Page 70 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 70
2 The Gold Bug, May 6, 1966 , President Ensor Responds "God Died Yesterday During Major Surgery; To Position Paper on Frats the student Pope Intends To Procla."mGO'dA' Sa."nt" I hay. been requested by a will be noted that gCO"P of students and faculty member-s ar being appointed", . to appoint a committee com- holders of specific leadership . ... . posed of students, faculty and positions to which they have (Atlanta, Georgia, May 5) It," said the Right Reverend to hear someone is dead. It's a Christ, was himself a victim of administration to study the been or will be elected. This is God, creator of the universe, Horace W. B. Donegan, Prates- damn shame." In Gettysburg, death, having succumbed some place of fraternities at Western being done in an effort to be as principal deity of the world as tant Episcopal Bishop of New Pennsylvania, former President 1932 years ago in Palestine, now Maryland College, Although objective as possible in the ap- Jesus, ultimate reality of Chris- York, who only last week cele- Dwight D. Eisenhower, released the state of Israel, purportedly the "position paper" through pointments and, at the same tians, and most eminent of all brat~d the fifteenth anniversary through a military aide, the fol- on orders of a Roman governor, which the request was made time, have people who have divinities, died late yesterday of insta~lation as Bishop. In lowing statement: "Mrs. Elsen, Pontius Pilate, and at the behest .. deals only with fraternities and demonstrated ability. I could during major surgery undertak- Pans, President deGaulle, in a hewer joins me in heartfelt of certain citizens of Jerusalem. sets forth a number of reasons think of no similar procedure en to correct a massive dimin, an-second appearance on nation- sympathy for the family and This event, described as "dei- for their abolition, it seems to in selecting faculty members, ishing influence. His exact age ~l television, pI:oclaimed: "God many friends of the late God. cide," has lately occupied the me the scope of the committee's but I have chosen those whom is not known, but close friends IS dead! Long live the republic. He was, I always felt, a force deliberations of the Vatican study should be considerably I believe will be completely ob- estimate that it greatly exceed- Long live France!" Mrs. Jac- for moral good in the universe. Council, which has solemnly ex- _ broader. For I instance, the jective in their committee as- ed that of all other et"tant queline Kennedy, widow of the Those of us who were privileged onerated the Jews generally of place of fraternities could signment. beings. late president, was reported "in to know him admired the prob- responsibility for the alleged hardly be. considered .without Studen.t Members Word of the death, long ru- seclusion" i?, he~ Fifth Avenue ity o.f his character, the breadth crime. The case is complicated also studYIJ~g.the. sorority sys- President of the Argonauts- mored, was officially disclosed apartment. ~he s had a~out all o~ h~s compassion, the depth of by t~e fact that Jesus, although t~m. Nor I~ .It Simply 'a ques- Carol~ Seaman to reporters at five minutes be- she can take, a ~Iose !nend of his Intellect. .Generous almost he died, returned to life, and so ~O~h?;da~~;~~ti~~ ~f;~~ ~~~isel~~:~dent of ODK-yet to be ~~rem';;~~~:~;t ::!