Page 73 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 73
The Gold Bug, 6, 1966 News Of The OPPORTUNITY For a future with a well known Midwest Manu- facturing Firm. 'We are now offering exclusive distributorships for a patented product. No competition. Factory trained personnel will as- sist you in setting up a tried and proven adver- tising and merchandising program. 100% mark up. Investment guaran- teed. Minimum invest- Unnecessary Anonymity ment $1,000. Maximum $14,000. All replies con- informa- write tion Attention Jothan: please, Jet's put ourselves fidential. For Director of I have read your articles that the Inie! Now is the time Marketing, P. O. Box appear in recent GOLD BUG. an good men to come to the aid 14049, St. Louis. Mis- They impress me. Your points of their country. souri 63178. are tremendous, and I find my- In your latest piece of work, self agreeing with just about you mentioned the "sterile, ho- everything you say. I need not ruogenized, insulated, dehydrat- UNITED reiterate them here. Not only ed, uninvolved, unrelated, 11n- MARKETING are your points well taken and committed, existence vitally needed on this recenUy [ority of students ENDICOTI COMPANY awakened campus; they are this ivory plated hill." very well expressed. It is evi- this is your existence. It JOHNSON 6828 Bartmer Avenue dent that you are a gr-eat stu- not be. All you need do is i dent of the English language. yonr name. Sf. Louis. Mo. 63130 You are blessed with a great It is high time that SHOE COMPANY talent called self expression. individuals, do away with But Jothan, you are wasting nymity on campus. How much I your energy. Until you cough impact would the recent aboll- 10 W. Main Street up enough guts to put your real tion paper have had if it had EXCLUSIVE name behind what you write, been submitted anonymously? you will continue to add to the The individuals who signed put Westminster, Md. FRANCHISE a lot at stake, and in doing so, ~::::====::::~:::::::::::;:=::~========~II Jothan, I do not say eoating used on all types of stagnation of our campus. this in got a hell of a lot accomplished. Amazing new liquid plastie bitterness; I say this in rage! They woke us up. How much aurfaees interior or exterior. \Vhat does an alive campus Impact would the Declaration of QUALITY CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS ~~~di~~teAs;::An~iJ:~eVi:~t mean? It means people willing Independence have had if Linoleum, Vinyl Asbestos, to say what they believe, more- George hadn't seen Hard Wood, and Furniture. over, wilIing to suffer the con- cock's name at the 1 So. Center Street, or Englar Road Completely eliminates paint- sequences. Parts of your par- than, J plead. W. !\fAIN & PENNA. AVE. ing when applied to Wood, able were aimed- at Dr. Whit- LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING _TAILORING Metal, or Conerete surfaces. field. Again I say that your Westminster, Md. This finish is also reecm- k~~~~te;~al~~t~e:~~h \~~~~ TI 8-9876 Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service ~~b~I~~.for boats and auto, you said. But Jothan, Dr. P.S. Who is Jothanj Road Service for Students in 'VMC Student Center ijohi~~~ldhaevnedOel;~~g~i~nt~~~~~=i~~~!~: ~~r~:,~f Monday through Friday NO COMPETITION ~~~i;~~;g ~ :~ t~i~:~~~el;fe~:: ff!~~O~S~U~~~I/~:ek;~~:. Service 9:00 O'clock Until 3 :00 O'clock Daily !~Ja~~i~ed:~eaned~;s!~fh~~i~ Industry ing content with living in the ~~::::::::::::::~I~========:::;::::=======llr========~lInesse;s, Minimum investment-$300. and homes. Do you value your woodwork? beliefs enough to put your M: a x i mum investmentiv-; ~s~:'~ef~~~~d a~~e!~sSi~I:, \~~i ROTC HAIRCUTS SIEGMAN'S ~~~~~~~~~~~tF!~~O~ySt~~~~~~ vou be content to merely wash RHOTEN'S personnel will help set up your hands at someone else's BARBER SHOP TEXACO SERVICE ~~~rc~~~i:::'detaiis and de- ;~:;~.?J~~a;±. this pump is \~::~:;n~e~n ~~:::~:g Westminster Shopping ecrfptlve literat.ure write: yo~V;e~\~~eat~~u~.i;~~~eo:~i~~ OPEN AN ACCOUNT Center suffer? Are youvafraid that Hours: Mon. - Wed. 9 - 6 DAVID'S JEWELLERS Westminster TI 8-3460 CHEM·PLASTICS & PAINT CORP. ~~~e~~i~kOfto~mkf~~;c~fm~~~; Thurs. _ Sat. 9 _ 9' 1828 Locust views? Jothan, I cannot over- DOUG RHOTEN, Prop. 19 East Main Street TEXACO HAVOLINE emphasize the fact that I agree Westminster, Maryland GASOLINE OIL St. Louis 3, Mo. with your beliefs and convic- Phone TIlden 8-3620 ticns ,. __wholeheartedly, But
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