Page 74 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 74
The Gold Bug, May 6. 1966 CINDERMEN CELEBRATE MAY, DAY WITH GALLAUDET ton will not be able to play Order Your will cause a slight gap in line-up. Hanna Vandrey, CREPE PAPER, an ailing arm, will be on the' Tennis-2 DECORATION and jured list for the remainder va-. Mary's pm versus Mt. St. another the season, causing PARTY GOODS caney. in Your Club Colors Your Portrait Photographer at Porte;field Studio of Photography P.G.COFFMAN 77 E. Main Street Westminster. Md. Company Times Bldg. XEROX 914 PHOTOCOPYING Westminster, Md. Perfect Copies On Ordinary Paper From Bound Material Or Single Sheets Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates MARYLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC. 257 E. Main S1. Tel. 848-7155 Westminster, Md. And, for good reasons ... like smart styling to enhance the center diamond ... guaranteed Serving You: perfect (or-replacement as- IS OUR sured) ... a brilliant gem of fine color and precise modern Maryland Hotel cut. The name, Keepsake, in BUSINESS r~~~;~~gs~ls~~~e;~~fr~:~ s~~~~ so no l Keepsake at your Supply Co., Inc. Keepsake Jeweler's store. Find him in the yellow poges under '''e ~ ." •. T " ••• ,.\..1 ,. "Jewelers." !~.:.~'::'<.~'..:::':~~::::.'L,·.~·,~~::; Welcome 10 Ihe 225·227 S. Hanover Street fH"owTO-PLANYoiJR-ENGAGEMENT-AND-wEDDiNG"l WESTMINS'f I Please se"d new 2O-poge booklet, "How To Plen Yeur Engagement I Baltimore, Maryland Iend Wedding" end new 12-poge full color fold~r, .both for o"ly 25c.1 I Also, ~end special offer of beautiful 44-poge Bride s Book. I TRUST COMPA.NY 1- 1 POULTRY -!HEATS 1 1 in W•• tmln.t.rt 71 East Maln·St.l;TI"8.9300 I Ho-Toll charge fram Baltimore! Phon. 876 •.2112 FROSTED FOODS I Add,.. I In Union MlIIss Phone FI 6.7115 . I City IOte--Zlp.....__ ~ I KEEPSAKEDIAMOND RINGS, BOX 90, SYRACUSE, NEW YORK I J M·... b.r F.d.ral Deposit Ins",ranc. CotpClration
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