~~'tya fu~ ~~y !~et~eend::~h ~~:llrn:l~g~d ~~w= t~n:ne!~u!~ :~er~~~n~jJ~c~:v~! ::rs n:tr~:~(~ di~~a~~!.id D~:~;~ b.e the continu~~ce of f'raterrri- 1 Trumpeter-yet to be se- comings and goings ot~cclesi~ one-senten~e statem~nt, without be forgotten. It i~ a very. gr~at speculating today on the place ties an~ sororittea ?n a so:ne- lected . astical dignitaries and members comment, In. the third page of loss Indeed. He Will be mlsse8." the r~surrected Jesus will oc- what dlffe:rent basIs,. p.ossl?ly PreSident of the Studen~ Gov- of the immediate family. P.ravda, offiCialorgan of the ~o_ From Bas e I, Switzerland, cupy In the power vacuum cre_ ~~c~~:ee~~I~~e ~e~k~~I~~~a~~~ er~7c~nt'!f;e~~ o~~~rS~~~ent U~able to b~ in Atlant.a owing :~e~o~o~:~n~~~n;~enT~i:cfo:!~I~! ~~~e~;~l:dp;~~!s~l~t~~~~I~~~!~' ~~:.) by the sudden passing of may have developed acro~s the Government-Ralph Wilson to t e pressUl~s of busl~ess at the 800 million Chinese who live informed of the death of God' years .. Perhaps s.uch a com- Presid~nt of the Class of ~he sec~nd Vatican. Cou.ncll, now behind .the ba~boo. curtain. declared: "I don't know wh~ s There has. beell as yet no prehenslve study IS long over- 1967-l\·fJchael Preston In. SeS.SlOn,th.e }'ope, In Rome, Pubhc reactIon m this coun- died in Atlanta, but whoever he tatement .flom Jesus, but a due and the ultimate result Faculty Members s~ld, In part. We are deeply try was perhaps summed by an was he's an imposter." Dr close a~socJate,. the Holy Ghost, ~~~u:!p~~~~!,Utt o~n~t~d~'~~s~ ~:~.g:~fr ~~S\:~~I~~I!~~e'~:ss~a~~es~~~;:i~ ~~~er!ypl~est:~~:'~::~:I~'S~;~~:;~ ~~:'i~hh,7 i!,=iJ~I/h:e~::~e:a:l ~V~~ks~I.~~ar:oayse:id.~~~t ftO~~ f ~~~ ;he~~t~~~~h~~~t~i~u~~\oCili~ g~:~:i~ve~~ier ~;~~o~s b: .;::~u~d:h:n~h~r~~ ~~~~se."IN~~::r evn:~tS~~m'hi~~ ~~:~~:::~:~t~hreologian of the ii~~:~I ~o~el~she~:;t~i~~t~:st ~~ total e~ucational process there- Dr. Holthaus difficult to .Imagme .ho;; we shall But from what I heard I guess (There have b:e'n unconfirmed made to the BuIidmg Fund for ~r~;~:~rp;;~':~~~~~~:!'t::'::m' t,~~~~~t;~~!::n>nit'"~~~~:;~£:Yk~~~:t ~~;E~~;:;~:i. ~~i:ip~~~:J:!.~~i:::n:~:;~:~:;::~~:::~~~{~:~~:i~:E:~Uh~~it:::i. t~~; mlttee has not been an easy Dean of Women do:ne Of.St. Peter s,,.before ry S. Truman, who received the sume the authority if not the Anthony Towne task, but ~ftel' a great deal of The committee will select its ad.JournIng the cou~cll m ~e- news in his Kansas City barber_ title of the dec~ased deity E t d' f· MOT V ~~~s~~~~:~~e I li:;;d <~y~,~tinI~ own chairman. Lowell S. ~nsor ~e:b=r ~a~~~,~~p:c;:~~, r/~~I:~~, ~h~op~,~'~ni~d'~'~'!~'m.....;a,l~w"~y~,~,~",~,y=J,~,u~·,.=,"~m~'t~in~"~'~'~"~II~'~d~t~h'~'==F~:~~~~~~~:~y.~l~~~~~."",=!=E that would be wholly without Spring Builds Men ~Wt~;~i,~ii~::£f.