Page 72 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 72
4 The Gold Bug, May 6, 1966 Jr.·Sr. Banquet Frat Aimed Questionn.aire SCA Integrates With RLC GoesOff Campus Reveals CampusA ttitutles For ,Equal Representation With g-raduat.ion rap i d 1y ~:~:~~ nt~er'st~eio~es~~:i:!e~v~~re!~: ~01~0:~~p1!~~~::~r!~z:\V;c:/~sl~oe~~:yg!~:r:~l; _hl;~~e;~:l~t;~e !tl~t~~:ler~~ t~!t ~::d~.~~n3~~:~:~:~1~~:~:~to;~hetoR~~I;~~c~:s ~i~O'~i'::~ be .initiated with :he J~nior- ;/~dof::tc!~~i~~t:r~i~nc:;;~~ thC::~~y~er~~~ali~e?tfoe~~aire ~~o;;:th~~;, t:~:s m~redi~~o~~:~~ ~~~:;i;:~n~~t~::~i~.;~u;:S~;~~I~ e~~~e~~:~ ~ial?~~ero;~tl~~: t~: Senior Banquet with MIchael on CG1np-u.8 fo-r an Engli8h. measured the high degree of a ishes. Abolishment is the ees- Religious LIfe Council. . 'Phis ~ 2. PIeSen~ :::-;:~e~n:n C;:;:rd~;n:::~i~;~ course 1m "Man and t'S.~5~!~i::~i:;~ze~er~~:g~erih:onda;~;~ ~~~:.but most impractical way ;:~.~:nOfwd~:c~~:~~ faO~~:~~;i: ~:~d:~~g~;~~OI~~~~c~3:n~e;;k:~g May 14,.1966. The trad!tion of The G~eek social system must t~i~:leekl~~r~ed T~e in;~:S~m~~~ This sit~ation as ha~ bee~ ~~~~iO:r-o~:s.representatives of ~~l~~~:~d ~~et~;o~I~~I:~e~:d~;: the JUnior Class honormg the be .examm.e~.below the Jevet of ~ifficJty lies in t~e fact that ~ta~~~ ov~ and ~vel£h I~ ~ The primary motivation fOl" stau:ments on vttet Issues, and d.epartin g .Seniors '~in be con- :~~I~o:t:~~~li~~jc. Gr~~y vfau~l~ since 85% of the stud.ent. b~y is tl~fs c~puso:neu~s e:ot !iiowe~ ~ri~ou~O~~ti~ita ~~Si{;Mt~a~~'I~;~~~:~c:n~ r:C:~!~i~a~i~~a:ct'i:~ tln.ued thls year In a more needed social activities. But ~;~eekt~r:sh~n:oea~~e~!:::~se to be a.political ~l"eak, for ex- a5equarely reKect the ecumeni- ities' of campus religious ~~~i~;m~:I~,er~heI~~~~C:e~ft~~:~:~a~u~l.:;u~~n~h~~~Oa?sa~~h~~~ Th:t'~ the~truth eve~ if it h~'ts: ;:r;~'s~I~:~~:r/~~a~hi~~~~m;:: ~~~n;~l"~!~re~~nt~U~s~1:t f;o~ ;~~~:~teIhi~l"i~~'~i~~e ~ll t~: year ,dU be held ut FrQ('.k's frate~'nltJes eXIst III only one dl- . For all .Its faults, the ~ystem IS an artJfiClal stratIficatIOn. the predominance of a primar- work of six communities. Sunnybrook Farm and will be me::I~::ial groups they contain ~:e~~ld F~~~r:~)e:~~ n;~~~l"~:;;~~PI~i~:~~tS~~Veey::~;~~:~ ~e~ :~~t::~ote~ta~~tC~~is~a~~~ga;~ b/ i;~Og~~:_~~~~~~~~e,:fea~~~ ~s:u:~ivf~; 07ai~~ ~~:~oro:l~d t~ei:~:rm~~::s.Of the ~~Ipt~:p~~~~s~~~a;~:~~f~:!i:~ ;ae~~:i~~:v~:~~d !~~~t~.~~~%~ ~~~~.:~~:~~r~nfhai~~i::st~~~~ ~~~~~~e:l~r:~~~~u:e~~.:~:~St~ti~~~:o~~i~n'~l: The evening will get under- cause they are solely social. That It sh~uld be more selective ma Tau l"lv~ls ~hl Alpha Mu WhBe technically the Roman SCA. It will be responsible way with a CocUail Hour at Fraternities cannot avoid carry- \,:,a~the. prIme target.. If .sel~c- for leadershIp Just as Alpha Catholic students havc been in- for planning and presenting bi- 4:30 and the B2.nquet, featuring ing a stigma as self-indulgence tJvlty. lllcreases, wh~ch It IS, G!l?'lma.Tau and. Gamma Beta vited to l}articipate in the SeA, weekly programs for the cam- a Hawaiilm motif, beginning at as their goal. m~re llldependents wl.ll have to ~hJ. BIg deal, thIs campus has they have not felt free to do so. pus as a whole. It is not the in- 5 :30. LureI' that evening at "The social frarernities have e":lst. thIs campus ItS have-nots among .Greeks, Jewish students were automat- tention of the RLC to find a Frock's tre Juniors will host a stressed the individual's rela- Will support natIOnals and hou~- too! Stud.ents must reailze t?at ically excluded from the SGA level of common belief'or a low- I,arty for the Seniors from 8-12 Hons to and with his fellows e~ off campus .. F_'orthe fra~rnl- everyone IS not Greek matenal. due to its Christian orientation. eat common denominator to re- featuring "The Catalinas." and the group as a whole." On ~Ies.and ~oron~les to really ex- The survey revealed a bitter- Both the Newman Club and the flect in its programs. It is, Seniors and Juniors may bring this campus a member defers 1St.Just o?, .thelr own laurels of ness