Page 68 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 68
6 The Gold Bug, Apr. 22, 1966 American Deals Diamondmen Only Defeat 4·3 Mowbraymen Swamp Shoremen; Sportlight On Wheatley Terrors Finish Four Victorious; Frosh Shine In Twin Bouts Senior trackman, C h a r 1t e round job. in Charlie is is a Joyner Provides Powerful Punch by Walt shape Keeping by Wa.y-ne Lae88ig ways. 'Wheatley, has proved that it is that. He knows Gill Tuesday, April 5, the Mow- With five home matches never too late to start. knows the weight braymen opened their season scheduled in May and two re- Charlie hails from Chester- he has spent many with a delighti?-l 7-2 victory maining in Apr'il, 'there will be town, Maryland, one of the ing just as hard as over the Washl.ngton College a~ple opportunities to catch a many thriving metropolises on ball player or Shoremen, but smce have sur- glimpse of the undaunted Mow- the scenic Eastern Shore. He weather the fered two straight setbacks. braymen in action. The next went to Chestertown Senior court into On the banks of the beautiful home tilt will be against Frank- High School, but as far as ath- indoor track. Chesapeake, the Mighty Green lin and Marshall tomorrow. letics were concerned Charlie event requires the With win- S'UJrtl Y1 easily held the Chestertown just wasn't there. 'However, durance of all the w.ntingent at bay. upon reaching the Hill, he took This endurance is not ners Dave Christhilf, Darrell advantage of 'the athletic op- just during the race' Linton, Frank Bowe, Charles portunities provided by West- is demanded year for man with enough guts to ""'"tI"'~~~~--- Schnitztein, end Hans Vandrey .s: ern Maryland College. Judg- creates quite a challenge in the solo bouts, and twin vic- "Alll' f.l' ing by this year's turnout tors Christhilf and Bowe, and the track team it seems as it. by Will Dav-is run. Ken Nibali and Anthony Mazzie !If IJ though Charlie 'is one of the At. k t· h Thc defending Mason-Dixon The first game at Washington :~tc~~!rn~;:!~;r~ l:~~edo~:t ~~ by Linda Sullivan - T:;:t:m:~: ~e:~:: t~':; pC:;=~ost' ~.:~i~i~~e:at~~e~~repa ~~::~a~er~~l~s~l~:;:~d °tt~~;:~~ ~~:St~o~V~~C~~eb~~::lItl~a~~g~~~~: cverwhelming 7-.2 marg~n. Volleyball season is now un- ties! hou~s in the library, and sp:ck~::.~IPa~h::e wc i .'> ~llar season ~aturd~y, April 2 billing for a total of 22 h.its and on ui:~:~d~~~~ ;eth~~~;~~~~:~ ~~~w::e W~i~eV~~~~~yt~~tS~~i~~lou: a:alted wee~e~d~ Ch r som~t~ngh goin g h d :.nd :1~ld\:~I~l~tl~l~nafo~;n~: aL~rzo;l~~~ r~o~:'~;~~hT~~'c~~c~~~n~uon~~ witnessed the April 15th inva- an excellent start as they over- H rae ~e~ns ah.o .' ar Ie. sp~~ a hi: at~ at' art .lm~ ing extra inning contest with a Joyner, Suder, Al Ingalls, and ~ior, of American University. whelmed the Towson lI'eachers e c.o-~aPk:;msft IS y~al steam vo I~g tlS~. n 10~t J~s ~he larrow 6-5 margin. The team "Big Daddy" Joe Anthony Valiantly, the Terrors traded 12-6 in the first contest and then ~n d ~~ °t Int~ orw~r Ito ear?