Page 8 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 8
4 The Gold Bug, Oct. 11, 1963 Revitalized Terrors Test Randolph Macon Squad Visitors Need "Luck" In Homecoming Battle WTTR AM·FM Barber Shop At The Forks The first results of the Off ~~::~~~::~::;I~=::=====S intramural football season in and it appears that the LECImON league will be more evenly bal- Westluinster anced this year than in recent GULF SERVICE Laundry years, when one team has dom- and Gamma against showing play. the Thursday's W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. Dry Cleaning inated Betes, the Bachelors, who tri- Westminster, Md. umphed 20-0, appeal' to have s.. of their strongest teams in KEEPSAKE TI8-9876 years. The Bachelors display- & Road MRS. ~!SHER ed a fine passing attack, spark- Oct. 11_ Ui ARTCARVED ed by quarterback Bob Holly- Richard Burton John Wayne wood. Robert Mitchum Diamond and Service STUDENT UNION A tine defensive effort "THE LONGEST DAY" also turned in by the Rings II;========;/ ~========~===Il=U=I=L=D=IN=G==::; Wedding White as the Gamma Open an account II were never able to get a Wed. -Sat. Oct. 16-19 at What's New in the Bookstore?? teined drive going. Sophia Loren On Wednesday Gamma Robert Wagner DAVIn'S JEWELERS LEARN TO BOX!! Chi and Delta Pi Alpha, "THE CONDEMNED 19 E. Main St. • Not new, but very sincere - our appreciation to the Student Body for their excellent cooperation during the frustrating 0-0deadlock.Much'-========::; :========= ing champions, battled to a OF ALTONA" westmtnstar BE A MASTER IN THE ART OF rushed hours of the Bookbuy. You made our busy days TRAIN_ EXPERT ing-t.hank you! credit must also be given to the ;"'" SELF-DEFENSE. CAN BE YOURS! a lot easier by your cheerful patience and understand, ER'S SECRETS Preacher defensive line, who NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED. FORM put strong pressure on G8X's Clothes Flower Fresh A CAMPUS BOXING CLUB • The latest word on textbooks _ namely, that all unsold to the publisher textbooks are being readied for return quarterback Ron Hibbard. The at the AMONG YOUR FRIENDS FOR within the next few weeks! game gave little encouragement 1. C. PENNEY CO. FUN, SELF-CONFIDENCE AND All students are strongly advised to purchase im- to the title hopes of the two REAL P H Y SIC A L FITNESS. mediately any textbooks THEY MAY BE NEEDING FOR THE BALANCE OF THE SEMESTER. teams. MODERN IDEAL 56 West Main St. COMPLETE ONE BROCIIURE AND ly no special orders will be placed for textbooks Absolute; LESSONS DOLLAR. SEND now in TO, stock - after they have been returned to the publisher. LAUNDRY NOW THREE WAYS • l\lay we add our warm "welcome home" to all returning Visit the TO SHOP PHYSICAL ARTS GYM "Old Grads"? Include your Bookstore in your "Senti- we'll be open all day for your con, mental Journey" - 363 Clinton St.reet See venienee. AVENUE MA'IT CREAMER Hempstead, Long Island, BARBERSHOP Layaway _ Cash or Charge New York THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE MacLea C34 8:30 to4:00 daily, Sats. till Noon Home Game Saturdays: until 5:00 Winslow Student Center
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