Page 7 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 7
The Gold Bug, Oct. 11, 1963 ter, by either federal or state con- This four story building will stitutions. include an animal room and It charges that the grants storage space on the ground violate the First and Fourteenth floor, mathematics rooms on the Amendments of the federal Con- first floor, biology rooms on the stitution, which deal with the second floor, and chemistry establishment of religion. They rooms on the third floor. The also are aUegedly in opposition physics department will occupy to Maryland's constitution be- the first floor of the present cause it forces the taxpayers to building. New facilities include help support a "place of worship special faculty laboratories, a and a ministry" and because the greenhouse, and a large audl- money goes "for a purpose torium.classroom with complete which is not in the support of audio-vis""ual equipment. the State of Maryland." The estimated cost of this Edgar Fuller, chairman of program is $3,645,000 and at th_eL~ague's Committee on Con- the present there are no definite sb.tubonal La",:" announced the plans for fund-raising projects. filing of the suit, at a press con- co~~:;:troo~n~/oaltt~~ t~: r;i~~ ~:~~~~:dt~~,: ~tc,~~r~~::y ~: job is to be done,'.' stated Dr. tn: ;~~~~;~m~~~rt~~e~r~~r t~~ ~~~~r at the openmg- convoca- make them national in effect., welcome home, Alumni; Old grads never die .. , They just keep reappearing. _Gemini AND LIVES AND BREATHES ••• Progress takes many shapes in the Bell System. And among AVENUE TAILOR the shapers are young men, not unlike yourself, impatient to make things happen for their companies and themselves. CLEANERS There are few places where such restlessness is more wel- Alterations and Repairs comed or rewarded than in the fast-growing phone business. Suits Made to Order 46 Vz Penna. Ave. Bell Telephone Companies TI 8-4922 Westminster, Md.
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