_ ~~enI a If flll.le th t U w ~In" .e continued their winning ways kn.ocked in II total of 11 runs by the singles matches evenly, only nipped them 13-11 to clinch thc ~~gm~~yo~:ars~ar::!y h=~e~~~ so~~e~aat ~~ffa eFi:~~,~l\ l'Cy~: by defeatin~ th; Wl_'shi?gton bnnging o?-t three homeruns !~o~~~; a~v~h~fAt!~r;;:~: ~~~~ best two 0: three series. !"he stalwar~ in the. two mpe tu)"n ~ :Vheatley. Charlie r;ms ~7~~~~:o~h~~~~b~i~1~;l~h~~:r~ ~:~~hr~v:O~'IJ;~~~e~~~:~~·t i~: :~, 'k~~::'::d5S~:~f::li~i:', b~~~~ca~~~r~:dm~~etc~~~;~~~ ~~~~~ ~:~~,t :~~r ~s~~c~e~~t~~thti~et~::;~ :~a:x~:;~~ti:~cei:Ji~~::tr~:~: ~~~:~' 1!~~YI~~d'ho~: :~;~re~ i~g t~~n~~~~t~0~nou'~h~~~9c~~~ ed their singles opponents, while rolled to a two game sweep 15-5 aln;ost entll'ely to that event. control. O~l~ CharlIe knO\~'5their lone defeat at the hands carried 8 players to home plate. Nibali teamed with Jim Godown and 15-6. T~e field general fOI" ThIS youn~ season has been a what Charl 1 e s next move wIll of American University 4-3. The second game, the exact to gain an upset in their twin both t~ams IS Mrs. Tage Wood. rather trymg one for Wheatley, be. They bounced back the follow- opposite of the first, produced a bout. ... • ... as he has ~en hampere? .by a Charlie is a man of few mg day whipping Catholic Uni- fine pitching duel between Den- The next day, down after The distaff side has also be- ?adly ~pramed ankle, mJured words who finds diversion in versity 14-1. nis Chapman of 'Vashington dropping that tough, hard- gun their spring Intramural Jtust be ore. the s~ason got un- cards, an occasional pick-up Scott Joyner started on the and our man Ralph Wilson. ~~:t~;.e:e~~!~~s t~;ai~rOj:~~~~ pr~;.~a~~ m ored that a few ~;r~l~Y~VO~~:;s~.b~~:~l;;ei;e:~~; ~i~~l:1~fsi~:~e~~~~ S~~~e.oc;~ ~~l~~~ ;~~ t!~:sT:~fi~:~;ni;h~~ ~~\~rn~~~f:~d l"~:s~u~~ii~t~haa~= Hitchcock's crew-this time at strings had to be pulled to get gettmg back hIS truc form. majors in biology and is an of- 10th. by Jack Bentham, who got man came through with a six- Catholic University. The ClI archery, and quite a racket had Tra~k is a l?nely sport. If ficer in Western Maryland's a~- creoit for this win. Jo~'ner hit performance, letting four of racquetecrs made all too ade- to be put up to secure tennis you wm, ymt wm. If you lose, vanced ROTC program. ThIS and shortstop Larry Suder pro- the Terrors cross the plate. ;~~\~nga~e~~:h' ~~:eb;~~ gq~~~~~v:~ b~~her:r~'l~o;v ,~ell ~~dei ~~l~y~OSi~i;t ~~ n~n~n:l~~:'s I~~~ ~~~e w~~h~aOt;;,;~an t~~kelir~~:' ;~~r!!f~~~:~;:~n~~;!_~~: ;a~~e~e;~~r~np;~~e!c~~d ~~nr:~ 0 ~~: ~1~~d~I~~~r~r:en7_~vebl~d~~co~;se'k' : a 1: t: go '~ll ;::ni~~e ;~o~~en';~~~t y~~st~~ ~~he;i: ~~m:oPae:dtota~:;t:te~o~~~ ~~:~:~t!~~C~~~;I:. h~o~~~~e~ni~ ~~~dl"&~'~~~~~t~r~et ~~r~;n :~~ eoning. End~ng a long dry be Pa~ ~~~el~oil!Oi;te ~~ ;:\ !!l!, y?U are. alone in "sticking search. was a. clutch single by Gary freshman Phil ,Riggin .walked :'opcll, Capuan Dave ~orton against Notre D~me at 10:00 WIth It" .durmg the ma.ny hours Charlie is shooting for a rec- R:ld:"cllle, a freshman 3rd sack- and the.n Joh? Carey nppe~ a ;~:tj:1~e~h~~~!y ~~~~s;;:f~ork: am ~omorro~ ~t~nin~ with Gin_ ~~os~flel';~eO::~s P:naec~~~;chTr:~ ~.rd. ~he t~es\Weste~t ~arici~~9d ~'\;i~~ !