~i~~~~~~Center Stage Features Modern "Chinese'Wail"; I" olee 0 Well, it's spring,. that 10v~ly time of the year when nature cures due to God's intervention. A Mute Dwarf Is ChargedAs "V " f p' eope seem;p;~n~u;::l:~::a~no~l~h~ ~~~I.P;~~,1~0~:~didn't have classes ~:l~a,;;o;:aia~t~~;-~:~~-~~d :a~~ ~~~;-v~roko~a~~mI~I~!~:t\t ;~~~ ~hea{U!~:el~~:I:~:~~i~!g h~~~n~~~~~:~~iv~~da :~~i::d~hep~~~~ i~f 0 t b: s~~nne Pj.:tt. . h ::;~;~: k~~~,dth~yC~~te!!;~~:;; ~;:·eo~dthaen~e~!f~.y~:~d~r M~s- feels as. if the 'year's \~o~k i~ over (why study1), and looks for- mirac.les i.s a preco~di~ion for perc~ tfon a a~~nZyaOnicms~1a~enters just as the final enemy flS Napolton paints,a subtlea~li~~ ~::~e~II:~Sa~:;~u~o~~tI~~:~~~. t~t t~~~t~varm long summer that ~~e':t~~~~ft~onac~~rd~~; ~o;:~ ~'i~lch .fi~UC~dh.the .C,;incflc ~fh~~~~eo,~i~hha;e~;nt~~p:~~~~~ ;~~:I~~~thJ!~ee;rC;:!tv;~': ;:'~ However, one place where that warm (would you believe Catholic faith. ,. a . f I IOUgd' .1\ art~tlc ~e- lious "Voice of the People," the iius Pilate is an unusually se~- hot), and not so long summer is right now. in a place whe~e the Reaction from the world's S~~~~eh~~e:~~ve~I~~°this o;~~:i~ accused, a mute dwarf, is de- >!itive picture -irawn by a very f;;:no;:~:o~r:S:i~~dd:.~\~~~~~;:;s ~~:~~~: ~~I!~ie~~rfia:~;~~:. ~treeae~a~~sfr~~if~~~~a~n~~e~~~ ~~I:hh:\~~~~ f~fo~~~bl~rf~!~~ ~\~~:,~~~: lC~~;g ~i~n~~~:,o;:~l YO!~~l;~?~l~fr; ~ei#:c~~~yon;;th ~h~::e~nft:~~~:;~es~~~~~:e~f(~f ~;;~~ ~~~;)j~cs~b!~c~;:~i~::i~~~ ~rs:r;::,\t~~e~~e~;:~ o~t ~!u~!~ :~ fsnrtsfa:~i~~~at~~~sP:~~~I~i~~~~~~:,~e;l~ss~\~~n~l~~:~:~~': a~i~ ~~~;sp~~~ ~~e!~, ~~~!~S~~o~; Well, ItS not summer yet! wife in an Elmira, New- York, 'as shown by the bizarre char- 1,OS~tiOllI~ contes~ed WIth the whl~h is. that paSSive, intellec- Harold S. Marks supermarket. "I can't believe ~:~~~~~~iioen:ects~n d elaborate;~~~~ ~~:~I~:!e:~t;~~d~a~~g~:~~ ~a~s~olilt~C:I~;'e:!~!~dJd ~~~~~~ . v:ho .de~plte politIcal POSI- The author can barely ·keep up Westminster Is Burgeoning Metropplis; theme adopted by Seale borders Thanks w the VIrtUOSity of I umerous absurdities In a pro- first glance, At cIrcus lion IS Just as helpl~ss.. with himself as he unc9vers the the of the .1 A It ~001l becomes the dil'cctioll and ~he l?ro~cie!lcy hurnRn trflgi-comedy. on the cliche. ".L ' A J. IJ IirOC,lure "eveOiS reo s uvonto,!}es ~;~a~~r~~~~e~:~~r~l~~re~~~1ag.~l;~~resthaen;a:!~C~~~i;r~~b~I~~!~IC~f~~~~n SP~~~h~:in;nds;r:~ih~~~ In modern life, :he play become clear and mean- pageantry, pace and rll60d are I'ect counterpart as e?-ch, in turn, str.ips. ~imself mgful. Jo~m Shucl~ is excellent vital. All members of the pro- In the last Issue of the GOLD the exceptIOnal suburban faclh- near to Baltlmole, Washmgton, vi hIS flagrant peculiaritIes and as 'he foohsh, gullible, and de duction seem able t.G c'ope With BUG Ace dissected WMC's lat- bes of excellent schools, chmate, the AtlantIc Ocean, Gettysbmg, becomes a real human bemg neplt Empclor HIS perform- all these problems make The est ubhclt effolt Now un- enVlronment, and a favorable and the Skylme Drive '''Be- Th~ filst to do thiS IS the rlllg anc~ IS balanced by that of WIi- Chmes(' Wall a most enjoyable del' ;crutm: (not salcastically, tax rate;' As fOI busmess fa- cause of rapid transpOitatlOn to ma"tel \\ho becomes the Con 1 an McKereghan as the shck, evemng of pure theater thiS time) IS a brochure put out clhtles, 'there are over 75 re- BaltImOle the reSIdents have ~~~~~~::r:;n~C~~!