Page 25 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 25
:;j,lu'I'II:" '::1<:.1 [il THE GOLD au:; NOVEMBER 1l, 1967 PAGE 3 .Dean Discusses Oelts Plan Centennial History Grant Visits W.M.C. Newllousing Rule Off Campus THEODORE M.,WHlTF'IELD pected to follow denom1l1ational Xmas Dance A ·~OOddeal Of controver-sy has system stifles In1UaUve.Member~ , Or rath_er_"A Christmas Party", OCT. i, 1875-- PRES. GRANT lines, that Is each to attend the unit In Westminster were o1thedenomtnation VISITS _COLLEGE--Classes . arJ.sen on the subject of 'the new do very little except what their" sponsored mts yearbyDeltaSlgma suspended In order that students to which he belonged at home. expect them and sisters brothers .ed.;::·:~: 0;'c~nte~i,~~:'5' lhe !~llft~n::eheDe~~sh~~~~::tI~n:e:: ~~l!:~h::u~e:::e c::::: and the facUlty to attend the Agri- Oct. 21, 1870--TYFHOID FEVER Kappa. But don't stop reading now! whh;:h)'/lU'bj;I comptet - dormitories DEATH-_The College community cultural Fair and shake the hand of i~lJcy that onlyfresl)m.enana'Inde- newlIorm they' w1lt be ~abletoihlnk Gill Gym dances and has done President Grant expected tobe at was disturbed by the death of a student from typhoid fever. the Fair. Before teavtngwestmtn- 'pendents will t, ttoused'there.The of other:acttvities than booze par- something about it! This year's ster the President visited the col- Nov. I, 1901-- HALLOWEEN DIS- majority 9t complaints have 'come ties: Members of the new dorms Christmas dancewillbe at Frock's, lege. ORDERS--It was reported there ri-cm the Greeks who feel they are will be able to organize mixers, with- plenty of that traditional Oct. 14,1911--PLAYERFATALL¥ was considerable disorder In the ,being dis'crimiri.ated,agaillst., dances, discussion groups, de- _Chryst,mas bever-age. beerj en hand, INJURED--William 1.. Merryman quarters occupied by the young Seven year's ago, a group, on bating groups, art exhibits,busses~ Ah! Ncw thi s ar'ttcle begtns to sound playing on the football team of ladles of the College. It was report- campus was orgaplz~d protesting to football games, and practically Interesting, huh? Davis and Elkins College was In- ed on good authority that some-of that there was no alternative to the anything. A plan has been proposed But yet this party w1ll not be the jured fatally during the game with the young ladles In masks paraded - Greek system. 'I'hey demanded a - to permit people who are experts usual open party. Guys, you just Western Maryland Cof lega, In the in the ann about 2A.M.andlndlllg_ - social program which would not be in their fields, such as artists or wear your usual coat and tie, but course of the game Merryman feU ed in a display of disrespect for run through n-aterntnes or soror- musicians, to live in the dorm for girls, here's the time to wear that to the ground. It was recognized authority that cannot be condoned. tnes, The administration sym- several days so that the students cocktail dress (or if you're under that he was seriously Injured. He Teachers attempting to reduce the pathized but pointed out that there -mtght learn Informally from these 21 _ that party dress) that's been was taken to Baltimore for treat- disorder found their doors tied were no facilities, It was with_thls protesstonala, hanging in your closet so long It's ment but died In a hospital there. shut. When this matter was brought - In mind that the policy concerning The Dean saysfraterniUes could still below your knees. The band Oct. 20, 1899--CHURCHATTEND- to the attention of the Faculty, ac- the new dorms was set up. In the have done things like this at any will be the Prodigals, and the uc- ANCE--The Faculty todayapprov.