~~t b~~~~ ;~n~~e i~:;~~~~b~~dn!~mi:~~t pfihe/ld'toSC~il;l fOl:m the dynamic duo which ~i~i ~~~e ~~or .;~~~. TOWn par- quires the runner to pace .him- ~:~ ~~ar, ~e ::m:~~t~~n th';e~ scooting home with the winning Greg Getty in his first starting g~lTIedthe Terrors' only d,:ubles p g se.lf. So, tr.ack concerns Itself seconds of that record with a role then came .up a?d smas~ed wl~h~ft~~~d~~s obviously hurt Would yo: :eli:ve this was ~Vj~ ~~ed~~:~d~~gW;~~a~sc~~~ ~i~e~~lo,~3~ ICh:.rlie~sankle in_ Monogram Men Elect ~u~Wt~-;u;ersl~~;~n:h:~~g~~~~:~C.h ~~: E~;t~~~I~ ~~~r~~~:~~::~~~ason Behnke And Stout ~t~hep::C~:~; ~;~ae~~~~Off~g~~~ov~~~~r~t;:t~::alia~;fa:nd hasl ;ro~h~~~u;~ti~~~~le~::~~; w~~~n!OC:l~et::i~::;.o~p~~ t~.; ~nol~l~:~iJ:~i~;s:::, ~aei: a;~~~~~ ~~~r:.had very be aut i f u I ~s:~~:I~fl~~ls ~~~en~~s~~a~rt~e- ~~~o~~~ir~T;~d\~~~~~~~i~\~~\:I~: ?n _~pril fourteenth ~~e let- :.:~~t~0~hO\!~~1:C~~~g.1~Y~i~: tum. They are lo~ded WIth tal- HE: Yes, I know-but since A ?"Cal trackman doesn't wait tainly deserves to break that t~lmans club he.ld thell. elec- b:lt Plan~he, the A~'nencan U. ~~!~~eu~.p~!d ';~~~h T~::e ~~! I don't play tennis until the Spring to get in ghape. rccord. tlo;~ef~;I:~~o~J~~~Tn%e~~\.epl"e_r;;f~;r~~~dhi':s ~O;::j~l~~~I~:~ who although to date have not l -~ ~ B * r. TJ"Il0 ~ ~ sents a healthy blend' of many three runs despite a homerun three ~x[\mpl(" for freshmen. '.'HI' 'ft rr. Jack Bentham did a fine job on competed in singles play have '0"''0 '(J rnl' ...J a"'1i'Or .J .J"l .., of the sports fields offered at and Il. triple by Scott Joyner. W.l\IC. Paul third Behnke, been coming off very well in the' I ' fl. j baseman on I~st _year's baseball l.h(' mound for the Terrors but own, Mazzie, and Nibali should n u Itt t.L ".. Itt .•_ team and a Jumor member of tour A. U. hits and two W:r.iC doubles area. These men, God- cont,ibu- "ana nuseman a coes "en,ury arl( Gamma Tau, was elected '.'I"I"OI"Sin the 8th allowed three be m,'dog ,"b,t,nti,1 D" Stout of thl, ,un, to ""., to put th' gam, tions by the season's end. team was elected on ICC. Under the guidance of the The ':,MC t r a c k s qua d they were not enough to offset Loyola, the cindermen are \ The next day the Terrors un- young and talented first year dropped ItS fourth meet of the the rash of first place finishes gry for victory and will Resau and Bill Chasey, leashed their full power against I,lentor Wray Mowbray, the season on Monday to a much by the Greyhounds. Leading the for today's meet with . soccer and track, Cat.holic U. by winning 14-1. team has developed good spil"it improved Loyola of Baltimore way as he has in previous meets, State Teachers College. secretary and John Carey finally unloaded on and a keen desire fOI' competi- squad by a score of 80-56. Dana "the new improvcd Flash" The team will travel . Robert The ball and smacked a bases- lion which should soon usher The meet did produce several Huseman zipped home for two coming on April 27, adll"!issions loaded single and a three-run them back into their winning individual improvements, but first places in the 1()0 and 220 four day layoff from the and Jack Bentham was homer to account for five Ter~ =,=======~=========Irnar~h~a~~~:~r~i~~~: o~e~.