~:~~~~1 as \~~I====":,,===========,.,,,= by the WestmInster Area Cham- tall stores In (the) downtown the maJor league sports t 1 h I ht b 1l"L II. rOm ,L ..J. ber of Commerce City Hall area" "Ample parkIng faclli avaIlable at the laTge CIVICaudl- t~a,e °ln IS/gfj t eam b~c~ to .It euo"y liP nere , WestmInster Mar~land It I~ tIes Rccommodate over 500 cars tollum "And finally, "An e lea ms 0 c IO;S an IS tItled ""\Vesbtl.lnstel A Dellght- ""A lIVestock auctIOn IS (SIC) Unique toUilst attractIon ~or) tlnt H lev~e~ ~ m~~'~ at- l"'. flll Place to Live A Good Cen held each week "As for III "\Vestmmster IS the Canoll emp ~ 0 msu a Imse rom i~~o~~la~:;lni~s ~heMI~~floe~t~: ~:~:;~\?~~ph~~d"~o.~;:rast':~~te~~ ~oeu~!~~~;~~ t~;s~~niheo:~u~~ t~r~~e I~~e~~a::lla~f sb~I~~~zed Commercials Are Reli"i~us highly informative For in- ISts between all. ." "Most try." The first ~haracters to appear \ 0 .; stance "Westminster with a leading denominations are rep- Some of the larger manufac- flre Romeo and Juliet who re- met\"o~olitan populati~n of ap- resented." (extept Jewish) turing and distributing plants hearse Shakespeare's lines from proximately 25,000, is the com- The Carroll County Hospital are Bla~k an~ Decker, Congol- t:~e . balcon~ of a tightrope. mercial, geographical, educa- has "35 active physicians on its cum-Nairn (hnoleum), Kessler Slm'larly,.Napolcon appears as :.\~~a~n~n~a;'i~~ti~:~acentera0tfer~~~~~cal,,~~:e; ~e;~e Y~:~!;vo;~~ ~~:S)~omle~~:h (~~;';I:rndGo~: ~e~lo~~n~1~~.attes!~~~es,~,~~~:~ by Dean 1m G. Zepp, Jr. AmerIcan and vou get It ' P ~:~[iiie~~"alm;!s~~\~~~d PhO:~~e:eg~I~:~S;~~~~~~.:,or ~d~~~~~~~~~~~r;~l~~~'~~dd~~e ~Vo:sr- ~Jeo;;g~~eo~ra~:d:r~~le~y f;~'I~:; \;s:~~;~s~~n us~o~~~~~.ia~s,b::~ in ~~id~~~~so~~~~;~i:~.~re experienced a steady growth tiona! facilities? "The Carroll minster Knit Corporation (Jon- hero stripped of power. Col- otherwise insult OUI" intelli~ Holy .Spl1'1t-"~etty, theJ;e is rate in the past ten years, with County Public Library has athan Logan ma~ufac~urers). lumbus, his comp~nion, appears gence. Neverthelees, they work! a dove.lll.,Your kl:tchen." . a net increase of'70. Peo- over 32,000 volumes " Really, then, In SpIte of all as a Long John SIlver drenched The adman's COpyis full of Deml_ That little ole WIne- pJe move here from urban areas Westminster is truly "in the our sarcasm and occa~ional bit- in a thic~ Italian accent. But symbolism which :tppeals to our maker, me:" (S}c!) "in order ro take advantage of heart of things," since it is so ~~rn;~es~:i~I~~e~'~he~~:;I~s:aw~ ~~'I~:' d~:~~:esf~~e ~'~~~~~i~fo~~~~m~~~~~ss:n~in~~. ~~rbli~~~~~to ~;:1ze~w~Gi~~~,',11e THE GOLD BUG _ "doesn't do anything f.or us," it due. On and. on ~he p~ra~e urges for sexual ,:xpression and Sm'--"T~,e ~ Dodge r~bellion ~~[:~'f~~e~el~ b;~~1;1sS~~;~ - eight ~:~~~~d:~l"~~'~~~~SS~~~~;\:I~S~:;~~r~:.