Page 23 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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WESTERN • MARYLAND ID4t ~nlb Jug CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 44 No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MA~YLANO NOVEMBER 17, 1967 Bootstrap Plans Mountain Youth Clark Exchange Kil~d in Tragic New Curriculum Revises Format On September 4th faculty, stu- would integrate all the basic grad- Bus Accident dents, and alumni met to discus's uationrequlrements into one eom-, Deborah Cline, a 17yearoldIae- the future of the small liberal arts tnnatton course. The tutorials ger High School senior, was killed college In a dialogue called "Oper- would require a one toone faculty- in a tragic bus accident on the nfght attcn Bootstrap.' student ratio In an independent of Thursday, November 2. "Operation Bootstrap" was pro- study emphasizing the major. E- The Isaban Baptist Church bus posed as a completely unique cur- valuatlon of the student's progress was filled with children from the riculum addition here at Western would be determined by the advice youth Action Group of I\Iohawk, Maryland. Called the "Centennial of the faculty member and by an West Virginia. The Western Mary- Curriculum EXperiment" or the examination. land SOS Appalachia team founded "second track curriculum', it The program would involve ten the youth group two summers ago. has been an integral part of the or fifteen students chosen from the On its way to a near-by high school programs of a number of colleges entering freshman class, perhaps football game, the bus was sides- all over the United States. as early as 1969, and would be in- wiped by a logging truck. Debby ~ The proposed program consists mated as a four-year experiment. Cline was killed instantly as the of two main elements: interdis- At the end of that time. it would be roof of the bus caved in. Thirteen ctpunar-y seminars and tnoepen- evaluated for its contribution to year 0)(1 Kathy Hardin is still on dent study tutorials. At the rate the college. If deemed valuable, the critical list at Stephens Clinic (If one a semester, the seminars the program would then be insti- Hospital in Welch. West Virginia. ~~~~ - _ tuted as a regular part Ofthe cur- Twenty children were injured in McKeldin Says ~~~~~~~y ~~~s;~~I:Pl~~a~!~ei~e:U~~ the acctoent, fourSOS On Saturday, members cesstve freshman classes. It is from Western Maryland journeyed Cities Suffer stressed that this program is not to the grief stricken community of Plans art' nndl'rway for a semester exchange with Clark College intended a s a replacement for the l\lohawk. LindaSullivan, ElJenVon- a l)redomilluIIU,\' Negro College ill Atlanta, Gellfgia, From Tension present system, but would only be Dehsen, returned Davis to Westminster exchange W!TII Clark College, stu- Negro school In Atlanta, Georgia. Expanding last year's and Walter week long Will a supplement. among Michael Rated high academically Definite studies are already un- Sunday night, after attending the The Honorable Theodore R. Mc- derway In an attempt to adapt this dents this year will spend an en- southern Negro colleges, Clark Is Keldin, former governor of Mar-y- course of study to WMC Tuesday, funeral and visiting the injured tire semester at their nest college. o_ne of several scnoots in the uni- ,land and twice Mayor of Baltimore, Children. The lengthened stay, stated Dean versity complex around Atlanta. 7t1l, the Official Cur- twas the first speaker in a series November Committee met and de- Students at Western Mar-yland Ira G. zepp, makes this a bona- All credits taken at either school riculum of Centennial programs sponsor- cided to devote a major portion responded well to a money rats- fide academic exchange, rather will be completely transferrable, ed by the IRC. of the second semester to intense ing campaign for the injured chiJd- than a mere visitation or sight- sclleduleswith approval of depart- Mayor McKeldln spoke to the Investigation of the proposal. The reno TheSOS maiJed siaa.oo reu., seeing tour. Students may become mentheads. standing room crowd in Decker foundation has already been laid in Mohawk Action Group which will involved in the life of their host which Deadline for applications, Auditorium on Monday night on the that invitations maybe issued this distribute the money to the child- school, and get a more honest pte- are available from Dean zepp, Ann subject "Tension in our Cities". scncot year to students and faculty ren in need. Any donations shOuld ture of what is happening there. Faulkner and Leonard Hill, will; He stated that cities today suffer interested in exploring the possi- be sent to Ralph Wilson, c/o Wes- Although Clark pa-rticipates in the first week In December. many problam s which stem from bilities of this program. tern