Page 69 - TheGoldBug1965-66
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L;'brllry -, .rester-n Maryland College Draft: 'w 1Bug Huseman Pro .!4t ~lllb Eyes and Century Con Mark P.3 P.6 VoL~?' No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND May 6, 1966 "Spring Carnival" Heralds May Day Festivlties SGA Officers Ensor Crowns Queen '''Tami'' VowAReturn During Coronation Rites Follies, Floats, Formal Highlight Activity 01 Activities Donee Parade The SGA and class officers 'I'omorrow evening in Gill Tnt,. fa, it's May .were elected on Ap1'W29. For Gym the members of Gamma The lusty 11H}nth 0/ lIlay the first time the voters used Beta Chi fraternity will present That lovely mo-nth when. evc1'Y- voting machines. the annual May Day formal. one throws The SGA officers are Ronald The dance will begin at 8 pm Sci/-control a-way. Kobernick, president ; Ralph and end at 12 pm. "A Spring Carnival" awaits Wilson, vice president; Kathy In keeping with the theme of all students participating in the Moore, recording secretary; this year's May weekend, the annual May Day festivities her-e Kaye Grossnickle, correspond dance will be presented as "A on the Hill. On Saturday, May ing secretary; and Harry Dur- Spring Carnival." Music will 7 at 12:45 the May Day parade ity. be provided by Lenny Dee and will leave from the Armory and In a statement of its goals the Qtlintet, featuring Muddy travel through \Vestminster, ar- for 1966-67r the new officers. waters as soloist. riving finally at the Amphi- said that "the student govern- For the first time in its his- theater back campus. ment is the functioning organ- tory Gill Gym will be profes- The coronation of Miss Car- izat.ion for each of you. It is a sionally decorated for the oc- olynn Akagi as Queen of the place for voicing yonr needs and easton. The Cooper Decoration May will take place at 1:15. y(JJ~r opinions through elected Company of New York City has The crown bearer will be Kip representatives. The senti- been contracted for the occa- Darcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cor- ~:~tsC=~~~:i~~d s~~~~n~h~~e~~~ SiO;~xedos are PI'efel\ed but ~v~~~u~eD;~~~ ~i~~re~od:e~~;t~:~ campus is concerned about the not i-cqoired fOJ the dance of Major and MIS James role of the student govormnent. Seats will be reserved fOl those Moore The Heralds for the Next year, the officers will be WESTERN MARYL4..ND MAY COURT - Seated from left, Lor-ruine Loud, Queen Carolynn students who have bought their pr-ogr-am will be freshmen asking for your active support Akagl, Anne Spencer, standmg from left, Margaret Rhodes, Anne Cooney, Judith Mactnttre, Care- tickets III the advance sale and Kathy James and Joann Lilly and suggestions, so that your lyn Jenmng~, Karen Crias, Deborah Sturdevant, Dorothy Attridge, Ellen Von Dehsen, Carol Arm- l.het-e will be food service. Following the coronation, ~~ftiO':~t~~~u!'~f tOth~S ~~~~l~ acost, Jacqme Laughlin. I A ,, .., th:~l;~c~r~~~~i~~~h~:;:~a~o~~ ~~~e~e :~:e~~'in:~dbyh~~re~O~:: man of the stu.dent.". Ci n ~. ert Deckert handling the pub- lectfons from the Women's Oc- ce~nsa~o~~~~~:~iS Se~e~ti::,e~:i MarY/DM ourt 0 ppeols ,.etlTS lieelS/On licit y .. ~i~d!otr~.~ll~~~ ~ae:e;:~al~~ thank all those students who ac- . Th~ co-ordmator o.f the week- and an interpretive dance exe- Lively SUPP01·ted my campaign Judge O. Bowie Duckett de-'for the challengers before the eral arlo; colleges, "not semlll- end, IS the SGA WIth the ~o- cuted by a modern dance· group for the presidency. Next year elul'ed that direct aid to church- COUl't of Appeals was New aries." ~~all'men of the week:nd festlV- under the direction of Mrs. the student government will J'elated colleges is "valid and York attorney Leo Pfeffer, a MI'. l\Iarb~I'Y argued _that the Jtles Kaye Grossmckle and Tage ·Wood. rer;;:lS;~lt\i~l~o~t~~~~ !'