Page 75 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 75
Th; Gold Bug, May 6, 1966 The team has 'a combined to- Al came to Western tal batting average of .295 land from Edgewood which has powered the Terrors School in Harford to an 11-2 overall record. Cur- While there, he earned rently, we have sole control of in football, basketball, and fu-st. place ir. the Northern Divf- ball. In his senior year he SiOHof the Mason-Dixon, win. t.ained the gridiron and ning six while only losing one. mondman, demonstrating In League competition, Ieadcrshiu ability which _ 1""''''"' Scott chine so· brightly here on If you think you are beaten, you are; has a 490 mark which 15 fn Hill. If you think you dare not, you don't; his , rbl six homers and brings to seven total If you think you'd like to win, but you can't; games. LaITy Su- It's almost a cinch you won't; der is wielding a hot bat at a If you think you'll lose, you've lost .430 clip with numerous extra- For out in the world ycu'Il find < base hits. Senior catcher and Success begins with a fellow's will- co-captain Al Ingalls, along It's all in the state of mind. with doing a fine job ,of signal Full many a....race is lost calling, has been a consistent on runner, getting the Ere even a race is run, base at least twice every game, And many a coward fails Ere even his work's begun. An_I'"e,.,,;;',,'o;e~yefihv~s(~~=~:d ~~r:;t~ Think big and your deeds will grow, batting average of ,333, includ- Think small and you fall behind, ing five doubles. Think that you will and you can- It's all in the state of mind. Big Ralph Wilson is our lead- ing pitcher and has compiled a If you think you're outclassed, you are; You've got to think high to rise. saw contest for the T~rrors. :~Odl~;ick~i.~u::a~i~;e f::!d~~~ You've got to be sure of yourself before ~;~o~Vnnni~~o~n~h~o!~a~t:: i~::~:nyWji~~;; O~~~ni~'t~! You can ever win a prize. lAfe's battlc doesn't always no. second; . from then on, both cute" Carey hasn't been up to To the stl'o-ngeJ' or the faster lIwn,' :~:m:in~~e~n~~~g t~ee ~~;~~enlt~ Ilftr in his ~itting, but the ,hits Hut sooner 01' uucr the man who wins Is the fellow who thinks he can. ~~n~ha~~~' L~~~,;in~ll~~e~: J:~~ i;~~s~omplled have been ttme- ~al;~:===================~========= FINE DEPARTMENT STORE COFFMAN- FISHER CO. 11 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. THE TIMES INCORPORATED Westminster, Maryland raeco. NORCROSS CARDS GENERAL COMMERCIAL The dog-eat-dog duel .tcrencu 1 ,_ .. ,,", at the free throw line in PRINTERS SORORITY MASCOTS t~V~I:~~,in :~o m;:; and 14: miscues at the bonus toss 'Dana Huseman, Jim Morri- son, Rich , the deWitt during regular season ~Oo~;i~S~:~~t . . Hamilton House This publication is from How can that be, you ask' fer the md,lVldual But ~~Y~g~o:rdthi~t~~~~: ~t~~gh~ our presses Opposite Post Office Chiefly because the ram that campus hasn't begun to dram swishes. Undaunted, the scram- and John I~=======~ has drenched week and la half has fer, and will certainly have sue- '-::=======~ Al h~s a lot to of- ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; the Pnnce: the campus during the last cancelled three matches for the cess in everything he attempts. r team. Now only two rcmain- Why, you a ak? Hustle is the Notre Dame*an~ S; Mary's. word. Hustle. Always Insist on the Finest in l\Jeats and Meat Products . Ask for KELLY'S G. C. MURPHY CO, The Women's Athletic Asso- ,-----------, ciation recently held its. elec- STUDENT ART EXHIBIT MYERS' STATIONERY S:rORE tions for the coming 1966-1967 COMPLETE year. A Complete, Line of Fresh and Smoked Meats HOME, SCnOOL and Carol Morelock Art Building Frankfurters and Cold Cuts VARIETY STORE gavel over to OFFICE SUPPLIES will have May 18 Made from Finest Meats Reeves, and Main Street ~isting her as Vice-President, II WM. F. MYERS' SONS, INC. n E. Main St. 84.8·5553 Treasurer, and Open to the Public Westminster, Md. Westminster spectively. Also Westminster, Md. TI8-8710 the managers for team sports: Basketball-Ginny Brace and Betsy Horton Field Hockey-Becky Mat- Phone 848-2848 ELDERSBURG Sandwich thews and Sarah, Lednum PATIO Volleyball-Claire Whitting. 85 W. Main St. Westminster, Md. 21157 .RADIO ton SHOP ANGELO'S Featuring !~~~~~~El:~i:eB~~·ew DUl'II~;: ~I'i~:RSON 15c Hamburgers Tennis---C:rol J;satko ~TALIAN D]NING ROOM Fast Radio Service Th~i:z:~i~~~b~es w~~~~~~~sb~!~:e ';"alking ITALIAN & AMERICAN FOOD 1~1 ~~3~:~n Frenc~o~~~ad; ~~W:tsBoatB a tennis court and one Eldersburg Shopping Center Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches ,to the other and said "You COCKTAIL LOUNGE 795-0210 Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 l~:~~t."my mother's in that I__ -,- -,- _j L __J I-'- _j
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