ~y Cary Wol1son be able to decide on his own what that fails, he can resort to organiz- that I shall return. It is becoming Has it become treason to be sick- "What Is it about Shintoism that way of life he wouldhave?J'msure ed resistance. too evident that the gulf between the ened by sUck slogans, lying lead~ makes atrocities possible?' Gen- that the Japanese "advisors" In The Average American (that camps of student opinion is widen- ers, and the deaths and mutilations of Innocent children, eral Yamashita was asked during Manchuria, and German «cbser- great venerated soul) will choose Ing as the toll of the war wears on. of mtutons his trials as a war criminal. verst' in Poland were sent there the first means as an honorable The gung-ho and status quo groups ~ ~g:!li~sGo~~r:t'.~r~!~not. But 'Inthesamefashionasatrocities for the same humanitarian pur- and heroiC way to serve his coun- tend more and more to reet, pro- if so, then carry me away as a are made possible by Christianity,' poses. try. The not-quite-so Average gressively, estrangement from, trauor, The time has long passed the generalreilUedwithoutanger." But there's a difference, of American, hiding his guutfeellngs revulsion, and, finally, open an- for placid acceptance I.nhope of a -o-Netson Algren, Ramparts, May, course, there's always a differ- In the cloak of pragmatism, will Imosity toward the protesters. settlement. The time has passed 1967 ence, TheAxispowerswereatheist. choose the second. But we are still They can become quite self-right- for pleas and entreatIes, petitions In my last article I noted that How, however,canapredominantly left with the third choice, and the eous in_their attitudes, and find It and protests. The time has come Vietnam Is THE only question of God-fearing, White Protestant group that fuUUls it is the much easy to use terms Uke coward, for resistance. Resistance today, our tlme •••and there's a broad gen- . country go wrong when it assumes maUgned "chronic protester" or traitor, and commie to describe now ••• HERE. eranzauon if ever you could want the manUe of "Cops oft he World"? troublemaker. So our President the dissenters. This is not a call to revolution. one. Yet any argument you choose-- "Suppose Itwouldbeinour 'national tells us, and so tr must be. Unfortunately, in the complac- It Is a battle cry to the sense pi free speech, civil rights, rabble Interest' ", saysProfessorChom- This logic, however, like so encyofthelrfour-yeardeferments moral responsnutttv wttbtn et teast rousing, patriotism, andofcourse, sky of MIT, "to pound Into rubble a much that the presentAdmlllistra- (complete deferments if they are some of us to resist In every pos- the dralt __eventualfy gravttates ba- small nation that refuses to submit tlon feeds us, raus apart under disabled or female),theyfailtosee sible non-violent way the crushing ward this black cloud of doubt. to our wlll. Would it then be legit- even the most cursory investi- Into the minds of the opposite camp. of our minds by a miUtary doct- tiThe war on Vietnam Is not a se- Imate and proper for us to act 'in gation. The leaders of these so- Is it mcr-e courageous to adapt one- rine potentially more powerful parate Issue, but one whieb must this National interest ' "? The called "dangerous peacentksv wnc self to the prefabricated order of than a dozen Prusstan armies. be dealt with In the configuration Rusks and Humphreys •••say 'Yes' are undermining our national in- the Army mentaUty than to cry for The undercurrent has already of problems In which It occurs." Nothing could show more clearly terest, turn out to be such deadly a moral decision and risk embar- begun with the rumored formation -csenator Eugene McCarthy. how we are taking the road of the characters as Dr. BenjamlnSpock, rassment and imprisonment? Does of a league of student activists ••• The old salt who werns tnat trwe fascist aggressors of a generation without whom our Infancies would It take more guts to accept a fat HERE .' •• on THIS campus. It Is don't put down this threat in Asia, ago." have been quite uncomfortable, montly ROTC check then to leave not SOS, and it is not SNCC. But we wUl be fighting communists on This is the crisis that faces the William Sloane Coffin, the highly the country you have grown up in it Is allegedly, a group of pro- the coast of California, has made American College student today; esteemed chaplain of Yale Univ- and loved for so long, your family minent students who want to face a startlntotheheartoftheproblem. he can accept and abide by these ersity who spoke at this college and friends, forever? Why is it real problems In an honest man- This line of reasoning is rather tendencies as being necessary in 1966, and author Marcus Ras- that a German youth who had done ner and attempt to do something ragged, but it nonetheless does (both morally and practically) to kin, who collaborated with Bernard these things twenty-five years ago about them. They apparently re- point up something crucial: this the good of the country; he canoe- Fall on the authoritative study on would have been a hero, while an present the widest range of pol". war Is being fought In our own 00- lfeve In his heart that the govern- this war The Vietnam Reader. Are American who does it now Is a ltical views, but their acceptance tlonal interest. HOVI'long ago was ment is wrong, but go along out of these the enemies of our people? traitor? Is It cowardice to hate the depends solely on the ablUty of it that we were being told that in- a sense of loyalty; or he can pro- A federal indictment says so. and to sight of what you thought was a their peer-s-e-we college MEN and som~~~r;~:~:~?I,..