~hat he, ~~~~;i1u:~0~;~';'c~'\;, ~;~g~et re- ~~~'~;~~~:~na:fv~aU~Chofan~b.:~~u:.'~~i~io:~s~~~~~~l;hed~~:d~~~~:S: ~r~~e c~~~~:' o~o;hd(>O!laf~:'~:~ co~~:t a:t~no~~'~i6 c~~:~h \~~~ believed in and will work for an Sometime in the next few Pfeifer contended that the "cen- He also said that the idea that parade. tween Ollr Terrors and Mount SGA which lives up to and days, the Maryland Court of tral ]loint" in the case is that non-religious courses at the St. Mary's at 2. A track meet takes advantage of its fullest Appeals will hand down its de- "the First Amendment .forbids schools were "colot'ed 01' per- will be· held on Hoffa field capabilities and potential. ~~~o~~~dst~:s~~o~~;~c~:j~~S~~~ gO~;~?I~~~~a~o~~~r~~~:~ig;~:~~s ~~~~,~ st!~d :~~igiOn" simply Who Will Speak At ~v1~~n~teG~~~~~et~n/ h:~~e~;~~~ f:;~/~~;::e:id~~ ~~~~.~~~l~~f:~~~~i[~i~:o~~n~~~~~~7~u:o~a~i~7ti~~fOl~~i:~~~:~d~~:ti~~~lo~:~il?~~~ Senior Investiture? ~~1l3~~0~el~~:nRO~~~:~n\ei~rd~~ (olleges. Whatever the decision, are not "aid to religion in the "staggering" and said that the. held as usual from 2 pm to 5 the case will definitely go to narrow sense," Pfeffer said, he fOllr colleges were serving a Inves,tJtuI'e of the Class of pm in the dormitories and club the Supreme Court. It could Icontended that nevertheless they public purpose by their educa- 1966 wlll ta~e place on May. 8 rooms. be a landmark on the school aid did aid "religious sectarian, tional actTvities. at 7: l5 pm In ~aker Memol'\al QUI' Ma:v Queen "Tomie" is a '. church-related institutions." To accept thc idea that pU?- Chapel graduate· of Suitland High The main issue IS that grants Attorney William L. MarbUl'y lic funds cannot be used to aId Investiture is a traditional School. She is a member of totaling $2.5 million, voted by presented argnments on behalf secular aspects of education at c ere m 0 n y with traditional HonOI· Court and chaplain of the Maryland legislature in of Notre Dame, St. Joseph, and church - related institutions hy.rr:ns and re,ponses used an- Phi Alpha Mu and a majorette. 1963 and 1964 to the College of Hood. He said that the key would mean a "revolution" in r:ually. A member of the \Vest- She was recentlv voted Best Notre Dame, St. Joseph College, factor in the case is that the the area of school aid, Mr. Mar- ('rn Mar:vland faculty will ad- Dressed Co-ed on ·the Hill. The Western Maryland College, and foul' ('olleges are boD-afide lib- bury warned. dre'is the senior class, hqwever, members of th'e court are: Hood College have been chal- the I:anw of the .speaker will not Senior Duchess, Lorrie Loud; lenged by the Horace Mann be dlsclos~d untIl the ceremony. AttendalltS, Carol Jennings, on the grounds that .the ESSAY ! Two ~ignifieant events OCCUI'Candy Kriss; Junior Duchess, ' the no-estabhsh- with Investiture This eere- Anne Spencer' Attendants Dot- cl:s~h:f F!~: Student Body "Sees the Light": ~~n;~n~~~.~g~~at;~h·t~Oege~~:~!i;: ~i:nt~~~~~~:r~~~~~es~t~;~:~ " well as the class, and the first occasion the Cooney; Attendants, Judy Mae- ace ~Iann LeagU~ .i~ m~~~ u~~~; Honor Court Reveals Hidden Facts ~:~\~~~~:;~~\'pu~;~~~ ~:¥~"e~~i~ !l~!~e'D:C~~~, ~~~.~~;~ ~~:~~ publlc school offiCials and thlr- ture is to present the seniors cost; Attendants, Ellen Van ~~::-::O:::=:-:...I t\'e;re~~~J~r~~ndfi~a~pa~~~~m:ts th?l~~~~;~:SU~f ~~fcf~~tve ys~ael~~~:;~;~·tl:ref:~~~Ol:'1~:~~~;;..":~twith their c.'tps and gowns. Dehseen, Jacquie Laughlin. ------------------ several notices in this paper exist. CentennialExpansion Program f:~·!