Page 78 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 78
€)rhe Gold Bug, May 20, 1966 The Jllndpiper Random Thoughts Aroun~ The College Green: the~et~;:e~~i:::t\~:!~;;:~i:~:i~~;~~~i~~::::;t(~::ni)~"B"lg.League" WMC Preclu'des More Hes"ltat"lon confusmg (Abohtlon), and silent (May Day Demonstration), a tide or-new attitudes swept onto the campus and-into the lives of . its citizens. Coming as the college approaches-Ita second century, by Cary Wolf80'J~ , lion) to play the kind of music worth. of our fraternities. the tension and controversy may be a healthy part of the htstort, I was just sitting here, busy tha~ som~ 800 studen~s and Another ,answer is, "Get rid Improvement Is Still Needed cal setting that marks a new beginning for the college. not-wi-ibing the paper I have thea ,WRiters and wertreeses of fr~tcrmties and you'll see As I said before, this has . The sea came in with the Communicator, who tore furiously due in two days and haven't {working for 70 cents an hour) some Improved attitudes." But been a year of transition. But at the establishment and the reaction showed that it was a first--- started yet. The day is beeutt- want to hear in the dining hall, this is like trying to stop an let us not be fooled into think- :~i~~;;\~n !~~~u~~~::n=~~ ~~l::nur!~~~I!r~~~~n~~ ~~~Wl~~j:~!~!.s~~~:~efi~~~ "1~d~~: Ifi~~~ ~~~l!~~:ea!~~n ~e;n~~~~iCi~ ~f~ti,~~i.C~yt~:~~n~\.:,~~ea~:e~; h:~.eth~fr!~~yim:e~~ta~a~~~n1~~ quacies and inspired some of us to express ourselves. Evidence stages of preparation (some give the SGA an Image It .has seen. some, great :mprovements these still lie in the future. is seen in the curriculum study, the fraternity controversy, and kind of carousel, a sports car sor.ely needed fo: a long time. C~Jl.llngfrom within the frate~- Now is not the time for hesita- the number of letters in the GOLD BUG. These issues were prev- turned beer can) and out of the It IS a thankless Job that car;not H.ltIes themselves. The ab?h- tton: you've get it all right out iously rumbling in the underground but were given the impetus other some brave souls are past- and should not be done .by Just Lion paper was the best thmg in front of yQU and the golden to corne into the open. ing unappreciated (but, alas, a handful. of consc.lentlOus that. ?ould happen to the fra- cpportunity is not always go- The fact that these areas (social, academic-even the SOS) true) slogans on a Volkswagen. workers. ~trJdes are being- tak- terntues for it malll;ged. to ing to be as easy to grab as it have come under the shadow of criticism and investigation hint to Some~here ~Ise, a pretty court en, but giant steps are neces- shock them out of. their I~~l"Y is now. Don't forget that if the fact that these facets of the college are growing up---or at of maidens IS prepar-ing a re- sary, and only the support of Towers. But a serious posttton you want to make sure a job least have the potential to grow. The shadows become lights of ex- dundant celebration of what an Inte~ested student body can pap~r. would have to call for gets done, you've got to go out posure=-of both the weaknesses and strengths and are an authen- was originally no doubt some accomplish them. abQl:tJ~n of th.e college itself- and do it put down tic way to a new beginning and improvement. pagar: Spr~n~ phallic rite. I Curriculum Now Being Studied for It IS the. virus of. deca:Ience that notebook for awhile and do On occasion, the expression of criticism has come in the form was Just Slttmg here when I Work is being done to bring an.d stagnation hke a some real work. You pays yer of a defeatist attitude--more often it is interpreted as such when realized that this year was about long-n'eeded changes in tll1?k f?g over tll.e entire coll:ge money, and you takes yer it isn't---by those afraid of criticism. If the expression should nearly over with. still so much the curriculum. This is still in WhlCh IS responSible for the Ills choice. come, it is more helpful if it appears in the context and meaning that had to be said and done. the talk stnge and will remain ====;:============== of the lovers' quarrel that Bill Coffin spoke of. Motivation is the As "you read this two weeks there 01' die aborning unless key. Just as a student or teacher should not be afraid of un_ frQnl now, these tllings probably students begin to realize thnt Somebotly Up There? popularity that comes from expressing a dissenti~g point of view won't seem so timely to you education they receive at this -so he should not be afraid to accentuate the positive when he since finals are coming up and, institution is only adeqnate and feels the urge and the time is right. if you're like me, you'll prob- begin to give their active sup- Some of the happenings mentiQned earlier broke unwritten ably want to go sQmewhere and port to change. Too many traditions. Generally speaking, this is a healthy step. There is a get drunk. Or if, like most of can't comprehend that their in- Making Freedom Work significant difference between having a sense of tradition which you, you've been hiding in your structors at WMC just don't tell nurtures the vital aspects of the foundations and being paralyzed little hole all year, you'll '.vant it like it is. The dominant by tradition that submerges a people or institution into a lethargy to ~ta~ there and study (smce, opini~n which is castrating us so that they remain closed to a changing world. as IS hkely, you don't have the all IS that we are "good This conege is not so rich in intellectual and inspirational commo~ sense to take a. final on enough." In caWring.. to the leadership or so certain of its growth or so perfect in its presen- somethlDg .you read. mten~ely wrong people our really bright by Doon Ira. G. Zepp, Jr. tation of the liberal arts education that it can afford the suppres_ and underl:ned 453.tlmes '':Ith- students are forced to take on The ABC's (Abolition sian of different and thoughtful voices. _ out crammlng ,for It t~e "I ~on't give ~ d~mn" nttitude, and Coffin) of this ' Interestingly enough, the theme of the latest edition of the ?efQre): That s W?y T. ~ wn.t- wblle the gJ"lndmg vegetable yen~' have been . Alumni Magazine was change on the Hill. Two of the Deans mg thiS now whlle It s shll walks off with the honors. this writer to learn authored articles concerning the changing face of the college-- fresh. The truth is that we students leam a few things. and they weren't limiting their discussions to facilities. School Is In Transition are being d2luded: graduates of 1. To hold convictiolls The point is that just as the college senior is moving into a This year has been a year of Western Mother College are o-nt madness. As we all new eJtistence, so the college is moving out of some of its tradi. transition---one of the likes Qf simply not prepared to compete there cnn be no dialogue, tions. The areas which carne under scrutiny this semester will which I'm sure this school has in the "real world" (which, I hence, no learning, unless continue to be scrutinized next year. . never seen before. We have have been told, is somewhere victions are held, points of Robert S. Dickens of Denison University expresses it well. seen this ne~vspapel" change "out"). What kind of made known, po~itions I' from t.he sickeningly saccharine thinking individual can be pro. lated, and differences The painful search tabloid of the past to a fairly duced by an institution which nized. Personally, I 'PP'''''''''' lmon of he who seeks decent semi-liberal recorder perpetuates ten-fifteen curfews people with convictions, not knowing (and sometimes instigator) Qf :for alleged women, compulsory who stand for something, for what student opinion. But it must play-soldiers, church-relation in do not swallow ideas and or for whom be realized that such improve- required chapel services (of ions wholesale, who do not """"1"""'0'"'" he seeks ment could be made only be- course, when federal money is to wait fQr the results of a is never so lonely cause so much more was needed. wanted a different song is lup Poll in order to make as the self-contained strife Our Student Government 1
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