~~::~~;:~~~:;'~i~!~=~E tervention WOMEN__to face candidly the Iss- becoming was the only means by nation great But the point of these articles is test In some manner that he sees suddenly away by its own power? carried fit, and if (or, inevitably, when) STUDENT responsibility, ueswhlchthey which the poor Vietnamese would raise. A substance answers to a biochemical description of life has pean, European actors ltke Sophia tain Breakdown" by Flatt and 1920's slapstick and in "The Pro- e been produced by scientists at Stanford University. Dr. Arthur Korn- Loren, Julie Christie, navtc nem- Scruggs illustrates the use of cucers' and "Enter Laughing" berg, a biochemist there, belped syrthestze viral deoxyribonucleic acid mings, VanessaRedgrave, and Alan American music in an American this Is shown. The comedy of our (DNA) and created a rudimeDtary form of We. At this landmark in re- Bates, though they have appeared ", movie, In a song Woody Guthrie lives is illustrated in two Inven- search, we can rejoice with the enUre sereonnc community. This is an in American movies, achieved their portrayed Pretty Boy Floyd much eve, lower budget films--"You're eenrevemere wbleh will rank with the contributions of Copernicus and greatest artistic level in foreign as Warren Beatty and Faye Duna- a Big Boy Now" and "The Crazy Darwin. films. Antonioni's "Blow Up," Res- way portray Bonnie and Clyde. Quilt." But there is certainly no need tor Christians to cash in their Blblteal nais' "Last Year at Marienbad," Bonnie and Clyde are personiflca- In "Cool Hlll1K,Luke,'Paul New- chips, throw up their hands in despair, and conclude that God has finally Lester's "The Knack" as well as tions of what many bitter depres- man-plays a rebel deified tJya chain been rendered lUlnecessary by almighty man. "Morgen," "Repulsion," "Juliet slon refugees dreamed of beIng. gang because he rebels while they As a matter of fact, the creation of life in a test tube serves as an of the Spirits" and currently The coldness and complexity of want to. It is in the muckraking occasion to help us sharpen thetheologtcalcontentof the Biblical mean- "Games" and the badly criticiz- the plot of "Wait Until Dark" tradition of The Jungle and speaks Ing of creation. And for this, all modern men should be grateful. ed but brilliant, "How I Won the coupled with its multiteduredvio- out against inhumane treatment of The Hebrew myth of creation is trying to convey something far more War" exemplify the often profound lence and tension produce an to. mer- Chain gangs. The film almost dies profound than the how, when, or who of the beginning of the World. What cultural achievement and stunning Ican crime story to frustratE'. at- because ofheavyChrlst!anallegory Israel was affirming in Genesis 1-3 was that they had no history, no entertainment quaUtythe European rack, and leap at the aUdience. (Christian ai!egoryis notessenUal- meaningful existence apart from their relationship to God. It was this film has accomplished. Richard Cren,na (of the downhome Iy American) but it is saved by its relationship which constituted We for them and this is confessed and Now the American movie Is mak- "Real McCoys") and Audrey Hep- basic honesty, a wide use of folk communicated by using the imagery, mythology, and spatial metaphors Ing great advances, capitalizing on burn give good tense performances traditions, including many songs, available to the first millen1um befote Christ. what America knows best--viol- but the star is Alan Arkin, a for- and finally by the violence which Our responsibility Is to loo~through and beyond the figures of speech ence and folklore. "Don't Look mer folksinger, who has become holds it together. The Christlike and mythology to the burden of the confession which is that God (s the Back," a documentary of a BobDy- the great new American actor. Newman eventualry shouts "Stpp source of theIr meaningful life, not their natural biochemiCal life. God Ian tour, implements the European Arkin plays a maChinelike psyco- living off me!" This is his exer- "created" their life as a people by the love and grace shown in the techniques of zany reality, impres- path and tllrough the audience's Hon of Americanism--exert your Exodus. sionistic character visualization, acceptance of the brutality and own right to rebel or be free, it is In the New' Testamentwehave amore personal picture of this creative and fast film cutting.Butitismore underlying humor in the charact- the only way to be a man. force. We are told that "God loved the world so much that he gave his than an American <'Har
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