- tion was postponed "In order that new dorm will belounges,recrea- time butthattheyhave not. He hopes kets a mere $4.00 a couple. ed a motion to permit Male Senlur s further information In .regard to tlon rooms, TV, more in this res- that this new impetus to the tnda- The date to mark on your calendar to attend any church they wished the most guilty parties might be pect thana fraternity could provide. pendent movement will force the Is Friday, December 8th, and the Sunday Mornings, instead of follow- obtained if possible." Whether the Each member will pay a small fee rretenaues to organize activities place again is Frock's. ing the usual rule for church attend- . culprits will be discovered Is an for the upkeep andthisfeewillalso likethesethemselves. The Dean Is Transportation will be provided ance. Formerly students were ex- operr questton, sponsor anoff-campusciosedparty not trying to destroy the frater- by the usual bus, since Santa's One of the grounds against this nIties, merely to Improve them. sleigh will be busy getting packed. program is that it would amount First British Sponsor Summer Opportunity ~O:i~!~~':~~:~;;:!~:~ba~~ Choice of the plan disagrees emphatically. Among the unusual ways to In- worked on one such dig and have • He says that while there may be vest the summer snoutd be In- visited others, and will be glad to meetings to organize activities no ctuoeo excavating Roman, Med- give Information about the nature Of The one wlll be forced tocometothem. Ieval, and other sites In Britain. of the programs as they have ob- There wil be no official sanction Academic credit Is given for served them. Engageables or any unoffiCial one if anyone de- such work by British universities. clines to partiCipate. Information about various avail- Not only organization but also_ able sites may beobtainedbywrlt- LECJ{RON the activities will be differentthan lngto the Director oIExtra-Mural fraternities and this Is the reason Studies, P.O. 80x 363, TheUniver- GULF: SERVICE that the Dean Is pushing the pro- sHy, Birmingham 16, England. gram. According tohlm,!heGreek other programs specifically w. ~IAIN & PENNA. A VB_ orlentedtotheattendanceofAmer- icans aresponsoredbytheAssocla- Westmlruter, Md. McKeldin t10n tor Cultural Exchange, Haver- T18-6929 TI8·9876 hUl Suffolk, England. Information (Continued from ,Page I) may be obtained bywritingtoProf. Road Ian A. Lawson, Association for law enforcement agencies. He Cultural Exchange, 539 Westl12th Service thinks the lawyers and criminal st., New York, N. Y. 10025. courts are e~sentlaUy good, but the Dr. and Mrs. Ridlngton have administration of criminal justice Is slow and erratic. Sent by PreSident Johnson as an Observer to the Vietnamese elec- t!1u~~:~~,~,~;; tIons this summer, McKeldinrelat- ed some of hlsfeeJingsandob_ servations, though he has made no official statements tothe press or LAUNDERING. DRYCLEANING· TAILORING to the President since his return. They like the smart styling and He teels that we should, never have Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service the guaranteed perfect center entered the war, and that we should diamond, .. a brilliant gem get out as soon as possible, and in Service for Students in WMC Student Center of fine color and modern the best possible way. But he was Monday through Friday cut. The name, Keepsake, quick topralsethe spirit of our sol- in your ring assures lifetime diers, and their loyalty to theIr 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily sOlisfaction. Select yours at Jeweler's store your Keepsake He's in the yellow pages under "Jewelers .. GIRLS EASILY EARN S200 BY CHRISTM AS THROUGH SPARE TIME SEWING AJ HOME -EVEN WITHOUT A SEWING MACHINE Easy-to-sew products (both with and without a sewing machine) can earn you ertra money just in time for Christmas (and in the following months, too.). You can accomplish this In a few, hours a j";;ow~ ~A~~R-;N;;~M~T-:;':N;;-w;'~;j week, even while you're baby-sitting. There is no personal selling needed. Our booklet gives you all the easy steps to follow so that you can have fun sewing those items which you already knCNi, n~~~~_~;~~o~I;r~o~~~~oyg~:. ;~rha1~I plus new ideas which you can learn, while every stitch earns you more money. Our extra Directory Ionly 250. Also,send special offer 01beaulllu144-page Bride's Book. 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