among !rarernities and so- Jewish Student Association, rather, to prescnt programs dates to this event. Michael not only to the attitudes within SOCialactlvl.ty they n;ust be al- rorities. Greek members are howevel" are included within representative of d iff e l' en t Psaris, Chairman of the Week- his chosen womb but also the lowed to eXist on their own. hostile to administrative can- the RLC, and lheir representa- points of view so that ecu- end stated-"The decision to other world of the college. One It is more difficult on a small trol. Let t.he administration tives have played active roles, menically based dialogue may hold the Banquet off campus must be reminded that this campus but it's worth it. Sure, give the traditional dance! including service as officers. take place between them, as it was necessitat~d by the Dining campus intensifies its problems selectivity. increases s~ial bar· "The administ.ration isn't worth In past years, the' SOA was should within an academic com- Hall charging an exorbitant because it is small. Fraternity riel's but It hurts less If unaffil- two cents--to have the admin- both a programming and co- munity. rate for a half-decent meal. I criticism of personal relations iates comprised a larger part· of istration hold the dances would ordinating body. Its cabinet A service commitree will be was amazed at the lack of co- carry bittel"ness because of the the student body. The inde- result in a HOrrOl" Show!!! was composed of representa- responsible for administering operation of t.he College to pro- costly closeness of WMC. pendents pay just like anyone '(Admin is now a horror show) lives from each denominational nil the tutoring programs in vide a banqnet dinner afrer four Smallness encourages cliquish else yet they are the deprived. -Strengthening the IFC would group. They were responsible which students are involved. yeaTs of paying board without criticisms. Personality clusrers The administration has rested help-like The Dean has too for a biweekly program of cam- It will also deal with other as- Imving to drain the Treasllry cannot be stopped. It is an un- too long. The ind.ependents do much authority-"The classes pus wide interest, and also for pects of involvement in the life of the Junior Cla"s. This way desirable aspect of any social not have equal SOCialevents, do can't do it because they don't coordinating the activities of of the world, particularly in ==========================;1 n betrel' atmosphere and, of group. The recent question- not have equal marerial conven· exist." the groups they I·epresenred. the area of civil rights. conrse, better food will' result naire responses agreed with iences. They are ~ade to feel A hipster running off at the Two ycars ago, the RLC was A committee on The Arts will for the same price." this. FrateTnities and sorori-I unequal. pen-just maybe? But, no one given the coordinating function, develop presentations relating likes anything. religion and con0mpora:y cul- content. The program- Where there is social representation. remained responsibility air. ming tension, reform 'Few people are and with it the denominational ture. Included WJthm thIS area will be the planning of a rctur~ is in the = As a "lowly freshman" and fra- SCA this year In addition, the visit by Ed Snmmerlin, who I'd like witl! the SCA. to see the sororities been in presenred a liturgical jazz s.erv- has ternities blamed for their own charge ~of the ChaTles Street ice on campus last year, and mistakes and not for this tutoring program. displays of religi~ns art: ~:~ol '!n~nd~~~re~~e.eV;;yet~~n~~te~~i~~ t:t~.ue:~~;:~c~v~!~;ft i~~ ce~L~~tM:nth CQ;;::;~!~~~g~n c~:~ The pOSition paper has made a be unnecessary, all of these con- clumge of students a?ui. far:u-lty Takeyour good time strong' impact into the bad-stu_\cerns have been delegared to the for a week to t~L'days Wtth. a c~~:; ~a~:d S;~~ui;.iS4~~;;oi.l~e:~o;~!~ ~~~)"~s~f~~~f~otL81::: a~o~::~ t~;t:d~a~~:~r!~~:~~~
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