~o~:~~;::~~'e ieor~'~~s0~°K:'~~\, :t~;~;:~~n!~dar~~"1~a;~'0_le~te~~~r~ ~~~('~:u~s~dSC~!;"Jo:~~~k~::~~~ Little Houston Bows At Beach - ~~~oo~n~eC~IIS:bed the eXISting ~~llt~~te;~~ln\:e~~~~g~I:?:e:~ B.~~~ ~{~:l~b~~~~: to place a ;;~es~o~~-:a!~~~n~na a:u:';rn: In the long Jump and tl'lple WIth The Mount and Gallaudet Defeated But Still Determined ;~~P'c~~net,D;~:~~tdb:o;;:~ p::~ ~!uth~~t:sn~€l~naO;sght~~ b~n~ SPOlts <\ctlvlUes BUlletlnlducmg double Ralph WIlson ~~~~d s~~e~~~ ~I\l~~:a;;a r:l~~ :~~nad~a;~s~~n~;sl~~e~efh~~ o~t~ by Steve Jones only to see Randolph-Macon SPd'dddlVelyCo-captam Plfi,t 'h1so ~:~:lP~~~I~hl:lSay~3-~ '~~I\d on ~~~~~le[OI the sprmg athletIC ~~v~~: 9u~ ~n~~~; run unearned D k d t ft h I prevaIl m a 9-0 shutout Les a e two thIrd place ms es purc~a:ed ~~ee~nan~sw~lt~e:n~ Carlson was agam the medahst InT~e ~~ and 220 yard dashe , =================~========~ f th 1966 d t f th for WMC eo er Wlpllse came In t h e • Hl'ghll'ghts And Sl'dellOghts• • • ,,~~~~ H~uston" \~~~e~, le~ The purpose of the southern ~o~.l\~~u'!:e:~Il~ho~a!slot~~~ee~n • • by the able and agmg mentor trIp IS two-fold First It ple_ t h p, J S ;:r~l~ht~~~~~~~~'o~~~:~:~e;:~ ~:::~n~h~e~~an~c~~; th~e~~~~~:' i~~!~~~::~lle;~~; tJ:~Wf~~ by Ed Lowry gone on w drub the BIueJaYSlfrOnl the nosblls ~~~~~~; Bt~::h ~~e!he Norfolk- ~~: ~~r ;;~:~ l~~~~~:~!, a~:o~~= p~:kedaup the t~~rd sc;;r 0 ov~O'~o!~~t J:~l;~n~oo:l~a~ta~ !~~~~~~~:t ~~P;~~:el~:IO :o:d f D~~e THOlton, field general Led by team captam JIm velops determma.tlOn and team Other fine performances wele are 'calhng It a "leal success" tmgent flom Shepheld 5-4 e~1a l:n;l"~~; ~~~ffeb~e~~r~~~= Reck, the team left "The HIll" spJrlt turne~ In by several of the They feel It uncovered exclt- On the hght SIde, Earl Dlet- mg an upset vIctory m hIS solo at SIx-thIrty m the dawmng of The accomphshment of the squads steadIest pomt produc- mg potential m backfield candl- l'lch-an accomplished base bout at Cathohc UmVerSl Good Fnday Included m the latter obJectlve w~s obvIOUSers JIm MorrIson followed to date Jun DIe and a pOSSIblean thlcf-plans to collabolate WIth and "ent on w team up Wl~ corps were Les Carlson, Bob dUlmg t~e se~so~ s openmg th~ tape by RIch McC_anna,cap- swer to the quartelback dl- Fe~n Hl~hcock on a new book Da\e ChTlsthlli to naIl do\l'n the ~~!~:oo~ioie~~ g~a~no;:~~, ~~i~~h~g~~~~~n~I~~I~S~~a~~!~t~~~~da~~co:4dO~~~~~~;~ia~~eh~~~ ~:~:~b~v;ic~'PI~;::m~/ro:: On;I~~st ::;~ ~it~a!~e ~o~e~~ ~:~~ i~C~~Yd!~~ :~~:.owbray- Steve Jones, and Mr.gBob Eib: sn?w and blt.lng wind,.th~ team dies. ~hese ~wo boys. have been BTya.nt "It's time to Shine" the Ba~." ~,sequel.soon tofol- ~r;~llo~:o~nt~~c~~og~~;: ~~~~ ;:;~~~eda~~:rld~~n~i ~~;;~l,nge!~~ ;::~:~~ng.polnts cO~SlStentlyall :::~"t:~di~IS;e;~~e:~~:~ ~:.