~ld~:il;~b~~n~~~~~m~ our wasd;v::~;~ "Thirty Offi . 1 t d t f W te Mid C II be what we should do about ow'~ us a senile old man compul- No one that I know of how- hour protectIon and thirty_two publishe'd a bi:W~eiJy ~~w?r~g:; from Sep~~mbe~r~h:ough 0 M!;: selves, if moralizing will be ex- F~vely re~iniscent, like. thc An- ever, has called attention 'to the pe~~:!J~'C' cavities." • Entered as second class matter at the Post Office Westminster cused. cle~t Manner, about hiS great- subtle yet often quite obvious . 5'me to where the Maryland 21157, under Act of March 3, 1879.' , • ~~tan~O~:;-hi~la~~il~ae~ ~~~ ~~~OIO!~:~u~ve~~ne~d~!r~~~:!~ ~~t~~~ry~~;~ome to Marlb,oro PRICE $3.00 A YEAR SUBSCRIPTION Editor-in-Chief 4\ Good All The Time ~~de~Ol:rO;n~t;;~~;:=:;u~i:~ ~~al!a~t~v!~: :1%~~tO~h~o:~~l~ YO~CS~~;~.c~~1()~;;;:~~;n~ea~!:.:~ of Yet he, l:'pectrum a .pi.nata. DAVID CARRASCO e~ from a full tWO-l?ageadver- :00, suffcrs; hl~ IS a search f~n'and symbolism. religions motifs tion." gooqn~&s, The following quotes are tak- Kid astude Fellawship-"Thank ., ~ A !~~eS:;t:~~e~~:U;e;'sI~~e a~:s:~~~ ~~d~sr~~~~Ii:o;li~e \~~rC~O~:I~~ Iy Tuhpeo~loo;~n~~~~~s~t::sc!~:i;~ :;a;;;' a one toothpaste family ALI~f~n~;!~:~~~=IER ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~i~~:~;~~:iOrac~;aiiyM~:: ~~~=~~~r~.yg~e.~~~~~ ~~a~.~~~ ;~~ ~~c;:~:Yo;it:ro;o;:,sf~d :~: tic~r:!r-~fghteQlwneSS-"lm par- DO:~Tn~~tl~!~i!;GE ~h/~~~~c). self-mflicted pat of ~Zstt~~ole~~tl~a~;J~:h!~u;~:d:~ ~;~:~~d ifnc!he E~~~~tiGan~~; b Gr~iU_"But we just cal:'t Sherry Joslin Harold Marks £~\~E'il~;~:Y~b~~, ~::';~~f::~;~l~~:t~~~:~'~f:~~~i~;~i~f~E:~i;:~:J;: ~~:t~~~::~;;;;~~y~:;,:~;;~{~i,~;:,r-?;~fSr:W~;;nd'a~d News Editors Ronald Boone Park ... A bureau set of garnet of the rash Bohenuan demon- r,atisfy our selfish ends. They Cheap .Glace- Have your Sports Editor ;;~I~~e/~~U~h~~~ li~re~ i~o~t~:~:j~~~l" cOJr.r.lete with protest ~~~~: p~:::s:lYSi~o:;:ect::X ea;i~ cO~r:Z~~,I~~ to;~'~eyton smok- Publishing Editor: Donald Heath. Assistant Editors: Susan Mason, David Harper, Cary Wolfson, Paulette Arnold, \Valter Michael, Nancy ~:~: :;ai!~\;i~~ ~~~~om was sc~~e~,o~~rat~tew~~~h~~';sc~~·~;:~ :~~ ~~annd;~I:;~~n~n~XP;~;~e~~::tc~:?,uld rather fight than Brown. On Co-Education: "The effect I Lf the royal Chinese court able level-the religious. This This appeal is one reason why Advertising Manager: Ronald Kobernick. of the presence of the one sex painted in several shaMs of is part of the "hiddenness" of the admen ('an get away with Editor of Art and Photography: Jacqueline Rayner. upon the intelligence and de-. mtire, the main object being their "persuasion." the soft-sell and the low pres- Circulation Manager: Gail Gracey. portment of the other is good,! Emperor Hwang Ti, "He who Here are some hints at what sure tone of many commercials. Typing and Copy Editor: Kristine Michelson. expect more from Ch~~lct~I~~;?;/~~;o~ar~:;~g(!' Exchange Editors: Margaret Weis, Carolyn Henson. ~i:."gOOd, and good all the I ~Stn~~;p~:r~n0~hes~~1i~~'p~~v:r~ I G:~"You Photograp,her: Robert Lance.
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