Page 77 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 77
Library Maryland College gJfit'"'~nlb ";estern You're Jug New A Improved Drag Flash P.2 P.4 Vol~,No.14 WESTERN MA'ltYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND May 20,1966 Bennett Cerf Provides Co'mmencement Keynote Samuel Biggs Schofield Leaves Imprint Demonstrators State Reforms ,Editor Of Forty·Seven Years of Service to WMC Attempt to Present Stimulus Speaks About Today is the last day in the •choice of vocation, and solving career at Western Maryland Gf personal problems. Experiences College of Samuel Biggs Scho- In keeping with his desire field, a man who has influenced that students should have the the development of this institU-1 best, he worked devotedly to Bennett Cerf, writer, publish- tion far more than contempo- build the curriculum and facili- er, editor and current eolumniat rary atudents can possibly real- ties of the Chemistry Depart- will deliver the commencement ize. Dr. Schofield is resigning ment. .The fact that graduates e ddreaa to the class of 1966 in his position ~.S Professor in the from the Department can enter Alumni Hall on June 6, 1966. Department of Chemistry after, the professional or academic forty-seven years of service to world with confidence is a testi- the school. mony to his labors. It is no ac- cident, for example, that the li- brary has a fine collection of most of the major Chemistry journals stretching back many WitchesDictatetoMacbeth Evil Br__ew_Pr__etlictsHis Fate of development really on campus much He spent weeks travel- around the East Coast vtslt, WM( To Represent TypicalAmerican (ollege alumni, contacting and founda- others corporations might want to assist The Public Information Office of, the United States Anny Western many Maryland the financially, years For College ROTC program has chosen has not had anyone traveling Western Maryland College to extensively to meet alumni and represent "typically American talk with friends and Mr. Baggs College Life." took to this job with gusto. All of this interest in alumni paid off handsomely during the recent Centennial Expansion Program which the College con- ducted. Working with the pro- fund raisers and with . E. Uhrig, director . he helped an amazing
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