Maryland College, wastmtn, similar exchanges with three other many sources. He feels that there ster, Maryland. schools, this is Western Mary- are pre- Group Inducts are certain steps which should be land's firs! attempt at such a pro- taken to alleviate of housing, he call- "Trial" Production gram. The two schools these problems. In the area sently exploring a three way ex- and an African coltege, New Argonauts ed lor more low rent housing for chauga among Clark, western low income families and the re- UsesNew Technique Maryland, newal and renovation of deficient Such a venture would be funded by The Argonauts, bonorarv scbo- housing, donations from large foundations. Air pollution, caused by the ex- Clark College is a predominantly lasticsocletyatWesternMaryland, panston of industry and the inducted 25 new members on Oct- ober 30, 1967. increasing number of automobiles Honor Court Any student who has attained an is another problem. xicxetoro star- overall 2 .1 index is eUglble for ed that there should be federal and admission into the Argonauts. The state action incopingwiththispro_ Cuts Pledge blern, Another area of concern is new members are: Anette Bennett, Frank Bowe, Evelyn Brungart, that of fr-anstt , due to the increase Students at WMC are agatn mov- Nancy Cole, Harry Coll1ns, Mary in population. He feels that the use ing forward with the abolition of Dickson, Georgia Dove, Don Elliot, of autos must be curtailed and more the Honor Court pledge and a drtva Don Elmes, Jeanne France, How- use made of expressways and mass to present more information in a ard Goldberg, Allee Griffin, Susan transit. better form to the student body. Hanna, Diane Hoffman, Christine In the areas of unemployment and The pledge movement began last Kauffman, Clifford Merchant,Joan welfare, the Mayor cauedtor anm , year and came to fruition for the Paine, Margaret Rhodes, Jeanne crease in training programs and 1967 freshman class. From the Ristig, Cathy Shook, HerbShrleves, adult education, for people onwel- arguments that student's integrity Nancy Smith, Sharon Spangler, fare and out of jobs. There has been had been insulted and that the real Robert Wesley, and Joan WeUern. II decline in unemployment and tn- value of the system lies with the The officers this year are Gor- crease inyouthopportunities,parl_ integrity of the students, not with timejobsandincome,butincreased a written statement to that effect. don Shelton, president, Bruce mechanization isslowingprogress. As the result of a vote, the pledge Wells, vice president, Gail Lentz, McKeldin sees racial unrest as was abolished. secretary, They and Jim Morgan, trea- surer. have been involved one of the most crucial problems, Rick ~lcCall portrays Joseph K .. a man accused of a crime he did New problems face the honor with revising the constitution of the ironically, because weare so close not. commit, in the Understage production or Franz Kafka's "The court members as they look to the society. On Monday, November 13, to solving it. But there is still the Trial". future. Efforts are now underway to a vote was taken on a change In problem of racial injustice which simplify the honor court handbook admission procedures, the must be conquered. Nightly from November 15 thro~gb November 18the Drama session of and to prepare a section on the change Is approved,thefacultywlll If "Crime is related to every pro- WMC opens. Franz Kafka's The Trial, first acepted ror the Stage by Andre court to be placed in the college elect students from the junior and blem of government," said McK;eJ- Gide and Jean-Lo~s Barrault Is to be presented In Under stage. catalogUe. The handbook excludes senior classes on a percentage din. The solution starts with re- Augmented byexcltlngsound effects and chamber music, Jerry Solomon much of the so-called "super_ basis within the class. spect for law and order but the law wtll experiment with the new-art technJque of environment. John Van fiuous" Information from the hand- other changes that were voted must first be made respectable. Hart, the set designer, will treat Understage as a three-dlmensional book, thus preSenting the honor on dealt with Investiture for next This can only be achieved with the dream world with no separation between audience and theatrical event. system In a mOre workable form. spring. Seruors with honors tor backing ot strong public opinion for of the~mltednumberoftlCkets,theDramatic Art Department The second will, it ts hoped, pre- seven semesters will berecognIz- (Continued on Page 3) is planrung a specIal performance Sunday even1ng after chapel. Those In- sent the honor system as an in- ed along with those candidates for terested should see Mr. Tribby or Mr. Solomon. tegral rart of the campus Ufe. departmental honors.
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