~i;:~.g ~h~on~~n~~'ste~o~~~ EdStU;)~~~~~h~v:~~~~~s~~: ~~~~ SCHEDULE membcl'S &Swell as memb('l's of ing Suppose examinations. OF Enters Second Building Phose the GOLD BUG staff 11ave iis- cheating on this campus were a ~~~~dd:l \~i~~~~~s:f :~~~~~~!~:~:t~~~a~~ll:~~s.Wi~~s::·e:dst~~ The Centennial Expansion All the science departments will mcn~; ,~~V~~;?, What hap- ~~nt co~ld ~~ve~ I~e ,surc dth~t SENIOR ACTIVITIES :~o;r~~t'ai~:~U~y i~h;9;a~de~~~ ~~~~~~i:~~eeci!~lu~~~eo~~~l~~a~: pe;h~~ is a~· honor cour; mem- re~ei~~d ~:ereJSreaell;'~h:~~ ~\~~ Sunday, May 8 GO\·ernment. Because Western oentley Glass, an authority on ber? A person wh? can t sleep ~~~wel'~ would:e tat~oed to Senior Investiturc---7:15 pm, Baker Memorial Chapel ~:c;:;:ln~t~d:ntb~:U~i~a:~a~ ge~~t!c~;:~~~P~~~~king of the ;::~~I~t ~~g~:~~~~~t~~~ou~;nc~~: :Il~~: c~i~~, w:~~. ~r~~~:.s, ~:= Thursday, May 12 from the Government, an ap- l'emaining planned buildings cerned about the. other guy, trust and susplc~on would be The President's Reception for Seniors pro~·al fOI' the plans to continue has not been scheduled, but it who cuts cla~ses I.n o.rder to a~o.used. at evelY glance or must be expanded. ~~ ~~~etal~h:: i~6;~n be started ~~~::;~~~s~:el:~e~~1;~;fI7, \~~~ :\\~:~:~er, we have an honor Saturday, May 14 The had hoped t~at The women's Jorm- WJll be calls a professor at midnight to system, and as a result, the Junior-Senior Banquet-5:30 pm • the new bUlldl~gs, the he~t.lllg huilt in a style similar to ask a pertinent question a?out problems stated above do not Monday, May.16 a n d ~1~:~,:h~o~~~V\: !oa~e:,~d~t~~~ ~~~II~~~~m~~~\~d1 5 O~~~~~.ho;~: ~ip~a~ioar~:~~:;~~~heo;~:~ta o~lt~! ~;i~o~~tOi~\~~ii~~cy ~~\~~Fc Lantern Chain-9:00 pm, Hoffa Field and a dlnlng hall,. would be building will 'be built on the old decision upon his fellow stu- that deals directly with the Thursday, lUay 19 :~~anc~:~~i~~6~~nt~~~I~~~~lerb:i~~~~~i~nC;\l~i~n~~~i~~a~~morial ~:~l~;l~;dse~~a~~~ :Y~~~l~o~n':~~ ~::~~~~~e~~: c;~~i~t:I~Sti~~to~~~ Rose Cup-Robinson Garden, 4:15 pm ing campaign "".hlCh began m The lllEn's dorm will be built eration and sees that it works. the student who cheaied but Thursday, Friday, June 2, 3 1963 has to thIS date n~tted in the vicinity of Chandler Have you ever tried to picture why he cheated. The Honor Commencement Play-Alumni Hall, 8:15 pm ~~~~ri:;t~~~~~OOth~roml\1e~~~~~!~~~~sae;'at~~~iC:~r\~~~st~~~~! ~~ ~~~tl~~::~h~a~:~~sr~;~{:m~e ~~: ~;:~t~:u:s t~~n~~:d:~t~\'i~r~O;:: Saturday, June 4 Church and the Federal loans. the new dorm. The dorm will most obvious change would be concerned enough about the sys- Alumni Day At this time the heating plant house about 150 boys and will the lurking ~hadow of a profes- tern? on Union Street and the Lewis he connected to the cafeteria. £01'hovering over your shoulder If so, submit a letter of ap- Sunday, June 5 ~::~d~d~~:n n~~v~i~~~~ ~~~~ ~~;~m~~~d~!L w*heincc~~:t~ri: ~~r;ni1 ~~lsd n~:~i;;~~°s'i:le e~ ii~~~~i~~t~!~ns~n~O~~rq~:~:i~a~ Baccalaureate-Baker Memorial Chapel, 10:30 \am, will be dedicated on Oetober 15, Will sEOatover 1,000 students l'un down to the grill for a cup appomtment to the Honor Monday, June 6 1966. The ceremony will cul- and visitors comfortably. The of coffee. In addition, no one Court, addressed to the Hono!' Commencement-Alumni Hall, 10:30 am n1inate the previous week's ac- present dining hall will be con- would be allowed to take a test. Court Chairman, Box 434, I tivities emphasizing science. verted into dassroorns. to his room, the library, or WMC.
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