~: ~~~vke~l~ff~ren~e~~e;fF~r~~..I~! The game" :u*t i;l fated Cin- to transport the Green contin- though they were outclassed and Pete Kmner agam ran well veterans Jay Sybert, Andy \V1Z- l"unda:wn IS the most colorful dermen are coming in a consist- ""ent certain losers at that point. and picked up a second place in da, Vic McTeer, Jim King, Don play m baseball." ent seeond in their dual meets. : ThedIT~r~~:if~[~Ved . a\ t~e Di~~in~~~~n:d O!o~x:~:n ~:i~~:~i~e~80'p~~~n~,3~macr~~seT\t~\~~;St~~!~ean:a~te;~e B~:~; major W~~~~~g:oo%n=~~/~~:~ti~~at~~; t:we~~; cr~fecY e I tumpy a e but needed to complete the final was, as usual, dependable III hIS casualty of the campaign suf- as Walter Jorgmer, IS bemg proverbJal SIlver lmmg. o ou~se Ion y ~o meet. an two holes to win the second specialty-the high jump, gal"- fering a broken arm in th~ tra- closely followed by a number of For example, Dana "the new o~erpo,:ermg ~ seml6J~o~ssl~n- nine. Surprised that WMC re- nering a second in this event. ditional Toilet Bowl The in- major league scouts and isn't improved Flash Huseman has f?n~o~~~~e;i~ ;~~Of seve~~:i~: ~~~~~s~~r Ct~nece~:m:av~not~~:th~t~:~r~~r~~s ;;;~so~~~~e~~~ ~~~;e\:~~:::~~u\~hei~~~~;astoIJ~~~~~:~f~~~n!~~~st~~mbeaco~~~ct~i;~c:~ i~ t~~n~i:!~~: :~~ere~~:t~~ tmg m the se~entJes, OD eaSIly clubhouse, Dickinson gave the previous ones were Rick Rob- :l'ormed ~ometime today. He for extra base hits including six equalled the school record in the submerg~d LlttI; H ~ u s ton visitors the remaining two holes, bins, who owns several first and will be recuperating in Kernan round trippers in seven games. 100 at ten flat and could very (10-0) m a dls;nal ~ol\test resulting iT' the final 16-2 seore. second place finishes in the mile Hospital in Baltimore for a It's also rumored that Billy well get below it. The pole pl~yed alm?st entirely In the The indiviaual results were: and two mile, Charlie Wheatley, week. Fanning is being followed by a vaut also looks surprisingly ~~mT:;r:~~hS;v!~r ~: u~~~rs:~ so!,o~.~~~~gtht::o~.~~: a!~b~~= ~~ves~eb~~~:~~e i;40~;~11~~;:~ The Terror Diamondmen, be- ~U;Lb!erItofall s~~;~f~~m Ca;~~ :~:o~~l"w~~h1~?r:,;. m;~ecl::;~t~ WIth 85. termination which his young, ey in the 880, John Daily in the sides being the most colorful olic U. \vith his brilliant execu- brothers look extremely good in Traveling to Ashland, Vir_ largely inexperienced contingent discus, John Clark in the shot team in the 1'.flason-Dixon,are tion of a "standing Slide" which the leaps as does frosh standout ginia, on Sunday evening, the had displayed, dubbed Little put, and Dennis Gosnell in the currently hotter than a two closely resembled a trap block, Rick ~obbins in the distances. team spent the night at Ran_ Houston with still another nick-. javelin and discus. dollar pistol. causing a 250 pound catcher to Gosnell, Daly, Clark, and Mar- dolph-Macon Academy. On Mon- name-"The fearless men of thel After losses to Lebanon Val- Since Wilson's five hitter at be bowled over backwards, drop key are bolstering the ailing day they took the field again, Green Beret." ley, Washington, Dickinson, and Catholic U., they have since the ball, and bleed severely field department.
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