Page 67 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 67
!.t Prepare For Rough Life: from a distance. ministration, the faculty, I KELLY'S The Gold Bug, Apr. 22, 1966 5 the The problem can also be seen student body, to take an interest Too many times in Maryland College Western "Real World" Woos Frats in the faculty. or heard a teacher and to make it a better place to STATIONERY STORE THE TIMES I've seen down .od. '~"k? Thi, month who will br ing hi' l'd~" live to the level of a one-sided and I've seen this school come alive prejudiced opinion of his sub- for the first time in tWI) years. HOME. SCHOOL and In spite of the practically We'll have a card drawer of ject material and other matters Are we going to let this con- unanimous ccnsensua concern- fun. not pertinent to the course. tinue or are we going to let the OFFICE SUPPLIES ing the sterile, homogenized, in- Whrrrr .. Shuffle ... Hmmmm This is forced onto the class- apathetic nature of this campus Westminster, Maryland sulated, dehydrated, uninvolved, ... Bing, bing! peg, stereotype, yes,-forced because the student remain its tradernark-quite unrelated, uncommitted exist- pigeon hole, classify ... Whrrrr is too frightened of the eonse- evident to all who visit here? 47 E. Main St. 848-5553 ~~~:b~~!~e t~~j?;!~_~~a~~~d~~~ Skr~e~~u~e. 'Bz;z::;n~~n;eje~~ ~~;:i:~s. of ;h~cin~d~isni~i::~~~ The answer I leav~ to you. Westminster, Md. GENERAL COMMERCIAL ~a!~r~~~ F;~~~ls~~a~:b~~s;edu~ ~1!~~:r~'iS~:jr~tt,r~j!~t, r~j:;:: ~~~ ~:i~.m~d~a~oo~;~~st~ ~ fu:r=d:I,- D:::a::v:'d_:H:..:_J::":,b:'.!.!::=======~ PRINTERS express the ultimate blasphemy ject, reject, reject, reject, re- ministration running the facul- -a resolution to abolish the j. • . . .. ; ty, or is the faculty running the Always Insist on the Finest in Meats and Meat Products last vestige of relevance, th~ Frats and sororities of WMC, administration? - last contact with that nebulous arise. Take heart and prepare What do we do about all this? "Ask for This publication is from reality "cut there"-the Real to defend your rights! Today Abolish the fraternity system, MYERS' World! They condemn the Is the Preparation of Tomor- the administration, the faculty? Greeks for alleged fratricide, row! This of course is ridiculous, but A Complete Line of Fresh and Smoked Meals yet fail to realize their vital Huh? What's that you say? yet the problem exists. The contribution; t hat socializing . We, the cduca.ted, should be most important step in elminat- Frankfurters and Cold Cuts experience that will best pre- ... what? . different? Try ing it must now and always will l\fade from Finest Meats pare these otherwise sheltered to change some of that by ... begin with the individual. intellectuals for identical treat- huh? . , . how? ... Say, can't Each and every person asso- WM. F. MYERS' SONS, INC. OPPORTUNITY ment in that great golden land you speak up a little, fellow? elated with the functioning of beyond, The World. Who are you? this college must ask what can Westminster, Md. For a future with a well TI8·8710 Manu- ma~~;in~O-~~I~~~ ~~ifl~~:,frd:t~~~ Jothan ~l..::do:::.,..:,:,..::a_:m:,:::m::::b.::_,_:o::._'_:th:::._:,::d_:.h========;-r=========i known Midwest We are facturing Firm. ~:~-~~~~~t!ff~~~p~~ichn~'ei~~ Wliy Allow Order Your now offering exclusive integral part of any organize- Compliments of: CREPE PAPER, distributorships f or a No ~~~':nb:;!~iP'.:?ig~a:!u~t~rd~u~~ Stagnation? GEIMAN'S FURNITURE patented product. Factory competition. ness world, for instance ... DECORATION and trained personnel will as- "He'll never make it past the To the ~ditor: PARTY GOODS sist you in setting up a personnel. office; his suit coat The time has come for, a long-I~=======::;~=======~ tried and proven adver- sleeves don't really unbutton, ~werdue change. ~~t WI]] a~JOl-,'. in tising and merchandising ~~~ ~~~~ ~~eh~.6tie2,~ap:~d a4~~ ~~~m~~~a~~o~lre;'n:!~~~ ~~~~~~;; !s ELDERSBURG Your Club .Colors program. 100% mark points over the ~lIrr~nt mtco- believe it will. Then, what Gifts for All Occasions up. Investment guaran- Minimum teed. invest- ~::~fng s~n~~:'dhe ~;:;iesm~~! f~e s:;uo;i~~;obl~m, and "" IS RADIO NORCROSS CARDS at ment $1,000. Maximum of those leather lunch pails, a To answer 'this question, one $14,000. All replies con- briefcase! . , . What a loser, has first to ask, what has ma~e RCA VICTOR P. G. COFFMAN fidential. For informa- Forget him." possible the stagnation of t;IlIS DUMONT _ EMERSON SORORITY MASCOTS tion write Director of Or the academic jungle , .. community! An administra- Fast Radio Service Company "What's he published? . , . Who tion t,hat does ~o~ .acti~ely take 185 E. Main Marketing, P. O. Box published it?-Who? , . , Is he part In the actlvltJe~, !Dterests, Hamilton House Times Bldg. 14049, St. Louis, Mis- a member of the National Asso- and development of Its students TI8-3066 souri 63178. ciation of , .. Thought not. ' . is ~ne answer, The a~minis- Eldersburg Shopping Center Westminster, Md. Where did he get his degree? ~l'abon. seems content to Sl~ ?ack 795-0210 Opposite Post Office , . ,WheJ:e? Slippery Rock?! In then' offices and participate UNITED Nothing good ever came out of MARKETING Slippery Rock. . What a loser. Fo~~eih:i~~;ial world. , . "She THE CANDY BOX ENDICOIT COMPANY JOHNSON 6828 Bartmer Avenue ~~~sp~~fcr~l, ~~c:rte ~~~r;lh~ West Main St. 848-6860 go to college-Where? , .. She Westminster St. Louis, Mo. 63130 buys her clothes ready-made, SHOE COMPANY bu,dge;t department . . , He's a OPEN AN ACCOUNT poet, . , They live on D Street Finest Homemade Candy -the,s(}1tth, side, .. What 10s- 10 W. Main Street ors. Forget them!" Salted Nuts DAVID'S JEWELLERS EXCLUSIVE Even while most students 19 East Main Street Westminster, Md. FRANCHISE ~t::S~~~li~hi;h:u~~~~~ pOrfoc!~: Mints Westminster, Maryland ~o':t~~~gus~:tonli~Wdty~~~S~f of elimination stacks of carefully II :=========',11 surfaces interior or exterior. was hacking itsl~========'!l.,========ij;:=======~ way through admi,· PAT I0 Eliminates waxing when ap_ classifiC'd applications and inter- LECKRON plied on Asphalt Tile. Vinyl, S W A,b""" vi,w notatio",. If tho Sand I'ch CarrollTheatre GULF SERVICE, Wood, and Furniture. Vin,l Hard £ion>
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